##more spare time can”Buy”me__ #XR

Now spare time is scarce, but in retirement, spare time would be too much.


See also

XR described to me that (lack of) spare time means so much to him — coaching his son on Chinese; coding drill; personal investment; … However, if he is given 50 hours of spare time, can he be productive in those 50 hours or just 5 hours?

update as of Oct 2020: My Spare time was more scarce esp. during UChicago days. Now I have a rare lifestyle with more spare time, so now I believe most people including XR would not be productive if given this much spare time.

Original title: What can more spare time including leaves “buy”me? Answer:

  • lower-body flexibility; cardio fitness
  • more therapeutic, reflective blogging
  • more (productive or fun) time with kids
  • more QQ and coding drill?
  • slightly more exploration of local codebase on my own, without time pressure.
  • more wellness research, for self-care and teaching my kids. Parents spend a lot of time talking to kids about wellness.
  • more calls to Beijing
  • Spare time did buy me lots of blogg→evaluation@life→more satisfactions

However, limiting factor is not only spare time (like O2) but absorbency:

  • insufficient absorbency for localSys
  • insufficient absorbency for jogging, stretch
  • insufficient absorbency for coding drill

Jolt: Before I scold ah-boy about his absorbency deficiency, look in the mirror.

##[17]retirement disposable time usage


See also my framework: Chore^Pleasure activities

Note this bpost is not about “spare time”. In retirement, most of the hours are “spare time”!

  • exercise in the park everyday .. like grandma
  • reflective blogging — likely to be a big time-killer
  • reading .. see below
  • sight-seeing, burning your cash reserve? Grandpa said he is physically unable to
  • — now the more productive endeavors:
  • volunteering for a worthy cause?
  • helping out as grandparents
  • ! … semi-retirement is clearly superior as I would have a real occupation with a commitment and a fixed work schedule

Grandpa pointed out that there are Actually-bigger factors than finding things to do

  1. cash flow
  2. health

— recreationalXX vs curiositySou

reading as a pastime? GP said at his age, he still loves reading and has many good books at home, but has insufficient physical energy

def[spare hours]: G2cur_allocation #blogg/pff

See also blogpost on Luke Su and spare time accounting

— First let me present my practical (hopefully valuable) quantification of

spare time := the hours excluding required work time (+commute), essential family-support (+repairs), bio-time (sleep, nutrition/preparation)

— Second, let’s name the G3 non-overlapping allocations excluding the hard-to-estimate unused time. Note Blogging is a “mixin”, and someday should be excluded.

  • — no sorting required
  • 20% pff.
  • 10% wellness  .. workout [intimacy-prep], research, meal prep
  • 30% other emailing + blogg

If I put in more than 3 items, then I tend to spend too much time fine-tuning the estimates but these estimates are not so useful in hind sight.

— an earlier account:

  • 20% pff. Am reducing it from 40%
  • 20% parenting including seeking help. Am increasing it from 5%
  • 20% workout + wellness research; tech xx including localSys + body-building
  • 40% other blogging


Quiet_Boredom: coblood waste@@

k_quietime  k_X_power_descriptor

In my 30s I first read an English essay about loafing in the woods, without understanding anything. In my 40s I read a short article in a China newspaper endorsing 发呆,头脑放假. I re-read later because it was contrarian and intriguing. Now in my late 40s I still struggle to get it, but am warming up and feeling somehow /enlightened/. I think this is a lifestyle improvement, mellowing up, personal growth

Q: At my age and my level of ffree, why do I still worry about coblood waste, and too much idle time?
A: Well, successE is not “complete” success as it captures one dimension of success. SuccessZ is another crucial dimension of success
A: spare time not really enough:
* piano
* yoga classes
* daily sessions with kids

Quiet idle time is also known as quiet downtime, quiet boredom (neutral connotation). Mostly we mean planned boredom.  To me, (planned/unplanned) quiet idle time is defined as a prolonged period of doing nothing, therefore completely unproductive, free of extraneous stimulations, similar to meditation. I guess quiet idle time could be a deeper recharge for some individuals, but today I will assume this deeper recharge doesn’t work for most of us.

Unplanned Boredom can be good, as a BBC program reported. Planned downtime/boredom can be free of pain.

I guess LKY in his twilight years decided to learn meditation, perhaps to reduce physical suffering.

I think quiet idle time is not bad for some retirees and some younger people. So far, I have limited appreciation for quiet idle time. Jacob of ERE pointed out the “freedom TO” challenge. 90% of the time, I still have goals, and purposes and I still push myself towards them. One growing purpose is the need to live longer for my kids. (Longevity requires long-term effort, practice and time.) I feel I can add value to their lives. If I live longer, I can better control my surplus assets and decide how to use it to help my children and possibly their children.

— Time wastage .. may not be quiet. Conversely, quiet idle time is often considered time well spent, not wasted.
Time wasted in pain, or other unintended wastes of time are always regrettable and should be minimized. Time wasted due to inefficiency is questionable.
— Healthy longevity may benefit from quiet idle time, which is not 100% same as traditional meditation. Meditation has a more strict /prescription/.
Even though quiet boredom is unproductive, it could restore harmony and health !
— harmony .. the boredom, idleness and “coblood waste” often leave me /restless/, but I can learn to live with them in harmony.
— A quiet quasi-idle time is a more broad category including musical instrument, calligraphy, painting/drawing, gardening, baking, wife’s handcrafting, knitting,,,
— planned quiet idle time can become a pastime, with a growing importance in my carefree ezlife. See 4 def@success 

[19]Korea trip review #private time4blogg


— bj15d …  I feel a serious dependenncy on blogg [github, dreamhost]. I need to jot down many thoughts across diverse topics. This usually requires smemo (I had), quietime, tablespace,, but wpress and internet access? not essential.

This /adjustment/ to the China environment is stressful and painful.

dinosaurs? A negative descriptor.

Serenity? Harmony?

==== Korea trip
total price excluding tips? S$5432
— precious quietime

Similar to Bj15d. Somewhat similar to 2020 circuit breaker period. When I reach hotel, I now spend a few hours on “clean-up”. Next time consider one more room, or I stay in my BJ home.

I am losing my 5/wk, my diet control (chia), my dental control,

— boy’s self-discipline
did math practices on many evenings in hotel + flight + briefly on tour bus
! at teddy bear museum bought the cheapest
didn’t insist on attractive yet unhealthy foods

— my self-discipline
removed many visible fats before eating
avoided deep fried food
avoided rice many times

— parenting efforts #beyond math:
many talks with boy, trying to get through to him

— tech-learning absorbency # hard to maintain over long periods > 3 days
🙂 reviewed 30-50 old tech blogposts on java9, multicast feed, … These are the most valuable tech blogposts. Very engaging.
I made this selection hoping to maximize absorbency. No regrets
🙂 did a few algo challenges

reliability@ROTI: dedicated parent`^yoga^codingDrill

— opening example: dedicated parenting hours
Some fathers of primary school kids “sink” virtually all their free time on the kid. They presumably reliaze the strategic ROTI.

However, the proven reliability of this ROTI is highly questionable.

If their kids turn out to be “successful” by the conventional (academic, brank or financial) yardsticks, then it may have less to do with these dedicated hours.

Leverage … is reduced by the large tcost (energy sink)

— Yoga classes …. Tcost is rather high. I can’t spend 3H/day, even considering the strategic ROTI
— piano practice?
— coding drill … If you don’t practice speed coding, or you do that without fully digesting the problems, then even 10 problems/week over 3Y (150 weeks) won’t be enough. You will hit dimishing return.

##[20]plowback@ free Time ] ezlife #w1r7

See also

During the 2020/21 carefree “easy life”, my disposable time usually hit the energy sinks, but I want to see some plowback like …

  • — half ranked in terms of unique, original or innovative ideas of plowback
  • [s1] DIY — can be a livelihood protection
  • [s1] AMB as a recreation
  • call Bj and sister — more often
  • [s2] piano as recreation — a time-consuming plowback with excellent /retention/. See other blogposts.
  • [s3] cpf (long-horizon) cash flow planning
  • dram-refresh — spend the extra disposable time on dram-refresh of wellness + tech blogs. How about parenting blogposts? 温故知新 is more effective for me than others
  • [a] blog optimization
  • .. wordpress hosting — operational efficiency in self-care, problem-solving, decision-making
  • —- classic/proven or familiar plowback
  • [s1] bonding with kids — spend the extra disposable time building bond with kids. reduce his smartphone addictive tendency and replace it with more wholesome hobbies
  • .. to a lesser extent, academic coaching
  • [s2] localSys — great plowback during office hours
  • [s1] fitness — improve BMI and build stamina, strength, flexibility… remains the most strategic plowback, despite the limited accumulation
  • [a s2] personal finance — such as stock picking? Control needed. Tcost is way too high, so ROTI of this plowback is extremely challenging. Most people end up buying indices !
  • [a=obsessive becoming negative addiction]
  • [s1~s3=strategic value. “Not strategic” is the default ]

— plowback to achieve some batt accumulation — is crucial
— plowback to build more layers of defenses + alternatives?
if nothing noteworthy to add, then just leave this question open.

— this blogpost is paradoxically both 1) an oth risk and 2) a valuable question that deserves revisit.



t-spend For boy: facetime^hiking^prep drill

  • The hours spent blogging on parenting + writing email (in Chinese) on tend to be calm
  • The hours spent bringing boy out hiking tend to be more bonding. He opens up.
  • The hours spent preparing questions tend to be more efficient
  • In contrast, The facetime hours are supposed to be more effective, but often too intense to be effective.
    • if I get to engage him without losing my cool, then the efficiency is usually quite good
    • If I can’t keep my cool during the face time, then better avoid facetime.

[18] Spare time usage while living with family, again

Q: If I live with family how much of my spare time will go to kids?
%%A: Experience shows 50% – 80% (unscientific)

Q: Did I spend my spare time on the wrong things? I am keenly aware of such mistakes. I would say as a student (and interview preparation) I was exceptional in terms of spending spare time on the right things.

Right after MSFM I felt such relief n freedom but soon that huge amount of spare time was absorbed by …?

I analyzed, even recorded, my spare time % usage during Mac days.

–Xp on Sep 2018 trip

  • Blogging
  • Preparation for outing.
  • “Outing” after dinner with kids? 1.5 – 3H
  • Family laptop set-up? 3-6 hours
  • Mandatory visits.. not only dental and cholesterol
  • Help boy with math? 5-10 hours
  • Repairs… not only luggage, fan …
  • Met Raymond for 3H
  • Two polyclinic visits + discussions ? 5-10 hours

capture powerSurge regardless@location #localSys

Real limiting factor is absorbency, not convenient equipments or private time.

— don’t need to postpone localSys to office

In office, I often spend hours on nonwork (though I should try to finish my work first).

If at home I make progress on work projects, I can have freedom to use my time in office 🙂

Warning: I may end up working at home a bit, but slow down progress on work projects. Therefore, it’s often better to segregate working hours vs nonwork hours.

— don’t need to postpone coding drill to home.

Once (at home or office) I make some progress on work projects, I should capture whatever absorbency for coding drill wherever I am.