Powerless guilt is a form of self-hate. Powerless against the human limitations . (Powerless against external limitations is NOT a defining feature of this pattern, though external adversities are omnipresent.)
The antidote is perception of reality, compassion, empowering the self to defend the guilty charge. In this blogpost I’m trying to make the concept less vague. Am working on it and there’s no hurry.
— some patterns
- s=some imaginary, superhuman standard, apparently based on some hearsay role model like the 70mile guy.
- L=For now, I’m unable to overcome the inertia or low-energy mood and reach a satisfactory level of self-mastery. The obstacle might be internal or external, but they contribute to a sense of powerlessness.
- spiral .. the more I feel powerless about it, the more I become fixated on it… dark energy spiral. See the defining eg below.
- self-hate, self-loathing, self-contempt, pain.
- absorbency and “burn” is a frequent feature
- fixation .. I tend to focus too much on the room4improvement, the gap below the imaginary standard. The fixation leads to pain.
- .. We need more realistic targets like I had with daily yoga. Note that walk, jog, cycle, basketball … require speed to be effective workout. Yoga can be slow.
— actual trigger eg: As self-judge, I have reached a verdict that I am not spending enough time with my son, not sacrificing enough, as compared to other parents or some imaginary standard. However, at the moment, that imaginary standard is so unreachable that the only reaction is powerless guilt.
Boy’s level of motivation is still lower than some imaginative standard (perhaps myself at that age?) This perception, together with his bmark performance, create a toxic lake, a breeding ground for self-hate and …
I feel guilty not “helping” him enough to grow his motivation.
— defining eg: masturbation in my teenage years
— classic eg (since teenage years): diet
— eg (not really classic?): exercise self-discipline
I would say yoga and pull-up are two classic examples. See Am I improving ] yoga@@ #Jess
— eg: coding drill like x problems a week
— eg: localSys xx .. extrinsic mtv is ineffective
— eg: OC-effectiveness .. (and brank) feeling guilty not trying harder. I might be able to learn (model someone), grow, but I have reached conclusion on the effort/reward.
— eg: irritation by nearby noise… In a Suntec exhibition, I remember a Microsoft roadshow presenter was annoyed by a nearby stage performance featuring random explosions. These attention-grabbers stole his thunder or distracted his audience. As an audience of his presentation, I told myself that if I were him I should accept the exhibition environment. However, nowadays I also get irritated by construction noise, when I feel I should accept and live with the situation, which is easier than the presenter’s situation.
Powerless guilt is part of the reaction. I think powerlessness is a reality that few individuals could handle effortlessly (sometimes I can). Guilt is something we can try to reduce.
— some examples that do not really fit the definition “like a glove”
- eg: early sleep .. not powerless. I think at 11.30pm, I often feel the “zone” and the energy to go on, so I need better advance planning.