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— G9 progress this past quarter… half ranked /chronologically/ and by noteworthiness ##a form of cognitive self-talk:
updated BGC.xls, DJDJ.xls and noNeedUSA.xls
5/wk routine customized for DJDJ stay
scheme052 and scheme123 for long passwords improved incrementally
BofA, poems pw improved and dram-refresh started
psbc::gp set up with all the pieces… due diligence on strict banking controls
Php 9990 reconciled .. lots of legwork
Channel 520 fully utilized on the Deepavali trip
SNEC appeal started
starhub account security PIN updated
spee: charging cable; condom
CCB set up
reached out to Song Ern
— traditional targets:
muscle maintenance # current priority: upper-body strength >▼flexible > ▲full body muscle (endurance) > CRE #5/wk
Mo : 10×3, 10,10,20,10,10
Tu : 10,10,20,10,10,10,10
Wd : 10×5; push-up 20,20,20,40
Fr : 9-30..G-30 in one go
Sa : G-15, G-9 doubles
Tu : sweaty catching game with kids
— progress these few weeks:
scheduled call between aunt Genn and boy
update and save pw for icbc and psbc
found out from Citi about USD cheque fee
gathered some FIX JIV questions ..
[$=with a value indicated by a specific dollar amount]
see also stressors around bj15d
printed wall posters for boy
— Supper battles
delayed past 11 ?????? Wd
left food to next morning ???? Th
— traditional targets:
Work: Su 2h
Sa 2h FIX IV questions
Su 1h FIX
Fr: 10m math with meimei; long chat with boy
Sa: 2H bike trip + lunch/dinner with boy
Su: 6h trip + dinner with boy
Th 30m]ff
Fr: 60m]ff
Su: 30m]ff
Wd: 15m]mrt
Th: 15m]mrt
Fr: 15m]mrt
Sa : 60m tough session
Su : 40m tough but rewarding stretch at Bedok Jetty
muscle maintenance # current priority:▲upper-body strength >▼flexible > CRE #5/wk
Wd : chin-up 15,15,20, 10,10,15,15
Th : (piggyback) chin-up 10,10, 15, 20
Fr : chin-up, 10, 10, 15,20,20,20
Sa: chin-up 10
Su chin-up 20
Wd: G-9,
Fr: sq 8x
Sa : 2H uphill cycling sweaty cardio, hours after some sweaty flow yoga
Su : 6km jogg
— G9 progress this past quarter… half ranked /chronologically/ and by noteworthiness ##a form of cognitive self-talk:
updated BGC.xls, DJDJ.xls and noNeedUSA.xls
Nokia router setup .. WMF, re-wiring, calling Starhub for troubleshooting
scheme052 and scheme123 for long passwords improved incrementally
5/wk routine customized for DJDJ stay
BofA, poems pw improved and dram-refresh started
psbc::gp set up with all the pieces… due diligence on strict banking controls
Php 9990 reconciled .. lots of legwork
psbc::gp set up … lots of legwork
Channel 520 fully utilized on the Deepavali trip
SNEC appeal started
— traditional targets:
muscle maintenance # current priority: upper-body strength >▼flexible > ▲full body muscle (endurance) > CRE #5/wk
Su : (qualified active day) 15min gym
Mo : sq 10+8+4x, upper body 10m
Wd : sq 24x; gym 20m
Fr : gym 30m
Sa: too tiried after overnight flight
— progress these few weeks:
scheduled call between aunt Genn and boy
drilled two holes for picture hanging; main door friction improved;
I hated myself for procrastination on the 2 emails requested by NCT, but I still got them sent :). Then I spoke to him on 21 Oct despite my mental stress
tried WPS office suit
update and save pw for icbc and psbc
[$] USD transfer out from .. better than expected (valuable learning)
[$=with a value indicated by a specific dollar amount]
see also stressors around bj15d
sgNS + FGO .. discussed with grandpa, wife and Raymond. Wrote long, therapeutic email about Grandpa discussion.
BGC buyer .. selfless referral to R.Teo
reaching out to Touch and FGO
— Supper battles
delayed past 11 ?????? Th, Tu
left food to next morning ????
— traditional targets:
kids: Sa/Su cycling with boy
Fr 15m]mrt
Sa 15m]mrt
Su 15m]mrt
muscle maintenance # current priority:▲upper-body strength >▼flexible > CRE #5/wk
Fr : chin-up 15,15,10,15,20, 20,20, 18
Mo : chin-up 10, 15, 20,20,20,15
Tu : chin-up 10,15,15,15,15, 10,10,10
Sa : 8k jogg
Su (despite abrasions): loaded sq 4+6x; a few hours of sweaty cycling incluing many slopes;
— G9 progress this past quarter… half ranked /chronologically/ and by noteworthiness ##a form of cognitive self-talk:
updated BGC.xls, DJDJ.xls and noNeedUSA.xls
Nokia router setup .. WMF, re-wiring, calling Starhub for troubleshooting
DJDJ stay .. xRay/Hep done; claim paid out
scheme052 and scheme123 for long passwords improved incrementally
BofA, poems pw improved
— traditional targets:
Wd : 60 tough session; 15m]mrt
Th: 5m]shower
muscle maintenance # current priority: upper-body strength >▼flexible > ▲full body muscle (endurance) > CRE #5/wk
Tu : 10×4, 15,10,15,10
Th: sq 8x
Fr : 10×6,10×3
Sa : 10,10,15,15,10
— progress these few weeks:
set up hdmi switch .. weekend sanctuary
scheduled call between aunt Genn and boy
drilled two holes for picture hanging; main door friction improved;
I hated myself for procrastination on the 2 emails requested by NCT, but I still got them sent :). Then I spoke to him on 21 Oct despite my mental stress
tried WPS office suit
update and save pw for icbc and psbc
CGC arrangement improved .. frequency, medication,
[$] USD transfer out from .. better than expected (valuable learning)
[$=with a value indicated by a specific dollar amount]
see also stressors around bj15d
pillbox .. proven effective
2020 py certificate backed up in google drive
sgNS + FGO .. discussed with grandpa, wife and Raymond. Wrote long, therapeutic email about Grandpa discussion.
sent Y2K phone to XMS
back up studio photos for wife.. my google drive
returned meimei’s toy to Ikea
— Supper battles
delayed past 11 ??????
left food to next morning ????
— traditional targets:
office work:
early sleep:
Sa 1h]ff
Su: 2h]ff
Mo: 1h]ff
Tu: 3h]ff
Wd: 30m
muscle maintenance # current priority:▲upper-body strength >▼flexible > CRE #5/wk
Sa : stairs 21+9 in two segments
Su : slow jogg 2k; G-9; sq 4x
Mo : G-9; lunges x 1
Tu : 3.3k slow jogg but against rain; fast cycling 60m crossing two overhead bridges
Wd : 8k slow jogg with some load
— G9 progress this past quarter… half ranked /chronologically/ and by noteworthiness ##a form of cognitive self-talk:
updated BGC.xls, DJDJ.xls and noNeedUSA.xls
Nokia router setup .. WMF, re-wiring, calling Starhub for troubleshooting
DJDJ stay .. xRay/Hep done; claim paid out
scheme052 for long passwords improved incrementally
Mayb khm, citi.NA pw improved
HP cartridge
— traditional targets:
Th 1h]ff
Su: 1h]ff
Mo : 2h at home even though tired
Th: 15m]mrt
Su: 10m ] shower
muscle maintenance # current priority: upper-body strength >▼flexible > ▲full body muscle (endurance) > CRE #5/wk
Th : G-19 doubles; G-9 doubles; sq 4x
Fr : 10,10,15,20,10,15 = 80; G-9
Sa : chin-up 10×5; G-9; sq 4x
Su : lunges 100+ … legs tired hours later!
Mo :sq 4x; G-30
— progress these few weeks:
drilled two holes for picture hanging; main door friction improved;
A/C improved
I hated myself for procrastination on the 2 emails requested by NCT, but I still got them sent 🙂
[$] MB.khm TD fixed. $3k received from FLI2
tried WPS office suit
update and save pw for icbc and psbc
researched about private counselling clinics as emergency backup facilities.
[$] USD transfer out from .. better than expected (valuable learning)
[$=with a value indicated by a specific dollar amount]
see also stressors around bj15d
CGC arrangement improved .. frequency, medication,
pillbox .. proven effective
— Supper battles
delayed past 11 ?????? Mo, Tu
left food to next morning ????
— traditional targets:
office work:
early sleep: Wd
Tu: playground meimei
Wd: night stroll with meimei
Fr: movie night with meimei
Tu: 5m]shower, 15m]mrt
Wd: 15m]mrt
Fr: 15m]mrt
muscle maintenance # current priority:▲upper-body strength >▼flexible > CRE #5/wk
Tu : chin-up 20,20,15,15,20
Fr : chin-up 15,15,15,20,20,20
Mo : G-9, 9-19; sq 8x
Tu : G-30 carrying laptop/water
Wd : G-9 twice, lunges 2 rounds
Th : G-9 twice, lunges 4 rounds, 1.2 km slow jogg
— progress these few weeks:
drilled two holes for picture hanging; main door friction improved;
A/C improved
I hated myself for procrastination on the 2 emails requested by NCT, but I still got them sent 🙂
]$] MB.khm TD fixed. $3k received from FLI2
[$] USD transfer out from .. better than expected (valuable learning)
[$=with a value indicated by a specific dollar amount]
see also stressors around bj15d
researched about private counselling clinics as emergency backup facilities.
CGC arrangement improved .. frequency, medication,
visited Dr ColinOng
tried WPS office suit
researched wpress domain change
update and save pw for icbc and psbc
— Supper battles
delayed past 11 ?????? Wd, Th, Fr, Su
left food to next morning ???? Wd, Th, Fr
— traditional targets:
office work:
Su: meimei learning to leap
Wd: 15m]mrt
Th: 15m]mrt
Sa: 15m]mrt
muscle maintenance # current priority:▲upper-body strength >▼flexible > CRE #5/wk
Wd : chin-up 10,15,20, 15, 20, 10,10
Th : chin-up 15, 15, 20,20, 15, 10
Fr : chin-up 10,10,20,20, (SCB trip) 20×2
Sa : (piggyback) chin-up 15, 20, 15, 10
Su : 15,15,10, 10×9
— G9 progress this past quarter… half ranked /chronologically/ and by noteworthiness ##a form of cognitive self-talk:
updated BGC.xls, DJDJ.xls and noNeedUSA.xls
Nokia router setup .. WMF, re-wiring, calling Starhub for troubleshooting
DJDJ stay .. xRay/Hep done; claim paid out
scheme052 for long passwords improved incrementally
Mayb khm, citi.NA pw improved
HP cartridge
— traditional targets:
muscle maintenance # current priority: upper-body strength >▼flexible > ▲full body muscle (endurance) > CRE #5/wk
Fr : chin-up 10,10,15,10,10.10.15 = 80
Sa : G-9, G-9; sq 6x
Su : 9-30; sq 6x
Mo : 3k with some slopes
Tu: G-9 loaded
Wd: G-9 fast
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