IC designer wage: unexpected explanations #le2Jiong

See also my email to CSY on medical researcher salary

== Thanks Zhang Jiong for sharing your insight. For many years IC design was my dream job.

https://www.glassdoor.sg/Salaries/singapore-ic-design-engineer-salary-SRCH_IL.0,9_IM1123_KO10,28.htm shows SGD 48k annual base salary as the average

  • across Singapore,
  • regardless of seniority or how much experience,
  • “very high confidence” estimate

This figure is surprisingly low. I guess many data points in this sample are recent immigrants from India or China or South-East Asia. These individuals are often satisfied with lower salaries.

https://www.glassdoor.sg/Monthly-Pay/Broadcom-IC-Design-Engineer-US-Monthly-Pay-EJI_IE6926.0,8_KO9,27_IL.28,30_IN1.htm?experienceLevel=SEVEN_TO_NINE shows USD $117k annual base salary for

  • Broadcom U.S. IC designers with 7-9 years experience
  • high confidence estimate

I think this figure is on the lower half of your estimate of 100k – 150k, because your “sample” might be more successful, more competent engineers. Possible?

I completed a Master’s degree program in financial mathematics, with a lot of training on statistics. So I know a thing or two about sampling bias 🙂

A summary of the factors affecting IC designer salary:

  • supply — pool of qualified, experienced IC designers is growing so the skill is not so rare.
  • demand — many U.S. employers are driven to downsize due to China competition
  • demand — the IC design industry has reached maturity and the downward curve (sunset industry?), because product differentiation can be achieved using industry-standard modules, without custom designs such as ASIC.
  • demand — demand is fundamentally affected by company profit. Overall profit across IC design companies is possibly declining because Chinese competitors can undercut everyone else due to cheaper labor and export subsidies.

[18] Dallas typical salary: senior dev

  • Contract $75/hour (“take-home”? possibly a typo) pre-tax income, without benefits is considered “very good”.
  • Perm $120k-130k is considered “very good”.
  • Perm 110k-120k is typical.

Today (in 2018) I heard these numbers from a java developer friend (my age) who has worked in U.S. (always Texas) since 2007. Is that consistent with what you see?

I used to hear that senior developers (perm) earn 75k to 90k in most states except tristate and California. Now I think 110k-120k might be the market rate.

Why the increase? I was told technology jobs are moving to Dallas and Austin, and there’s a skill shortage.

[23]SG fresh grad salary #Chn

— China

Flight attendant .. attractive profession for fresh graduates. Before the pandemic, around 10 per cent of cabin crew applications were typically successful, often from fresh graduates.  “There have always been a large number of young girls and boys who want to do this job, as the income is not bad, usually between 10,000 (US$1,454) and 20,000 yuan a month” said Li Hanming, an independent expert on China’s aviation industry.

In 2021, only 6.1 per cent of fresh college graduates earned more than 10,000 yuan a month, the Global Times reported in February, citing education consulting and research institute MyCOS.

— In Sep 2015 I asked a Macq support guy before he left for a big4 consulting job:
Q: curious what’s a typical income among your friends (1Y experience?)

my friends in Goldman is slightly above 5k
my friend in visa is 5k
HP is about 3.9k
engineer will be 3.4~3.5
MLP QA lady .. 2015 NTU CS (not compEngin) grad 4.1k

— In 2021 I asked our intern Dahlan. I said 5k isn’t very high for someone with 1Y experience. He said there are many employers paying more… I think that’s dev role.

My intern said:
* SMEs pay 3.2k
* many gov-linked firms pay up to 4.8k
* top web2.0 shops pay 6k
— 2023 survey by NUS/NTU/SMU/SUSS  https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/university-graduates-unemployed-6-months-survey-nus-ntu-suss-smu-3290586