enough sunshine,insufficient absorbency


Given my current MLP carefree job, I can go to office any time to get the privacy I yearned for. Weekday mornings, and everyday after 11pm are also perfect private hours. Even on MRT I can now get private time 95% of the time.

Reality is, when private time is no longer the limiting factor, absorbency becomes the limiting factor. You may call it insufficient drive, but I won’t say “willpower”. Once, for a few weeks I took on the toughest of ALL absorbency endeavors, but the absorbency level is hard to keep up.

In mid 2020, XR said “given your situation, you can achieve a lot in your spare time.” Now I think I was able to convert my spare time/energy into MSFM degree !

— fair review

Now, most people are not super motivated. Vast majority of us don’t spend much spare time on coding drill, workout or self-improvement. These domains are my relative advantage actually.

Q: When my available private time increased around 18 Jun 2020, was there a corresponding increase in “productive” hours?
A: I would say yes a little bit including workout, tech xx, academic coaching,,,. I think most of the private time increase went to non-productive activities, chiefly blogging, but also DIY, shopping, family outing. Many of these non-productive activities can be considered enjoyment of leisure and family bonding — important goals of working men.

Q: How about the last few free days before a middle-school or college exam?
Q: how about my son’s PSLE?

sunshine + patience is the right combination, explained in this blogpost

— private time and self-care

Private time is usually a scarce resource, for most people. Yet, now I have more private time, I tend to spend it on covid news, leisure reading, personal investment,,, ! Sign of insufficient absorbency

— sunshine on wellness

currently, I do spend a lot of spare time and absorbency on exercise and diet control.

no direction]%%youth@@ Now different!

From leaving college until my early 40’s, I often feel a worrying lack of long-term direction, a lack of purpose, lack of big motivation. (The technology churn is one secondary but fundamental factor.)

This no-direction is felt on both long-horizon and near-horizon…

My dad always had a professional direction…

Nowadays I seldom feel that way.

Q: is it related to having kids?
A: on an obvious level, yes I always see an area of improvement in my life where I can simply put in more effort and improve the learning environment for my kids, or improve the bond.
A: However, I feel the answer above is a “weak” direction.

The absorbency ranking highlights the daily challenges of more exericse, more coding drill, more strict diet,,,

The random list@ Protection+reinforcer and related blogposts spotlight a long-term goal — protecting a hard-earned carefree/ffree life


q3sg: %%huge t-spend with boy≠so stupid !

It was an experiment comparable to my msfm, my c++, my c#, my overseas investment… Experiment are risky in terms of disappointments.

His renzi was (is) strategic to me. I took a calculated risk.

In hind sight, I had no better use of my spare time. I couldn’t save my spare time in a freezer for later use.

Without these experiments, could we discover ….?

“spare”time allocation history since 2006

To compensate for historical comparison, I count time required by family commitment as spare time. (Otherwise after 2012 my total spare time probably reduced by half…) Don’t ask me to elaborate…

— period: bachelor. I feel this is an important period that shaped my belief and habits. I think many peers moved in their directions at this time. I found myself lacking some fundamental skills to move up the corporate ladder, so I decided to try the start-up route…Poor choice.

1) XXXXX (i.e. learning) without accumu 🙁 … not only technical subjects
2) Socialize/volunteer, often required by my (full time) job, but not sustainable cos not gaining traction
….) exercise 4 times a week 🙂

— period: 2006 – Aug 2008.
1) XXXXX required by IV or job
2) OT (Strategem, NBC, Verizon, GS)
…) family i.e. wife. No “contention”
…) socialize? Much lower

— period: when family was away in SG
1) XXXXX required by IV or job. I found my edge and traction. By self-learning I quickly moved up in that job market
2) OT (GS overnight! MLEdge, Barc)

— period: baby boy on Wall St i.e. the 3 months + 14 months boy was with me on Wall St.
For a while (Oct 2010 – Jan 2011), GS pressure was so high I wanted to quit US in despair:(

1) FFFFFFamily. Didn’t have enough time for baby boy and my wife…Sigh
…) OT not required in Citi 🙂
…) exercise much less

–period: q3SG
1) FFFFFFamily including boy’s study, outing, dining out, renovation
2) XXXXX including MSFM, c#, cpp.
** I think this will decrease gradually
** I didn’t fully anticipate that MSFM study is a discontinuity, with no positive feedback loop whatsoever.

** even the tech learning I couldn’t apply in my job search as I could as a Wall St contractor. Much lower motivation and positive feedback. This reminds me reading books on how to date a Caucasian woman, while the Asian women around you don’t react the same way as Caucasian women.

3) OT (stirt,)
…) personal investment 1H/day too much, low ROTI
…) socialize? No time at all
…) exercise much less

4) financial management
** bx — average 5 discussions each with Colin Lim … Anna Ong .. AXA .. Manulife .. Lee Peixian .. TokyoMarine .. Loh Junli
** real-estate investments
** FSM
** online personal trading
** expense tracking (about 2 full days each time)
** mortgage management including family loans

— period: c++US
1) XXXXX c++QQ, CIV — muscle building .. effective
2) WWWwellness — including yoga, chin-up,,, highly effective
3) u.s. housing research

— period: Hib19

  1. FFFFFFamily esp. boy — to be reduced
  2. XXXXX localSys, QQ, coding drill — to be increased
  3. WWWwellness — to be increased
  4. personal investment — to be reduced

— period: covid19 working alone

  1. reflective blogging — across many topics like long-horizon per-finance, wellness, parenting,,,,, to be reduced in some topics
  2. FFFFFFamily time — including DIY home repair, outing, and some parenting
  3. WWWwellness — including food shopping, research, workout
  4. XXXXX for tech IV
  5. emails, calls with friends and family
  6. curiosity reading — including covid,,,, to be reduced

## generic to-do items ] open-house

See also openhouse.txt

In the “Open-house” mode, I’m open to frequent interruptions by family. The opposite to quiet time.

Q: Do I need to make myself more available to kids? My kids are far more important than my friends.
A: Yes but Remember most of the hours when I make myself available to him, I lose concentration and private time , so availability comes at a tcost. If not careful, the tcost would grow rather high, and ROTI would plummet. I need very high discipline to postpone many open-house tasks to those open-house hours.

Many of the tasks below are low urgency. However, when I’m under pressure, I need to get important things done during open-house hours, otherwise those important tasks would weigh on my shoulder:(

  • repairs. Call or DIY
  • make smoothie
  • ==== MLP
  • review the printouts about mlp localsys
  • localSys fuxi
  • ==== generic, low-urgency tasks:
  • curiosity searches
  • BBC archives
  • clear letter backlog
  • clean up the contact_large.txt
  • exp tracking — spread out, not big-bang
  • push-up, chin-up
  • short and easy stretches — compile a list??
  • exercise with kids at home or downstairs
  • check online banking + credit scores
  • ##With time2kill..Come2recrec blog but some require quiet time
  • —- blogs
  • 2publish.txt
  • review my per-inv and wellness blogs
  • refresh my English blog
  • refresh those “fuxi” blogposts
  • review 50+ recent blogposts
  • —- gmail
  • gmai: process emails drafts
  • process non-urgent emails – 7D, old drafts
  • gmail fuxi* tags
  • gmail: friendSharing

roti: IV muscle-building^wellness research


Q1: why does QQ/coding drill (+ localSys,,,) feel more serious, more like work than wellness research, when the latter is more strategic more important to my well-being?

A: software programming is my profession. By growing as a coder, I become more in-demand in the economy. Then I increase earning capacity to support various family needs.

A: I make a living by providing a service, in technology. My wellness effort is mostly self-serving unless I become a researcher or trainer.

Q2: between the two sides, which is more strategic?
A: not QQ not coding drill not localSys. Wellness is most strategic including the diet training. QQ can help me on interviews, but wellness has more long-term benefits

Q3: what risks are higher?
A: Perhaps IV failure is an unlikely risk, compared to PIP, overweight, inflexibility, PSLE, … In such a scenario, i may need to accept the fading of my c++ QQ competence. In fact, c# and quant already accepted. Java is a lucky case thanks to critical mass, slow changing question bank …

Q:Is now a period@bored^absorbency def[PowerSurge]


See also chore^pleasure hours and my superior-aborbency domains. When I find myself in a period of motivation, I really want to capture the motivation and absorbency, because most of the time I have no real power surge in any of these domains. — No guilt please

  • periods of motivation+absorbency for localSys or work projects
  • periods of motivation+absorbency for coding drill
  • periods of motivation — before/after an IV. Instinctively I capture the motivation by cutting sleep …
  • periods of motivation for diet
  • periods of motivation for yoga
  • — Pleasures:
  • periods of motivation for QQ
  • periods of motivation for jogging
  • periods of productive blogging about parenting, career, personal finance ..

Now, when I’m in the mood for yoga, it’s kinda stupid to beat myself up on the low absorbency for coding drill. It’s wiser to accept the human condition, and celebrate the current (and fleeting) absorbency for yoga and capture it fully.

— profit lock-in

“Profit lock-in” is a catchy phrase as a blog title. When I notice a temporary “power surge” in self-efficacy/absorbency/ , when I feel so powerful that I could overcome anything… I had better stop and ask myself “Which tough jobs are becoming Spicy?”. We had better aim to capture that power and lock in a “profit”.

  • plowback
  • extend my lead in the pack
  • solidify my investment and critical mass in quant, c++ etc
  • [15%] occasionally the wrong-time temptation becomes clearly more manageable as I feel more in control of my appetite.
  • [21%] Sometimes I get in the mood for localSys or company projects. Should consider camp-out.
  • Frequently, jogging becomes physically enjoyable (30%) or at least sustainable (60%). It’s dangerous to expect this “peak” to last. Danger in terms of disappointment.
  • [25%] Sometimes coding drill gathers momentum and become sustainable on a weekly basis. Enjoyable is rarer like 5%.
  • [9%] Once a while my internal resistance to chin-up or yoga home-practice improves so much that I could do it on a Daily basis, but it seldom stays at that optimal level.
  • [19%] Sometimes my patience/capacity and … for wordy problem coaching improves. This /space/ is a high-stake game, and remains highly unstable as I continue to lose grip and experience limited self-understanding. This is now the most challenging domain.


eg: 10 min actual swim takes 30 min in the water, and at least 1 hour total due to commute + shower etc
eg: 50 min yoga class requires about 3H including wind-down.

For these workouts, if you try to reduce the ‘spillage’ you may hit a stonewall.

eg: jogging has much lower spillage
eg: mini-workout has the lowest spillage

I used to undervalue the Roti of workout
Now I feel prioritizing workout (over other t-spend) means accepting the spillage

visProgress n time utilization

I have an uncommon and unreasonable view that most of my waking hours should produce tangible “return” like learning, self-improvement, fitness or help kids learn.

Q: how about reading on parenting or just newspaper? I do allow myself but in hind sight I often feel bad. I feel worse if the reading is not so mainstream, like …

I now feel personal growth doesn’t have to produce self-glorification. How about cooking, kite-flying, dancing, sight seeing … without any talent whatsoever.

— Though I don’t have many examples, now I think most individuals who make more money don’t view their personal time as raw materials for a manufacturing process.

However, salary is a very poor proxy for success, as poor as net worth, brank etc. A less poor proxy is brbr and Fuller wealth (after achieving health)

##[18]where I Want2spend spare time #^bachelor


  • “quietime” — usually means reflective blogging/emailing. This is one of the biggest deficiencies experienced after I had kids
  • more time reading tech + news + non-tech topics /closer to my heart/, in Chinese or English
  • more time on personal investment — addictive
  • more time on home repairs
  • — bachelor lifestyle (+ to a lesser extent, my NY lifestyle):
  • more time visiting friends? I think so. In NY I didn’t spend much time here
  • more frequent visits to parents and possibly sister
  • more time emailing with friends
  • more time exercise esp. in classes — I can increase this now. Look at Oliver (our MD)
  • more time in office
  • even more time (than 2020 ) on blogging – tech + recoll
  • ! less time sight-seeing
  • possibly joining a start-up