How the hell do U judge it’s a win or a loss

I told Bindi the Cigna counselor about my nightly battles with temptation and the out-of-control appetite …

Q: how do I tell if I had a win or a loss?
%%A: My rule is “no eating without strong appetite”. Roughly, if I felt some legitimate hunger when I started eating, then it was a win.

Legitimate .. The judgement is extremely non-objective, biased.

Case study: Tonight ( before the call to Cigna) I came home not feeling hungry. But I had very little food since I woke up. When I saw the food in kitchen I felt the appetite. Is that legit? I immediately rejected it, but on what ground? I guess I was still comparing to 2018.

eg: If at 11pm I decide to work on my resume, or tech xx, and feel a “hunger”, then it’s not a lost battle !?

Now I think this battle may not be that important, but I won’t give up.

preemptive fill #end@supper #w1r2

See fullness^availability^stress: hunger #late-night for the framework

In the last 2 years I have experimented with the “preemptive-fill” technique, where I pre-emptively eat an amount of low-calorie, high-fiber foods, even when I feel no temptation and no hunger signal. I do this to fend off an anticipated temptation, similar to soldiers fortifying their defenses in anticipation.

These preemptive techniques are ineffective because they operate on the physical level, but the physical condition is a minor factor compared to availability and stress.

— Example E: When I reach home in the evening, and notice attractive food on the table, I immediately eat a big cucumber, banana, or a smoothie as preemptive fill.

I would say even if I were to eat lots of bananas, oranges, peaches, persimmons, mangos,,, 7 pieces in total, I would still feel the craving for the enticing starchy/oily foods. Fortunately, the craving and the portion size would be reduced by the huge quantity of raw foods. So in theory, this technique may reduce my overall calorie intake, and may improve my BMI, IFF with sufficient quantity of raw foods. In reality, did it ever work?

In Eg E, there is still a benefit to my technique. Without the preemptive fill using carrots, I would NOT eat so much carrot for my dinner. In other words, I know carrots are good for me, and I found the best time to eat it was before or at the start of the big dinner.

The best thing I hope to achieve in the Example E context, is zero intake, not raw veg, not milk, nothing whatsoever. This is nearly impossible in the face of temptations. Sometimes I can achieve it. Other times I put up a good fight.

— backfire — I have noticed a side effect of the preemptive fill. The preemptive fill can have a strange but real appetizing 开胃 effect, so my psychophysiological system often gets “primed”,  becomes more open, more hungry, more vulnerable to the temptations. Therefore, this side-effect is a backfire.

— end battle (“endgame”? No) — Towards the end of late night supper, eating comfort foods, it’s good to bring in a bit of raw veg as fill, which does help. Don’t overdo it. If the end of supper is “too healthy”, not satisfying, then my “system” would seek compensation with another round of satisfying foods, usually fatty/starchy.

Another twist — the raw foods at the later part of a supper are not satisfying, but they are likely to reduce morning hunger and help me postpone first meal (remember postpone first and last meals)

supper floodgate

Tip: Better end your planned supper with lots of comfort foods, rather than raw veg. I used to have lots of raw veg towards the end, hoping to fill up my stomach, but actually the stomach is impossible to fill up, and the unsatisfying raw food demanded /compensation/ in the form of comfort foods.

Q: Why do I end my supper with lots of energy dense comfort foods including starch, but I didn’t feel the same craving in the beginning?
A: I guess the floodgate was opened and hard to close.

eg@宝山battle over supper #w1r1

Update: the big struggle is a sufficient and probably necessary post-condition for meal delay.


Fri 17 Apr 2021, compared to previous 2 days I ate more in office including small amount of claypot rice + congee [1]. I did so partly to reduce the “prolonged separation intensifying attraction” impact but now in hindsight, I’m only 51% sure that there was any reduction.
[1] I probably overestimated the starch intake, and felt too much self-hate.

I came home feeling no hunger, no serious temptation even when I saw the unexpected enticing foods in kitchen. Now in hindsight I know this was insufficient evidence (jolt) of a stomach too full like 80%, like after a buffet. I told wife that I just had dinner, but perhaps was 20% full only (jolt). At that juncture, I didn’t decide what to eat, when to eat, so at least for a few hours there was no battle to fight.. no such stress on my mind.

The smoothie I made around 8pm was high ice, high chia, with some congee (I think I also ate 2 carrot + cucumber) … and helped to postpone the supper. The movie also helped postponement. After the movie, I was finally facing the stark reality, and realized I was not ready to fight the battle. The temptation [unexpected enticing foods] was overwhelming, probably too high even for the 2018 Tan Bin in Bayonne.

jolt: Guilt and self-hate is counterproductive, possibly more harmful than the calories. So I didn’t beat myself up (self-hate), even though I knew the BMI improvement over the last few DAYs could be lost, like a Promethean struggle. I guess I had a controlled release and Let-Go.

jolt: compassion .. even more compassion needed next time. home-cooked food,starch..≠opium

I didn’t want to resist and I decided to let myself enjoy some of the enticing foods, in a small bao3shan1 battle:

  • b3s1: I slowed down and made the right decision to box up the 丝瓜 as it is not really enticing.
  • b3s1: I decide to eat the meat portion in meimei’s leftover claypot rice. Didn’t eat the claypot rice ! How I managed to resist? I guess the earlier starch controlled release “rewards” in office … somehow helped.
  • b3s1: I didn’t touch the ice cream, cakes or red-bean buns at home. These are the unexpected foods that don’t exist in my office stash.

Cigna Counsellor would probably say “focus on your circle of control, not on your circle of concern.

Overall, I fought a brave battle, and lost, just like in 宝山. I lost (no “surrender”) the /gains/ of previous few days (Promethean). This result is completely human given then 10x hazard rate. In the tornado of unexpected enticing foods, just about every strategy is too weak:

  • strategy: no eating if no hunger .. I used this to postpone
  • strategy: postpone 1st and last meals … I did so for many days and on this day
  • strategy: eat more in office
  • strategy: lots of veg + fruits + chia + smoothie
  • strategy: minimize starch, fat, but more meat
  • strategy: move leftovers to /office-stash/
  • strategy: b3s1 .. worthwhile

##slimm^fatten`habits through%%life

–slimming habits

  1. consistently saying NO to oily social snacks though attractive and socially popular
  2. consistently saying NO to mayo or salad dressing
  3. no interest in alcohol, coffee, sugary drinks,,, despite peer influence. Prefer water.
  4. I seldom even look at vending machines, which sells mostly fattening snacks, any time you want them. Vending machines are not attractive to me at all.
  5. consistently using pull-up and push-up to gauge my strength relative to weight
  6. more fruits than I want to
  7. vegetarian — as of 2003 I had repeatedly declared myself 80% vegetarian; in 2012 home dinners I often leave the meats behind.
  8. spot the visible fat. I believe every tidbit counts. I hate paying such high calorie “price” to gain basically nothing.
  9. self-restraint on oily foods like creamy, deep fried ,,, despite my natural tendency
  10. [f] delayed dinner. Some people eat dinner early and don’t feel hungry at night, but my body is different
  11. —  good diet habits beyond slimming
  12. picking vegetables that I seldom eat or hate to eat. My body probably need these nutrients more

–fattening habits before I recognized them

  1. late night big meal. Since Dec 2018, I can control the portion size.
  2. starch. Since Nov 2018, I can reduce daily intake by 30% (up to 70%)
  3. nice peanuts; ice cream; cheese in anything is attractive
  4. “finish off” a residual amount in home meal
  5. reluctance to discard food
  6. on social occasions accept peanuts that aren’t tasty at all
  7. cake-history buns once a day — once formed, this habit was hard to break
  8. heavy afternoon snacks of nuts, starch ..
  9. [u] pizza
  10. [u] creamy soup, white sauce
  11. [f=intermittent fasting, against the wrong-time temptation]
  12. [u=U.S. only]