If I want the EAE too much, it could affect my bonding with boy.
Circle of concern .. he now knows the value of EAE but it’s up to him to motive himself.
EAE typically gives out 20% of the seats. (30% for NYP IT)
Whoever meets the criteria is offered an EAE seat. The quota is officially not a limiting factor, but if a large number of students meet the criteria, then schools would need ration.
The earlier you prepare for the EAE, the better your chances.
— Passion vs achievement
Student need to articulate his passion. Need to be expressive and sell himself.
The 1000-char write-up is about achievement. It is optional, but not really for IT courses. Most IT applicants need a portfolio to show 1) passion and 2) achievement. Fundamentally, porfolio is more about passion less about talent.
Technical education is boring, dry, tough, demands effort and littered with “failure points”. When evaluating an applicant, based on experience a school would worry about 1)commitment, motivation, give-up after setbacks,,, and 2)insufficient capability despite motivation. At this age, and among O-level express students (as compared to N-level or ITE students), most failures occur becuase of motivation, not capability. From the school’s perspective, Capability risk is effectively insured by the “O-level minimum”.
— IT EAE portfolio
Portfolio ideas
- small utility programs
- online or classroom IT courses .. show certificates
- competitions