Now spare time is scarce, but in retirement, spare time would be too much.
See also
- strategic areas!!gett`enough sunshine #+patience
- spare time as slack resource
- plowback
- ctbz(寸土必争): micro-saving add up over 20Y
- ## layers@buffer⇒security #Leave
XR described to me that (lack of) spare time means so much to him — coaching his son on Chinese; coding drill; personal investment; … However, if he is given 50 hours of spare time, can he be productive in those 50 hours or just 5 hours?
update as of Oct 2020: My Spare time was more scarce esp. during UChicago days. Now I have a rare lifestyle with more spare time, so now I believe most people including XR would not be productive if given this much spare time.
Original title: What can more spare time including leaves “buy”me? Answer:
- lower-body flexibility; cardio fitness
- more therapeutic, reflective blogging
- more (productive or fun) time with kids
- more QQ and coding drill?
- slightly more exploration of local codebase on my own, without time pressure.
- more wellness research, for self-care and teaching my kids. Parents spend a lot of time talking to kids about wellness.
- more calls to Beijing
- Spare time did buy me lots of blogg→evaluation@life→more satisfactions
However, limiting factor is not only spare time (like O2) but absorbency:
- insufficient absorbency for localSys
- insufficient absorbency for jogging, stretch
- insufficient absorbency for coding drill
Jolt: Before I scold ah-boy about his absorbency deficiency, look in the mirror.