H2O ] foods

I don’t remember any calorie-counting guide mention this fundamental factor — “Water content in foods seriously affect satiation, calorie density (kcal/100g) etc”

— eg: smoothie .. ice is filling (satiation)
Protein powder without ice is completely ineffective as a meal replacement.
— eg: congee .. water content improves calorie density.
Chinese soup has a similar feaure but usually has more oil.
— eg: lotus root powder .. I tend to put in mix 20g with 500g of water… much better calorie density
— eg: chia .. iFF soaked in water, chia would become filling.
It is ineffective to put it in milk or hot soup

[24] HuiMei chat after angiogram

  • for LDL reduction, soluble fiber is more effective than insoluble fiber
  • vegetable oil.. could be blend oil. Consider sunflower oil, corn oil, soybean oil
  • Vit K2 for decalcification? Not good with Plavix
  • transfat is present in ham, beacon, and many commercial (esp. deep-fried) foods

— meal pattern/timing

  • intermittent fasting .. not recommended for my gastritis and my prediabetes “concern”
  • What if I feel an empty stomach but no real discomfort?
  • .. A: you have ignored it for decades. It may or may not mean acid
  • cereal + congee .. good for breakfast, or even after dinner
  • hungry after a full dinner .. warm, convenient fluid[milo, soups]. Avoid continuous snacking
  • 2 bowels of fruits+milk in office? delay to 4pm, and split into two snacks.

Continuous snacking after dinner is worse than 3/4/5 afternoon snacks in office.

— specfic food items

  • whole milk .. contains saturated fats and can affect my gastritis.
  • watermelon .. fructose? Reduce if you worry about t2dm
  • sweet rockmelon .. too much sugar? A: similar to watermelon
  • purple grape and juice … antioxidant helps anti-clott? but high sugar? Eat in moderation.
  • cheese .. Try reduced fat cheese. No cheese stick please.
  • avocado .. heart-healthy but fatty? up to 3 avocados/week is safe (safer than animal fats or nuts), but can affect BMI
  • .. my avocado smoothie .. fine if without the condensed milk. Additionally, consider alternatives to whole milk
  • 3 yolks/week including century egg yolks
  • beef is more (fatty) unhealthy than white meat? A: Red meat (incl. pork).. limit to 3 times/week
  • sliced fish noodle soup .. is low-calorie if without the evaporated milk

— 24 Sep 2024 ..我今天第四次约见我的营养师。她记得我有冠心病,轻度胃炎,也顾虑血糖和血压。

蛋白质 — 她建议微调,多摄入各种蛋白质。肉、鱼、鸡蛋白之外,豆腐,乳制品也提供蛋白质。她说蛋白质有助于增加或维持肌肉


体重 — 她记录了 2023 年8月至今4次体重,维持在64-67 公斤。她说很难得,尤其是最近半年瘦身。

她问了我每周运动项目,略表惊讶。她特别询问 有阻力运动 (resistance training),因为她一直提醒我,上年纪容易肌肉萎缩。我提到爬楼梯,蹲起,引体向上。她认为很有意义。




ctbz(寸土必争)[def]: micro-saving add up over5Y or involution #H2O

k_ctbz  k_X_power_descriptor  k_soul_search

In popular usage, 寸土必争 has a wider meaning, but in my case, ctbz := Once I set a realistic and measurable target for my endeavor, I push myself to execute my plan with ruthless, clinical precision, often semi-consciously beating myself up whenever I deviate visibly.

寸土必争 is often a daily struggle, tough for everyone. Therefore it’s actually my competitive strength! Most adults or young people don’t monitor their burn rate, calorie-quota or regular exercise. The cumulative effect would eventually show up.

Among these scarce resources, usable time is the most scarce, available up to age 60 (only 55 for some).

This is a killer talent and a visible personal advantage. Among the specific talents, the most significant (used to be $$) is calorie-quota budgeting. It has long-term health benefits.

Among these endeavors, my success is most visible and decisive in $$, and least in time-saving.

This is one reason for my carefree life at this age when my peers endure stress. This (and other) freedom comes with responsibility.

— warning .. ctbz can be hazardous. With cherry, other eaters would discard half the flesh. However, due to ctbz, i try to eat all the meat off the core. This is actually dangerous. When I do this without full concentration, the stone can get stuck at the throat or go down.

— domain: water.. in mid 2022, I found joy in saving water. The small actions make me feel /righteous/?/ and earn me self-respect. It sharpens my perception on numerous water wasting scenarios that are often overlooked. The small savings add up to a modest amount, but the sharpened perception will help me score big wins.

— domain: diet
Polyclinic dietitian said .. without precision, calorie reduction will be futile.

calorie-quota is a similar concept to carbon-quota. Each country each year is given a quota. If you over use bit by bit, then someday you need to borrow from the future quota.
— domain: workout
flexibility (+ muscle) declines with aging and requires periodic stretching, perhaps a few seconds each day — ctbz
— domain: burn rate .. my burn_rate_control (ffree) is the front page success story.
Some people save for months then spend all the savings at year end.  Other people waste numerous small amounts of money on a monthly basis. Over decades they “throw down the drain” a painful portion (like 10-20%) of their income. elaborate planning of NY/SG trips is a case study.

See also ctbz on small spends

— domain: time micro-saving
My Focus on time utilization is a great example of my ctbz habit. Many people spend time (and $) in “fun” places that actually don’t create a lot of pleasure.

Large number of small time-wastage is similar to large number of small $-waste. Some of us feel the pain only years later when our peers make progress in their spare time (or their office hours).

— domain: divorce dispute (if it ever happens) .. Grandpa said that in the unlikely event, we need to fight to resist and never give in
— my ctbz attitude/habit is effective (in some but) not in all domains:
With early rise, I feel my 寸土必争 attitude may be unnecessary, possibly counterproductive.

Weekly coding drill don’t need 寸土必争. Momentum is more important.


##I told boy %%strength against addictive food++

See also https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=16866&action=edit and https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=13129&action=edit

This blogpost had an initial focus on “addictive” and kids.

In 2019 I told my son that most people tell themselves they can’t live without starch, fried chicken, or any meat for that matter…. Now I realize I show a fairly remarkable internal strength over these addictive foods, similar to grandpa. Here are some notable examples:

  • French fries and round thin potato chips — are a real addictive food in my case.
  • sugary drinks — Raymond told me most kids are addicted. Prevalent in U.S. and Singapore lifestyle.
  • coffee — (almost always with sugar and creamer or condensed milk) is mildly addictive to many many people

On a separate note, many people can’t accept raw vegetable salad without salad dressing. Again, I have trained myself to overcome that dependency. Even though I have my limits on what raw vegetables I could swallow in non-trivial quantity, I am now more “flexible” than most raw veg salad eaters.

The body is weak because the temptation is often overpowering.

  • eg: home cooking temptation… I had numerous blogposts
  • eg: as an official, the temptation of corruption (Clinton) can reveal a career-killing weakness. Similarly, As a leader of a team, the temptation of favoritism towards certain individuals
  • eg: the big4 temptations of an American young adult — Sex, Drugs, Cars, Debt
  • eg: when I read CSY’s mail about radiologists, I react negatively (hopefully less than many people in my shoes), partly because other people’s envy is tempting

Broadly, temptations are arguably the #1 most prevalent, often most powerful, most destructive derailer (trouble-maker, show-stopper) in half the endeavors of an individual’s life. As powerful, as destructive as a F5 Twister in the movie.

Based on these and many other examples, it’s no exaggeration to say that temptations rule many lives and ruin many lives. Precisely because of that, /lackluster/dull/?/ interests, /weariness/?/, desensitized reaction .. is life enhancing. More than that, it is often a massive competitive advantage. Imagine, as a stock trader, if you are less affected by emotions [fear, greed…] and can operate more like a cold-blooded machine, you would have a huge advantage. You would get ahead pretty soon. This is a killer talent.

— Buddhism .. has a lot to say about these temptations, sufferings, detachments,
==== my desensitized zones:
— copying homework from classmates
— gambling
— addictive day trading
kinda similar to gambling addiction
— leveraged trading .. is seductive to many retail traders
— video entertainment on smartphone .. I can see 30% of the commuters are addicted.
I find it a very poor entertainment.
— arcade gaming .. in my teenage years in Beijing, I noticed that my cohort were more addicted. I used to spend an hour or so [1] in an gaming arcade and pop my RMB1 coins into the machines. I mostly [2] played the aircraft shooting-up game and never very good at it.

[1] my cohort were spending hours and hours
[2] my cohort were playing many more games, harder games.

— 耐得住寂寞 is related to temptations at a fundamental level. 耐得住寂寞 includes a wide range of endeavors. For some of them, if the practitioner is not tempted by the wrong things, then it’s easier to stick to the practice over a long stretch, and get ahead.

LocalSys self-learning is hard for me because of the temptations and distractions.

— sugary drinks or any drinks
My son has this addiction.
When I came to Singapore in my teenage years, I started to notice that diners always ordered some drinks for their meal.

— coffee .. is reported by many as a mild addiction. Coffee has many health effects. Fine coffee is quite an expensive lifestyle .
In my experience, I have found my life not even 0.001% diminished by my lackluster interest in coffee.

[18]USD 10k to hit+keep63kg #Kyle

As I told Kyle,

You can’t swipe a credit card to buy weight improvement. Both calorie restriction and workout are daily battles to be fought day in, day out, both very very hard, requiring unrelenting discipline for a long long time.

In 2017 I asked myself, hypothetically, how much I was willing to spend if there were a way to buy “63 kg”. 63 kg was my lowest weight since 1991 when I came to Singapore and grew heavy. I decided at least USD 10k. As of Dec 2018, I achieved that goal with an expensive shift of focus. My MS work actually suffered from de-focus.

In Jan 2019, a few days before my birthday, I asked myself “How much are you willing to spend if there were a way to buy 60 kg and maintain it for 3 months?” I would say at least another USD 10k, because I now realize how hard it is to maintain 63kg.

Now I think two commercial offerings can help ease the struggle

  1. fancy foods such as whey and fruits
  2. personal trainer to manage the motivation and provice professional guidance

family shopping: who bought That entic`food

One typical example — family shopping trip to YueHwa. 80-100% of the foods we buy are detrimental to my BMI mission and hard to control in the home stash.

I am fairly careful choosing my foods. (So is wife.) My kids care less about discarding food, so they buy with less oth (I buy with oth). They often eat 10% [3] of each food and leave behind the rest.

Q1: what happens to the fattening foods I buy on such a trip?
A: I think deep down, from a young age, I have an aversion to discarding food. A lot of zsms about discarding food. So I would often struggle to slowly consume them.

Q1b: what happens to the fattening foods my kids buy?
A: I feel much less aversion, less guilt about discarding 🙂

[3] Q: is it a good or bad thing that they eat only a small portion of a sugary or oily food?
A (jolt): After they buy, as a parent I feel lucky that they eat only a small portion. I can give the rest to others (rarely) or discard.

[20←04]changes: TPY泳池reflection #61kg


See also ##factors underpinn`key changes since first summer]US — a similar soul-searching.

In mid March 2020, I visited the same Toa Payoh swimming pool and couldn’t help comparing with my last bachelor phase around age 30, when I had a weekly afternoon swimming routine over a few months, around my self-employed years.

An exhausting exercise often leads to deeper reflection and a fresher look. As I reflect on the various changes (in my life) since then, I noticed my main focus starts to /drift/ from wellness to career , then to family livelihood. Somehow at my current age, wellness is Still not receiving as much sunshine as deserved.

  • — a random list, but I want to have some items bubbling up, like unconventional and specific items
  • i was pushing myself harder on coblood, self-improvement, biz wing. I felt completely left out, in the outskirts… watching the high flyers flying inside the walled city. We can look at SWOT in the Snd context.
  • UChicago — I didn’t have UChicago brand. I didn’t have any insider info on the global elite universities. Also, I saw myself as 江郎才尽 after my EE-DL and FCH failures.
  • [g] java — I couldn’t access java as a huge, lucrative pie
  • [g] livelihood security — I didn’t have a dev-till-40 plan (let alone 70) or the associated security in livelihood for a family of four. In contrast, I did have the security in livelihood for myself, to the extent that I quit my job to pursue my dream of self-employment.
  • [g] I had no idea how to get into U.S.. I had some appreciations for Singapore citizenship but no deep appreciation that I have now, after comparing with U.S.
  • [w] I didn’t know any way to reach 61 kg
  • [w] I didn’t have my currene level of commitment to yoga
  • [w] I was then more committed to weekly workout but not about yoga.
  • [g] I didn’t know any way to earn more than 5k. I didn’t know my killer talent at theoretical QQ topics like low-level, math, concurrency principles
  • [f] I was young and healthy and didn’t care to know the low cost and relatively efficient long-term care infrastructure in SG, possibly supported by government.
  • [f] shield plans — I didn’t know the Shield plans would be strategic to my long term financial planning
  • — some of the familiar, the obvious or the high-level vague items:
  • [f] I already had a good burn rate and savings habit, but my NAV was much lower.
  • [f] I had no overseas properties in Beijing, S.E.Asia; I had yet to see windfall in my HDB flat
  • [w=wellness]
  • [f=cashflow]
  • [g=gz]

Q: Looking through these changes, what is the #1 turning point in my life since then? It will not be wellness (my wellness has always been pretty good), or financial.
A: my crossing of the moat (i.e. tech screening) into WallSt dev job market, and becoming a proven veteran in c++/java.

fruit^Starch^nut^鱼肉: biases@comfortFood #w1r2

I am still combatting a group of related misperceptions about myself, in relation to comfort foods.

Comfort foods play various roles in my daily life. For example, whenever I make a serious effort for a few hours, I tend to need comfort foods. Prolonged separation from an enticing food intensifies attraction. Comfort foods sound like a minor concept, but they are fundamentally related to our appetite, our cravings, our hunger sensation, my daily battles, my Promethean struggles, my stepUp-stepDown “dance”.

— Biggest comfort-food misperception is about starch. I use exaggerated phrases to describe my dependency, my craving, my struggle. The words we use matter. They shape our self-image. They explain our experiences. These words create and reinforce the feeling “powerless, overpowered” but in reality I’m pretty much in control of my craving for starch. I have successfully contained my starch craving and reduced my daily starch intake by 80%.

In contrast, sugar is not a source of misperception. I am good with my “sugary” self-description.

not every starch is satisfying n addictive. There are some high-fiber starches which I have stopped eating after returning to SG — lentil, green peas…

— #2 comfort-food misperception is about Fruits. My misperception is often reflected in my description of fruits as a weak solution, ineffective substitute for starch. In reality, since 2018, I have relied on fruits as the biggest healthy comfort food. Far more healthy than other comfort foods.

Milky smoothie suffers similar misperceptions. Both it and fruits are imperfect substitutes for starch, but let’s be fair — starch is no substitute for fruits/smoothie either; meats can’t substitute starch either

Sometimes, fruits (and smoothie) constitute 80% (by weight) of my daily nutrition intake.

— #3 comfort-food misperception is about fish and lean meat. I tend to perceive them as calorie-dense (not really), fatty (not extremely), somehow ineffective substitutes for starch.
Actually, my fish-to-meat ratio is probably higher than most people … lucky, but often overlooked.

I enjoy mixing raw vegetables into fish/meat, to reduce calorie density, but often undervalued.

I tend to associate fish/meat with home cooking. Home cooking presents huge obstacles to and often derails self-control  due to availability, wrongX temptations, unexpected enticing foods.

— #4 comfort-food misperception is about nuts. I tend to dismiss their high fiber.

Actually, I have developed a healthy habit of mixing in lots of raw vegetables to reduce the calorie density, but often trivialized