See also
My post on roller coaster set up a framework, albeit for academic studies — Abilities + Effort. Repetition practice is a major form of effort. Many kids at age 8 can take up mindful weekly practices (not mindless repetition). Lots of physical skills require it, such as swimming, handwriting and piano. Some academic subjects require it too.
— pingpong
Grandma and I saw a 9 year old girl taking individual pingpong lesson from a professional coach. The girl repeats hundreds of times the same action within 5 minutes. I asked the coach about interest. Coach said the girl didn’t resist the (high) intensity.
— swim
Serious swimmers at secondary school level (not sure about P2) need to swim a few km each session. Look at his attitude when we asked him to pay attention to his freestyle action. Qiu Yi said he didn’t put in the effort.
— piano
Alex said within one hour some students at this same level can complete the same piece 200+ times but Yixin could do 3 times. Given the heavy academic workload, Alex said the only way to get more practice is (significant) increase in efficiency.
Looking at Yixin, Alex felt he may not be the personality to enjoy focused, high-intensity, fast-pace practices. Even if we can force him to do it, what about Grade 4 and 5? I feel it can be boring.
— handwriting speed-up
Less negotiable than the extra-curriculum . Therefore teacher basically imposed it on and pushed to his limit of green zone. So far he was cooperating. 厌学? Not enjoyable, just like the other domains, but required by the national education system. Basically, most kids must and can do it. Some struggle to cope — Look at Raymond’s son.
— xiezi
Biggest “weakness” in his academic benchmark profile. Lan Qing said “a bit late”. Mr Cheng said 很多会说的字但是不会写,这种情况很常见,只能通过多做练习来加深记忆.
— Chinese compo (my own experience)
I hated and feared this thing for years until I took up the challenge and became confident.