noHunger到家..appetite out@ctrl

See other analogs in in libido ≅ Availability situation

— Analog 3: you sustain an injury [like a bruise] during a basketball game, you notice the pain when you take a shower, or carry a chair. The fixation of your attention during the game tends to numb your nerves and protects you from the physical pain, so the physical pain wasn’t felt. When the fixation is removed, the pain invariably kicks in. This has nothing to do with weakness or loss-of-control. In a similar way, I sometimes come home not feeling hungry because 1) been preoccupied with office “engagements” 2) no unexpected enticing foods in office stash. As soon as I reach home, the recent memory reminds me to look in the fridge.

  • If (on the rare occasion) there’s nothing enticing, then I would be disappointed yet relieved. Unaffected by any appetite out of control.
  • if there is some nice food I have avoided for a while, then usually the separation has intensified the craving.
  • if there is any nice food even if recently eaten, then automatically, naturally, in an entirely healthy and human process, the suppressed appetite wakes up, and derails my diet plan.

Q: However, in Bayonne home, my fridge did have enticing foods, so why was I in better control of my appetite?
A: unexpected foods ! Those Bayonne foods [ice cream, pudding..] were carefully chosen and well-hidden in my stash so that they won’t wake up the suppressed appetite.

The noHunger sensation is unreliable. It’s unfair to accuse myself as a weakling, based on complete misperceptions. The appetite on rampage is completely natural, and triggered by identifiable stimuli.

— reaching home after dining out
Q: re the unexpected food in the home stash, why it’s not a problem when I come home after a buffet?
A: no prolonged separation. no compensation-seeking.

Jolt: If a previous restaurant meal was a controlled_indulgence i.e. not satisfying enough, then the unexpected food in home stash would still awaken the appetite !

— prolonged endurance, on the verge
Analogy 2: after a 24H connected flight, I often felt “not sleepy”, but I would fall asleep often as soon as I reach home. It proves that the noSleepy sensation was unreliable.

Similarly, after fasting 16 (or even 20) hours, I often felt “no hunger”, but as soon as I release myself, the suppressed appetite would emerge. The noHunger sensation easily wiped out by any unexpected enticing food. It is on the verge, but a healthy human could maintain that sensation for probably a few days, pushing the limit of endurance.

As explained in prolonged separation intensifies attraction, a prolonged separation could appear to weaken appetite significantly, but the appetite is dormant.

— watermelon in Bayonne ^ TPY
In Bayonne home, when I return home after yoga and feel hungry, I sometimes eat lots of watermelon + other fruits to satisfy the hunger. Why doesn’t it work in TPY home? My answer is the availability of many unexpected enticing foods. Some hit separation->attraction. You can call it wrong-time, wrong-food, wrong-quantity temptation, but is very natural reaction.

Sys2: attention, self-control, cognitive effort



Chapters 2+3 of [[thinking fast and slow]] are about cognitive attention, self-control,,, I will try to use the precise wording of the author.

“..a well-established proposition — both self-control and cognitive effort are forms of mental work”, that require mental energy. The mental energy reserve is limited. Cognitively busy individuals tend to exhibit reduced self-control; After long periods of self-control, we tend to forget things, make mistakes in judgement or in our work.

“One of the significant discoveries of cognitive psychologists is that switching from one task to another is effortful…. The ability to control attention is not simply a measure of intelligence; measures of efficiency in the control of attention predict performance of air traffic controllers and of Israeli Air Force pilots beyond the effects of intelligence.”

— quietime .. [in office or morning quietime or late night] are “easier” in terms of attention control. In my quietime, I can control when to switch context, rather than dictated by external factors. My attention is easily controlled by myself.

— self control
eg: jogging and instructor-led classes require less System2 resources [mental energy] because no self-control needed. After a lot of mental work, I tend to prefer these /automatic/ workouts.
eg: when employees are engaged in cognitive work, they tend to sit down rather than using standing desk
eg: office stash and Bayonne stash … are easier because less self-control needed, even when I engage in demanding work.

eg: when I’m busy with study or work, I feel the need for comfort food, hopefully my stash has the healthy varieties like fruits, milk, fish,,,
jolt: Some people go for cigarette or alcohol. Note I’m not talking about stress per se, but mental work.

— speed coding is exhausting.. “The most effortful forms of (Sys2) slow thinking are those that require you to think fast.”
— slow pace in mvea and epa teams .. precious. I won’t trade these slow jobs for a lucrative but fast-paced job.
— “responding kindly to a family member’s bad behavior .. requires self-control”, which is effort. So this is harder to achieve if you are mentally tired, under stress, or your System2 is already engaged

stash in Bayonne^ff^1173 #unexpectedEnticing

Q1: what differences explain the out-of-control late-night appetite in TPY home?
A( as I told the Cigna counselor): perhaps Unexpected foods.
A: Home cooked food? Not exactly the key difference. Admittedly, home-cooked food is always unexpected food. However, a lot of foods in TPY fridge are purchased foods [ice cream, cakes, cookies,,,], similar to Bayonne, but in Bayonne I was in control. In Bayonne, I exercised control end to end, throughout the week. The control starts at shopping ,where I would hand-pick the comfort foods and carefully decide how much to buy, where to store.

In Bayonne home or office, the stash of enticing foods is well-guarded, and used only when I choose to, often on a planned schedule, with a good reason, rather than giving in to out-of-control appetite. I tend to ration the amount of comfort foods in a controlled indulgence. I tend to pair up the high-calorie foods with a lot of raw veg, chia seeds, ice etc. These techniques are much harder to achieve in TPY home, primarily because the enticing foods show up unexpected.

Now I realize that the mere presence of unexpected, enticing foods in the fridge creates non-trivial wrong-X temptations. It’s easy to trivialize these temptations but my experience proves that they do grow overwhelming, devastating like a tornado [out of control].

In Bayonne and now in office, I have a firmer grip on my stash of comfort foods.  I control what comes into my stash. I pay this much attention precisely because I know from experience the power of the wrong-X temptations.

Q: Why is this factor relevant to the late-night appetite?
A: in that situation, the stash always presents a clear-n-present threat to my self-control. This challenge is no-big-deal in the morning, or in office, but serious at late-night.

— Given the 10 x higher hazard rate at home, is it better to eat more in office, perhaps to reduce the anticipation? Say your goal is under 1000 cal/day.
If you eat 800 cal in office, you may still far exceed 200 cal after reaching home.
If you eat 200 cal in office (like now), you may eat 1500 cal in the warrior meal at home.
if you eat 300 cal in office, you can aim at 1000 cal in the warrior meal… hopefully more sustainable.

— pleasure is legitimate.. If the struggle against my appetite is too hard, then I would accept the health impact.
— an out-of-control example in Bayonne !
In Mvea/MLP offices and Bayonne home, when I get lots of free foods, they are always high-calorie and unexpected. Hard to manage.

How about free catered lunch as in Goog/FB/SIG offices? I think there’s a 50/50 chance it would be a huge challenge for my diet control.


[21]10x hazard rate@troubled teacher

See also stash in Bayonne^ff^#2-1173 #unexpected

Metaphor — as a teacher I accept that a troublemaker pupil is joining my class, so I make ample preparations to limit his impact on the class. However, in a new school, I get lots and lots of troublemakers coming into my classes, without prior preparation. Once a while I could win a battled and “control” a single troublemaker, but my success rate in each case is somewhere between 50% and 80%, so with more troublemakers in my class, I would lose many battles ever week.

  • Hit by Expected enticing foods a few times a week as in Bayonne, I win 80% of the time. The other times I have controlled indulgence.
  • Hit by UnExpected enticing foods on a daily basis, I win 20% of the time. The number of lost battles is now 5x

— worth it? With the 10x hazard rate, I can easily win only 20% of the battles (no precise criteria) but I may need to win 90% to hit my BMI target. That may require undue deprivation[1], superhuman self-discipline, lots of raw veg ! If the effort is always a superhuman effort and requires that much sacrifice and willpower, then the effort is unsustainable, and not worth it. I told the MS colleague in the 750Seventh pantry “Not exactly self-discipline per se.” He was surprised and puzzled.

[1] deprivation? Food should be a joy at least some of the times.
eg: Availability of alcohol creates a struggle in the recovering alcoholic, possibly torture. However, ultimately, you could get over it and live with the availability, rather than get tortured by it year in year out. libido|alcoholism illustrates the availability/attraction situation that is fundamental to human existence.

My BMI improvement comes at a (mostly non-monetary) cost, but the cost should not exceed a limit and become self-torture.

similar eg: To be sustainable, yoga should be rewarding not a torture. My fwd bend in Sec 1 was a torture, unsustainable and unrewarding. Superhuman self-discipline is still insufficient in the long run.

similar eg: “Skating practice should be enjoyable and rewarding, not dreadful.” See skater: verbal abuse as motivation



wins+control@appetite ]BayonneHome

One big reason I can’t accept the appetite on rampage is the 2018-19 winning experience. I think it’s important to focus on the recent winning experiences and not to focus on the recent losing experiences. I told the counselor that perhaps 2018 was so positive because I had a string of wins which created a positive feedback loop for more wins. Jolt: Actually I had many wins 2020-21 [1], but not in BMI !

The so-called “control” and “wins” in Bayonne was a theory to explain the BMI reality. They are perceptions (perhaps illusions) built on one pillar — my improving BMI.  In reality, compared to now, I had a similar number of control failures, if you count the office free foods, the ice creams, the starchy foods.

The real reason for the unheard-of BMI improvement? I am becoming less and less sure and more and more skeptical, but I guess my overall calorie intake was well-controlled, due to one huge factor (the elephant in the room) — I had full control over my home stash, so there was no unexpected enticing foods. When I give in to the appetite, I had effective damage control.

[1] now compared to Bayonne, I eat more cooked veg thanks to my lovely wife. I sometimes suspect that cooked veg has more calories than raw veg. Now I believe there’s insufficient evidence.

bring worst tempt`foods→ff@@

— J4 moving the most tempting foods to office stash:

  • these foods can be much harder to control at home then in office. The office environment is a far more controlled environment. Home is frequently an uncontrollable environment.
  • when i do lose control (and lose the “battle”), the ensuing guilt and self-hate is very harmful, destructive. This is regardless of home or office , but in office I don’t associate the loss of control with a pattern. There’s less “classical conditioning” in the office context.
  • In office I can keep the food out of sight. No family member would move them into sight.
  • I can sometimes discard them in office.
  • I can neutralize them with frozen veg in office. At home, there’s only raw veg to go with them.

— the side effect
wife would not notice that she cooked too much, and would not learn to cook less

home-cooked food,starch..≠opium

In my “battles” to control the late-night appetite, I often perceive any attractive food as a clear-n-present danger. Even sweet fruits can open the flood gate.

Let’s be critical and evaluate the health impact:

  • these foods are better than –> visible fat like beacon, butter, mayo
  • these foods are more nutritious than –> alcohol
  • these foods are not harmful like –> tobacco
  • these foods are not comparable to –> opium

— “These foods”… Home-cooked food [esp. starch] is the primary example, and represent about half the attractive foods in my “home battles”.


[22]am more out@control less superhuman than 2018

With respect to the supper temptation, I was extremely strong in 2018/2019.

Compared to the 2018 superhuman, I’m now more fallible, more imperfect, more human, more like everyone else.

I choose to embrace the imperfect self, and reject the superhuman expectation. I admire the superhuman standard I achieved in 2018.

Given the 10 x higher hazard rate now, I would need to be even more superhuman than in 2018 to reach 62 kg

[16] learn[art|science] 2 discard home cooked food

backgrounder —

It’s extremely important to regain some of the lost control over my own eating. The urge to “finish everything” takes away that control, and leads to intense self-hate, self-contempt… I believe it directly impacts my weight management.

I have started and will continue to practice discarding left-over. I think even “healthy” vegetables I should learn to discard.

Rice – should discard more often.

Fish and meat are just too difficult to discard.

Note outside food is easier to discard.