k_Kahneman k_def_of_success
See also
Executive summary of a paradox
- 碌碌无为 can imply laziness i.e. failingZ. This is a real concern to me (and many people around me), requires active intervention.
- 碌碌无为 most often means failingL, but this is a non-issue to me, at this stage. 99.9% of us are actually 碌碌无为. YY.T agreed with me on successL
- 碌碌无为 , but with successE and successZ .. is pretty good, even admirable!
Influenced by my dad, I often feel 一事无成, 碌碌无为, 胸无大志 in terms of successL[lasting achievement]. However, under scrutiny, most of the role models are also 一事无成, as measured against successL. See list below.
- your tech innovations .. (even patented inventions) most of those in my domain suffer tech churn, in the ruthless march@technology. Similar situations:
- .. innovative financial products, financial services
- .. marketing innovations
- your math discoveries.. tend to last generations and bear the mathematicians’ names. Math is the extreme case in terms of long-lasting legacy
- your literary works .. mostly get forgotten in a sea of similar publications, after waves and waves of new publications. I think electronic publications, often in video or game formats are crowding out the traditional literary (print) publications.
- if you build a company .. then how long can it last? Biggest lasting impact would be job creation.
- if you build either a publisher, a broadcast platform, a social media network, or an advertising network (Goog, FB, Baidu etc) then what innovations do you create? The more digital, the worse you will feel in terms of competition, shelf-life and lasting value.
- OC-effective guys .. are 一事无成 by default
Now I think 碌碌无为 mostly refers to successL and successC.
— xpSelf ^ rmSelf… The rmSelf’s life evaluation is usually 碌碌无为 , based on exclub (peer benchmark), but I think such an evaluation ignores the xpSelf. The xpSelf can experience a boring, uneventful decade, which is not easily achieved and requires lots of karma + non-trivial effort.
I really want to celebrate uneventful 碌碌无为 lives. Many parents want the same for their kids when they say “I just want him/her (xpSelf) to be happy” rather than “great”.
— My Shiyan + WallSt peers may point out that my evidence of personal success (re letter to wife) is a glorification of mediocrity, 胸无大志, in comparison with the semi-highflyers in terms of successC [income, brank]. I reject those yardsticks. My “personal success” was based on other yardsticks such as successE and successZ [自强不息 self-improvement]
- How about ERE author Jacob?
- How about Rong.Zhu?
- How about XingHe vs WQ.Luo
How about an average general practitioner (or a board-certified lawyer/accountant/engineer) of my age? Mediocre, 胸无大志,,, but the Chinese conventional wisdom regards him as somehow more success than me .. why? Largely because of income exclub i.e. successC.
— battery .. is related to 碌碌无为 because successL requires accumulation.
— Q: is it shameful (for me or my kids) to end up 碌碌无为 but stays frugal and healthy, take care of the body given by our parents, enjoy a relatively uneventful life (at least for the 2nd half)? Is this successZ?
I guess my wife’s cousin Zheng might be one example. I guess his parents wanted it this way and had no regrets. Ditto my parents.
Such a life meets my successE criteria, iFF you can achieve it. I think this life is not easy to achieve, esp. “healty” and “uneventful”. Every life is /punctuated/ with tragedies, swans+missteps, wasted potentials, unfair treatments,,,,