only need2provide Good-Enough env4kids

I don’t need to spend dozens of weekends with son just to “cultivate” learning interest. It failed completely.

I don’t need to compare how much financial resources other parents throw on their kids. I only need to provide a “good enough” nurturing and conducive environment. I think grandpa and German would both agree.

Within this “good enough” environment, how academic they become is up to them — their interest, their absorbency, their self-discipline etc. Grandpa and I were both academic types.

exam-prep^fun learning(sites++) #math++

Hypothesis: to boy, MRT is a big fancy maze, maps are toys, ikea is a big toy,,,

Therefore, some math problems might be better delivered via online play-learn, but I would need to find those websites. ROTI? May not be effective. Need to avoid zsms

Khan academy?

I guess these websites presumably focus on interests and curiosity (intrinsic motivations), not exams (an extrinsic motivation). I think even Grade 5 exams in SG require much heavier tedious practice.

Even with the most entertaining teacher, many kids at my son’s age would want to play electronic games after 15 minutes. Here i’m talking about exam-lite classes. With exam-prep classes, the pace is much faster. Kids soon lose absorbency.

“Learning is fun” — yes if all the stars are aligned. highly questionable marketing soundbyte. In most cases esp. for 11-year olds, learning requires EFFORT like the flight-controller in a missile.

— look at the bookstores in Singapore like Popular.

On math or any other topic including math, there are fun learning books vs exam prep books. The authors try to make the exam prep less boring, but still very boring and tedious.

— My quant learning experience:

I studied many quant topics on my own, at my own pace, driven by (intrinsic/extrinsic) motives, but that pace is too slow to pass any exam. Exams preparation require a lot of /effort/, practice and faster pace. Not fun at all

IB school for boy

Earmark 30k/Y tuition.

If I lose my MLP job, I have 3M of compensation but I would need to immediately start the U.S. relocation. Boy would have little choice but move to U.S.

— return to public schools

Once he leaves the public school system, he can re-enter by joining a lower grade! See 12M-delay(!!repeat)in SG public school

— benefit: commute possibly shorter

long commute for boy@@

— benefit: less academic studies, less drill, more CCA like programming

More time for learning through doing — programming, investment,,,

Posted in

flight2BGC: high cost@micro-managing boy’s study

2019 Scenario: on flight to Manila, I just did some QQ or coding drill and can continue but i noticed boy had been watching TV for a few hours, so I told myself Let’s take a break and help boy with some math practice. There are multiple problems with this line of thinking.

* the hours on flight are really precious. After the flight, I often remember the productivity level for a long time. This long-term memory has a deeper impact on my self-image and self-assessment than weekend productivity. It has even higher impact than commute productivity. Self-assessment is crucial.

* my ROTI is actually very, very, very low. The real progress would come from within not from parents. There’s a deep-rooted cultural bias that parents ought to keep spending more and more hours with kids (like Raymond), and should never give up on the kids. It ignores the ROTI and opportunity cost of parent’s time.

* on flight, boy was not in the mood to study. Again, I tend to brush it aside and feel (with determination and persistence) the obligation to change his habit . It becomes a confrontation and a struggle. Now I think this form of insistent control is too costly as it drains a parent’s time and emotional energy. We should NOT ignore these costs.

U.S.GPA=more humane than统一考试

别人的孩子轻轻松松考到 250 分, 我家孩子怎么也到不了 220 分。。。

全国统一考试 造成这种严重误区。 在美国很多家长 (我猜测非亚裔) 坚决反对全州范围统一考试。 美国各小学各中学每年自主出题。 有的很难有的不太难,两校学生分数不可比。 对大器晚成的学生更人道, 更仁慈, 更耐心。

academicEdu4manager^technical careers#Kyle+JackZ

Kyle pointed out that for most professions, theoretical education doesn’t matter. He singled out financial engineering (he did in Columbia) as one rare profession. I echoed that software engineering profession only requires high school or possibly 1 year of college. You can learn the rest on the job.

Kyle then pointed out that in a financial firm, the managers aren’t academic types. They don’t need academic credentials. They compete on other fronts to get promoted.

Then Kyle pointed out in financial tech, even for the technically strong contributors , academic education is not that relevant. You just need to work hard and like the technical job including the localSys learning. Statistically, the tech guys probably did well academically, but the causal relationship is unknown:

  • I think the cause is capacity (including absorbency), diligence,,
  • Result 1 is academic performance, if motivated…
  • Result 2 is technical competence on the job

Uni education seen as life-enhanc`treatment #Kyle

I told Kyle about the Taiwan graduate over-population (and low salary). Kyle said Korean might be similar.

Then I speculated/hypothesized that..

even though there’s probably too much money and time spent in colleges, without sufficient economic ROI, parents and students feel justified because they see the college education as life-enhancing “treatments” like the serum injection for Captain America.

耐得住寂寞,也是天分 #absorbency for students

我们一直说大宝有点小聪明, 比如数学, 钢琴, 科学 …几个方面, 理解领悟速度超过我们期望值. 比起同龄人就不知道了.

我很早就提出, 耐得住寂寞, 也是天分. 例如钢琴, 有的孩子学的慢, 但不怕重复练习, 迟早会赶超不愿练习的学生.

数学也类似. 我对数学从来都没多大兴趣, 但不介意重复练习, 挑战自己.

综合来看, 大宝的学习能力目前是中等, 因为他与同龄学生相比 缺乏上进, 不求甚解, 耐不住寂寞, 承受练习的耐力较低.

妹妹耐得住寂寞,能钻研. 是我用英文写的另一篇日记.