[20]random list@ Protection + reinforcer #early plann

Note this blogpost is an extension of Shields@family_livelihood , going beyond livelihood. See also

The range of threats, hazards …. is limitless. Missteps and swans are two of many types. At any time, our mind can only focus on a handful. Inevitably, many dangers fall under our radar, because it’s impossible to monitor 33 threats.

The focus on the word “protection” is likely to uncover some threats I perceive semi-consciously or sub-consciously.

  • [b] early planning as a protection — the earlier the better
  • [bc] [B $] my hand-picked bx — shields. Pr(payout) is rather low 🙁
  • Buddhism mentality can be a protection — a bit more reading
  • [b] sound education environment for kids — protects against .. parents’ worries
  • [bj] UChicago branding — helps me get noticed in some competitive selections.
  • [j] English skill — protects against job market competition from overseas newcomers. It is an essential skill in the U.S. when seeking help or defending my family. In Singapore, Chinese can be a competitive advantage.
  • — G5 heavy-duty protections, elaborated in Shields@family livelihood
  • SG citizenship
  • wellness
  • cashflow
  • tech career longevity
  • stable marriage
  • — trivial but interesting protections
  • printer is a protection due to therapeutic blogg
  • vim as a universal reliable alternative text editor, if we can’t easily transfer files into windows for editing
  • [j=threat of job loss or job pain]
  • [b=branks… see Shields@family livelihood ]
  • [c=cash flow stress or distress]

— the shields help protect and strengthen each other..

  • career longevity … provides long streams of income
  • health and and healthy habits … are instrumental to career longevity
  • my strong marriage .. protects my health
  • Sg … the tiny red dot provides protection to my assets, my family, and even help protect career longevity
  • brbr .. (conserver lifestyle) helps build my nest egg
  • my nest egg … center of “graph” … can buy wellness services, learning opportunities to prolong my career

— On 28 Feb 2024, Frank.Fu lost his job while I received a huge bonus payout, and immiediately computed my YoY asset growth (annual snap),,, I wonder what are the truly important shields that protect my livelihood high ground relative to the wider population

* wellness habits, wellness conditions… in the family is the most valuable…

Almost all other shileds are are (indirect) cashflow shields.
* in-demand profile on finDev market .. my skills are still relevant, but my age is a growing concern.
* burn rate control .. many have pointed out my strength and my advantage in this particular skill
* cpfLife compared to U.S. SSA payout
* HDB value and rental demand … not really dependable but better than other rental incomes

— a random list of specific action items to reinforce, strengthen, broaden the protections.

See also random ffree-derailers#resilience measure in the tanbinvest blog. By contrast, today’s list features short-term, hopefully specific, action items. Some are part of long-term plans even though the action items will be on and off. Also, let’s avoid items that don’t really “reinforce” anything.

  • [v=vague]
  • improve vocab for career, legal, parenting,,,
  • maintain and expand vocab for analytical or therapeutic blogg capabilities
  • learn DIY home improvement/repair
  • piano — learn some pop songs that I can play and sing.
  • legal knowledge, esp. in the U.S. context
  • online influencing .. digital marketing (as an alternative career/income) is one aspect. You can also use this skillset to influence opinions or increase awareness (“spread the words”).
  • — family and kids
  • [v] strengthen the marriage to provide a /harbor/ for raising healthy, resilient kids
  • [v] more “investment” in family, more energy, not necessarily more time
  • [v] more quality time with kids to strengthen the bond
  • encourage kids to learn more music
  • more self-analysis (blogging beats discussions) to understand my parenting struggles
  • — wellness
  • make time for wellness, esp. research and experiments
  • morning exercise — try more
  • more basketball sessions
  • more jump-rope sessions
  • increase weekly exercise frequency from 1 to 2. If not possible, then implement multiple mini exercises within a day.
  • consider exercise classes again
  • — pff
  • ctbz on brbr.. My capacity to further drive down burn rate will be needed again and again in my lifetime.
  • reduce time spent on those small investments for fun, to make time for higher priorities. The nonwork income generated is too low to provide meaningful protection. Reduction can strengthen the shield by freeing up more time and “bandwidth” for more meaningful protections.
  • — career
  • improve tool knowledge for GTD
  • refresh for IV muscle building. Refresh beats learning new stuff.

Christopher Reeve



See also https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/45310/blogg-topic-prefer-well-published-stories/

Q: If you were Robin Williams or a family member, would you prefer your friend to BB) die a quick, painless death soon after the accident, or AA) live the 10Y longer life that Reeve lived?

For many outsiders, we would choose BB… A short but glorious life like the NUS professor Lee Loo Hay. As Kahneman pointed out, PeakEndRule and DurationNeglect.

For Reeve’s children who were born before the accident, and his wife, the choice is clear. Kids need the father.

If I am the parent of a victim like Reeve, I would prefer AA unless my son is stuck in a comma. I would cheer him up (just as Robin did) and encourage his fighting spirit. For a fighter, there’s nothing to loose, and there’s so much to gain. The pain and suffering will subside over time, as Buddha observed.

Clearly, Reeve himself preferred AA. He fought for years to live longer, after he came to terms with this chronic condition.

— U-index .. (defined in this bpost) His U-index was probably no worse than ordinary people. This U-index is hard to comprehend because we outsiders always compare.. compare such a “limited” life with our normal lives. However, Reeve probably doesn’t live in that comparison. The comparison with his own past was probably not a constant backdrop. He had jobs to do, including parenting, film production, writing.

If you stay busy and focused on goals, then you probably end up comparing less. I assume those comparisons have a net negative impact on xpSelf’s wellbeing, and rmSelf’s wellbeing.

— side question: Is the disaster a white swan or a misstep? Not exclusively, but a combination.

My prediction — the more we perceive it as our own misstep, the less we attribute it to back luck or other people’s mistakes, the earlier we would come to terms with it, and take responsibility to rebuild our life.


中年男士40-50压力最高@@ #w1r1


压力最高是 2008-2009 高盛阶段。最近几年 (2017 年以来)逐步降低。

[w=related to widespread wrong priorities, such as mindless luxury spend driven by blind FOMO, or mindless fixation on brank]

  1. 健康? 有的中年男士出现状况, 我只是胆固醇稍高
    1. [w] 没时间运动和睡眠? 我有时间
    2. [w] 饮食失控?
    3. 失眠?我没有
  2. [R] 上有老下有小需要照顾? (Singaporeans talk about the sandwich generation.) 只有大宝这小子叫我操心. Much better after PSLE.
  3. marriage? no major threats or fault lines
  4. [Rw] 房奴? 只贷款了两年。(其实根本不用贷款。公积金利息比贷款高, 不想动用公积金所以才贷款。)
  5. [w] 入不敷出? 不工作我一家都够花
  6. 工作职责,任务,压力? 有的中年男士40多爬到个人事业巅峰,可能责任重大,指挥千军万马。 我没这压力。
  7. FOLB, as hinted in the RoyalSociety talk [[Life Starts at 40]]
  8. 移民? 的确是许多中年男士头上一座大山。 移民牵扯到购房、医保 、语言障碍、适应气候、歧视、重建人脉、就学、就业、 甚至被迫转行。 有的蹲移民监不敢回国(怕再进不来)连家人送葬都赶不上。
  9. [R] 投资重挫,一蹶不振?Strategic misstep? 我也亏过, 但没损失个人净资产的 1% 所以没啥压力。
  10. [w] 架空? 有的中年男士薪水或职位太高,公司可以提拔30多岁年轻人“取而代之”。 就算没有迹象,也令当事人忧心忡忡,战战兢兢,捕风捉影地疑神疑鬼。 我不担这心。

— [R] See also may (mail) long chat with R.Teo

— I think the “中年男士压力最高” notion is not supported by enough data .. See [[lifespan dev]]. However, there is enough anecdotal evidence to convince most observers that indeed many 40-59 men suffer multiple stressors.

Similar to the wealth gap (income gap, education gap…), this is a kind of “mental health gap”.

reliable Shields@@ (finHealth^health)habits


Context .. the G5 shields on family livelihood
See also .. health is wealth , how to accumulate wellness and WellnessCanBeOverrated

My personal control on family burn rate may not be very effective in X years when our expenses escalate, but at the moment, it is more reliable (albeit less valuable) than my wellness “shield” including my habits and current wellness condition.

In terms of adversities (hazards, swants/missteps,,,,), both HH) health and FF) financial adversities happen to more than 50% of all families. Occurrence is generally beyond our control, despite our preventive measures.

In general, the “victim” has more resources dealing with FF than HH:

  • HH is more often a physical adversity while FF is more of a social issue. Therefore other people (including organizations with resources) can more effectively help the victim of FF than HH.
  • For a victim of HH (everyone suffering ill health), at least in the developed world, the most critical help usually is, rather than financial resources, some medical expertise, the patient’s immunity, energy, fighting spirit,,, Donald Trump’s covid19 treatment was the very best but he probably relied on his own immunity.
  • What if, in a rich or poor country, a HH victim actually needs financial resources? I think this is very common.  There may be no effective cure for the health condition, but financial resources can significantly improve the quality of her life.

On some bposts, I listed and analyzed many financial adversities. These adversities usually hit numerous individuals, often individuals stuck on “cash-flow low ground”. Always, some percentage of the victims would survive. I can imagine that I am likely among the survivors.

In contrast, if a health adversity happens to someone in my family, there’s less control, less effective intervention available.

Wellness habits interact with defective genes (present in each of us), healthcare infrastructure, fate ,,, to determine an individual’s DALYs. For example, some smokers and drinkers outlive their healthy counterparts.

— God and karma have a more dominant role in the HH domain than the FF domain. Therefore, I want to do more good deeds, for my kids and grandchildren.
— accumulating protection .. As I said in bposts health is wealth and  “hard_to_accumulate” …. You can’t accumulate health and pass it on to next generation or donate it. For self-use, health can’t be preserved or invested for growth.

##layers@ buffer|alternative|batt ⇒security

k_tectonic ,,, k_office_sanctuary

See also spare time as slack resource + [20]random list@ Protection+reinforcer #early planning

This blog is /fairly good/ at focus — focus on 1) buffers or 2) alternatives or 3 batteries

Multiple layers of cushion/buffer/slack-resource … always give me a deep sense of enhanced security. I’m very sensitive to this kinda thing. I feel our life is a small dugout canoe in the high seas, battered by the high waves… soooo many storms, perils, blows, threats, dangers,

Defining example of buffer — the past reserves can tide over the SG economy and buy time, but this buffer can be depleted. Therefore, the current term of government must use the past reserves in a sustainable way, not to consume the fruits of the previous generations and leave a reduced reserve for future generations.

Note on optimism — layers of buffer sounds defensive and pessimistic, but is optimistic at a fundamental level. If you don’t believe in the buffers, why would you bother to build them?

I wish the list below can be more focused on a specific theme. On the other hand wide-ranging is kinda good.

  • [b] strong family — protection for every family member
  • [b] social support network … beyond family-n-friends
  • [bt] UChicago brand creates a protective buffer over my self-esteem
  • ——– wellness (including mental) protector
  • A [b] plenty of spare time for workout and rest, rather than fully stretched .. to protect against spare time “resource” depletion
    • A [b] plenty of paid leaves to protect against depletion of “slack resource” such as spare time
  • [b] office — (even MRT) as a harbor with wifi for my laptop … is an invaluable alternative venue when home becomes too “hot” with tension and distress.
  • [d] EAP counsellors, Cigna-accepted psychologist, even trusted friends like Raymond … as “redundant support network”, to help me deal with various challenges. Note SG offers more social support than other countries.
  • [b] early rise — good for wellness, but under stress I tend to “eat into this buffer” i.e. slowly delay early rise
  • AAA+ [b] #1 eg: low BMI / cholesterol / blood pressure; pull up + fitness …. to protect against wellness “hazards”.
  • AAA [b] high fruit/veg, low fat/starch diet …. to prepare for stress binge
  • AA [b] on belly, low visible fat to protect against (almost inevitable) bulging
  • [b] light body weight relative to my strength, as shown in my pull-up and curl-up
  • ——— alternative gz (+ school) choices
  • [d] teaching and research as an alternative career, thanks to my branded master’s degree
  • A [dt] internet and finDev as two alternative job markets
  • AA [dt] SG and U.S. as two alternative job markets
  • A [dt] c++ in addition to java; jxee in addition to coreJava to provide many times more job opportunities
  • A [d] SG, U.S. and Australia schools for my kids. Many would see them as viable alternatives.
  • See also my “juice meetup” email to Ash.S
  • Ash.S suggestion: Consider small firms .. I agree that either in Singapore or the U.S. small firms are less selective, and less strict in hiring.
  • Ash.S suggestion: Consider quant dev .. I hear you that quant dev roles are possibly growing in Singapore job market. This could become a promising green field for my next job search. I’m good at math, with a branded qualification.
  • My intern’s suggestion: Once I reach a high salary, and have enough of the associated stress + responsibility + expectations, I can hope to find a slow-pace semi-retirement job, at a lower pay like 120k ~ 180k..
  • ——– career buffers
  • [bt] plenty of coding drill and QQ accumulated over the years, fully digested in my own words in blog and github. If there’s a decline in my learning, this visible, measurable built-up buffer would be valuable. Remember the aging Batman in the Bane movie — he relied on his past training to rebuild strengths.
  • [b] sustained traction and engagement (at least neutral attitude) on tech xx. See reliability @ effort^talent. If there’s a decline in my level of engagement, I think it will not drop to zero. I can feel an invisible buffer therein.
  • ——– personal technology++
  • multiple browser brands
  • [bd] multiple low-cost laptops for coding drill and git blogging. In crunch time, I need this backup support.
  • [b] diskHog/landGrab files to be released when I run out of disk space
  • [b] simple smart phones. Don’t get addicted and dependent on the newer smart phone features
  • [b] low-cost commercial VPN, gDrive, wpress… can help reduce stress (via buffering)
  • buy cheap but reliable furniture and gadgets to reduce stress
    • [b] have spares, thanks to the low cost
  • ——— cash flow planning is my strongest hand, so let’s avoid the obvious or the familiar
  • When I reduce my family BR, I feel my buffer/cushion growing
  • [bt] bx: hospitalization cash payout as additional buffer
  • AAA [b] wife able to make a living; sister able and willing to help support my kids if something happens to me
  • [d] MYS and China as additional/alternative retirement destinations, if SG becomes difficult
  • [d] currency diversification — USD assets, SGD assets, RMB assets
  • [AAA etc = reliability rating of the buffer/shield] See locus@control:current carefree high ground mostly due2%%effort
  • [b = buffer. I like the imagery of energy-absorbing buffer stop. They absorb impacts from unexpected adversities and buys me TIME.]
  • [d = diversification … to put my eggs into multiple baskets]
  • [t = battery of accumulation]

— defense ^ protection ^ shield ^ buffer ^ ^^

“Defense” and “protection” are more proactive, more adaptive, while “shield” and “buffer” are more passive and static. A defense/protection may not have any physical form — it can be an attitude, a psychological preparation.

buffer .. even more static than a shield.

alternative .. often an effective “defense” (not a shield).

battery .. less clear. Definitely a form of defense. Not a static shield.

Note that a buffer, shield, and esp. a battery all require periodic /reinforcement/, therefore never “100%” static.

##..is_fragile: job security, harmony,

The compliance issue reminds me … job security is fragile

“Life is fragile” .. a common phrase, _always_ used in specific contexts. I think Buddhism has a lot to say about it and about impermanence.

Q: Do I feel XX) 幸福 or KK) 快乐 about each item below?
A: fragility usually implies temporary happiness (KK), but see below.

— job security .. (at a particular employer like MLP) can be fragile esp. if it feels like a very stable job. See preClearance misstep #Zeng. Job security is the #1 fragility on my mind. Paradoxically, I still feel XX about my current job.

In contrast, my /adopted strategy/ of dev-till70 is less dependent on a particular employer… slightly less fragile.

— carefree ez life .. More /loosely/, my sense of carefree, my easy life.. is quite temporary and fragile, but I feel XX.
The most tangible part of my carefree ez life is my barebones ffree. See ##random derailers@ffree #resilience. Fragile, but I feel XX.
— a kid’s perception of acceptance/belonging, self-esteem .. can be fragile during a certain phase
— family harmony .. should not be fragile but I often feel it is fragile. I feel KK.
— the precious trust and open communication with my teenage son
— wellness .. is fundamentally fragile, but luckily we are fundamentally aware. I feel XX.
sexual vitality .. fragile, but kind of non-essential in old age. I feel KK
chin-up .. my current condition is fragile. I feel KK
good sleep .. fragile, but I feel XX
BMI .. fragile, but I feel XX
— SG .. national livelihood, racial harmony, even security .. can be /vulnerable/, though many Singaporeans actually choose to retire in SG. Fragile but I feel XX.
In contrast, big economies like U.S. and China are seen as less fragile, but I say it’s very loose, imprecise, uncritical thinking.

==== Now some counter examples that aren’t so “surprisingly fragile”.
— burn rate for basic livelihood .. (jolt) fairly secure in my view. See livelihood[def2] x-class #S.Liu. I feel XX.
— wealth preservation .. ( till my passing, not for my posterity)
Jolt: If we avoid and contain strategic missteps, then the (external) hazards do not loom so large in my mind at this stage. These hazards hit everyone and are widely studied and monitored. Most of them are actually financial rather than physical hazards.

#1 defense in {wellness|PFF|||}

In this blogpost, I have a preference for unconventional, innovative views. They are more likely to offer some insight and lasting value.

— In wellness, my biggest cushion/buffer is .. BMI
But I would also point out my lifelong habits in diet, workout…
— in terms of physical mobility, my biggest defense is .. stretching practice for life
— in weight management, my biggest defense is .. timing + portion control
— I have a good appetite. The biggest defense is .. raw veg
— for my hypertension risk, the biggest hazard seems to be … emotional distress
— to prevent lost access to wechat account (important data) … the single most important thing to remember is the mobileNum xxxx5241
— for my career longevity, the biggest shield is … tech-xx absorbency for body-building contest.
Tech xx requires wellness
— risk of job loss, biggest prevention is …. company budget.
In many cases, my tech IV competence is a far more effective cushion, but here question is the Prevention of job loss.
— for my self-esteem on any job, biggest stress-protection for PIP is … my therapeutic blogging as self-help? In this answer, I accept the risk of PIP as a fact of life.

My friend Shou might say “aim to scratch some itch of the manager” but I have never been good at that.
— For the upbringing of my kids, biggest pillar and protection is … strong, lasting marriage built on health!
— for the heavy burden of college funding, first relief is … my kids won’t qualify for expensive colleges
— In family cashflow, analysis is easy. Our biggest protection is … my and wife’s career longevity.
This protection is more effective, more reliable than any government. One reason — government will not give priority to my family among thousands if there’s a pandemic, financial disaster etc.

Most of the disasters I can think of are much more than financial
— for any property investment, biggest cushion is … rental yield (see blogpost on weather-proof: rentalYield^windfall), which depends on location, purchase timing etc.

Warning — rental yield doesn’t apply so well to a home I buy for self-use so it is easy to trivialize rental yield.
— for credit risk in my investments (often risky), arguably the best alternative (as a defense) is CPF or gold. Note USD would drop if US government hits a default event.
— for retirement destination, best alternative (as a protection) is MYS
— for reliable retirement income, the fountainhead is CPF-life supported by SG economy managed by the PAP government.

##cancer++: persistent stressors,relieves #citizenship+optimism


k_tectonic … k_quietime

See also

Cancer[+stroke,heart diseases…] is one the most realistic threats to longevity. In my case, the #1 manageable factor may not be diet, sleep,,, but chronic stress.

I think anxieties and worries are different forms of stress. Anger is a growing form of stress. Anger often comes with loss of control.

Medical literature often mention short-term stress, like fight-or-flight. Short term stress is not so harmful. Chronic stress is. I will list the /true/ persistent stressors — where I have suffered real, heavy blows, over extended periods of my life.

  • 1. PIP; damaged goods; bonus stigma
  • .. frustration at work
  • 2. kids /developmental/ issues. Academic benchmark problems are usually tip of an iceberg.
  • .. subsided after the bloody psle

Strangely, I didn’t feel hit really long and hard by worries about cholesterol, exclub,,,

— Are these items below cancer-stress sources?

  • hazardous accidents like criminal charge, investment woes,,, # not persistent not carcinogenic
  • job hunting when on the bench — carcinogenic stress for many peers, but not for me.
  • job insecurity — Remember the /relentless stress/ on millions of Singapore workers during covid19 — carcinogenic stress for many peers, but not for me. Mental health became widespread concern.
  • Green Card issues
  • FOMO i.e. left-behind by (wrong) “peers” # a disappointment but no longer an anxiety
  • transient-recurring anxiety due to disruption to my digital dependencies: laptop/gmail/wpress//

— In terms of cancer-stress relieveS and protectionS, virtually everything valuble address livelihood

  • G3: arguably My #1 relief is my cashflow high ground
  • G3: my wellness habits and blessings
  • G3: my IV body-building for WallSt contract market
  • G5: favor contract jobs and avoid bonus-driven, performance-driven teams. My dev70, the envy of my peers, is built on the WallSt contract market
  • G7: my SG citizenship — providing long-term and deep confidence
  • G7: therapeutic blogging, self-healing, demanding lots of quietime. I need to be gentle and forgiving on my tendency for overthink.
  • G9: resilience, unsophisticated optimism — I have shown some over the years.
  • G22: listening friends including grandpa
  • G9: See also ## layers@buffer⇒security #annual leave