FD — shorthand for deliberate inefficiency (close to zero efficiency) and wasting time, as a protest.
FD is the equivalent of screaming and kicking, and breaking things.
FD is the thing that drove me crazy about 3 times — Christmas 2015; Before P2 Chinese exam;..
FD can mess up plans for the family and cause serious pain and real loss.
Cause of FD? Usually a super high target/consequence.
Solution: babysit (huge tcost). Usually can improve his efficiency. Forget about ownership temporarily.
Solution: give up the target/consequence. As soon as we notice serious feet dragging, we need to prepare to let go and contain the fallout.
Sugg: no TV if not done by an AGREED deadline. Key is buy-in
Sugg: music, aircon…
Symptom of FD: work for 1 minute and loaf for x minutes. I think we need to accept it. Recognize when he is able to concentrate for 5 minutes.
Symptom: distractions. Embrace it. See https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/2017/01/07/distractions-during-babysitself-study/