[24]U.S.college teach`staff salary

I often see mass media quoting some professors, and I always wonder how well-paid they are. “Professor” in the American context means “anyone teachoing above high school levels” including leturers. Most of the employers are colleges including community colleges. However, Singapore’s JC and polytechnic are probably comparable to U.S. high schools.

https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewdepietro/2023/08/24/highest-paying-college-professor-jobs-of-2023/ is fairly credible. It shows 15 departments where teachers earn highest salary. For each department, it shows average (not median) and 75th percentile.

Humanities lecturers tend to make less than their counterparts in the sciences, law, and other specialized fields.

  1. Law prof .. $134k
  2. Medical prof .. $128k
  3. Econs prof .. $123k
  4. Engineering prof .. $114k
  5. Business prof .. $108k
  6. Architecture prof .. $104k
  7. CompSci prof .. $99k
  8. Phy>Bio>Chem prof .. around $101>98>95k

[22]SG doctors’ incomes

http://www.salaryexplorer.com/salary-survey.php?loc=196&loctype=1&job=13&jobtype=2 has figures for 50+ specializations. From the comparison, you can get a feel where each specialization stands in the pack.

https://www.salary.sg/2007/doctors-pay/ is fairly realistic, with 900+ comments up to 2018

eg: Radiologist is one of the highest paid specializations. I guess it’s 300-400k for a fully qualified radiologist.

Informally, my intern colleague said “20-30k” is a typical layman estimate.

SG median salaries shows GP at 12k/M

— why bother?

In the Sgp culture , doctors are by far the most recognizable and respected profession. We all have first hand experience dealing with doctors. We have good estimates about how much they have to study in school, how hard they work, and how much they earn. As such, this profession (actually this group of individuals) are a poster boy profession.

##Chn salaries=seldom match`SG #w1r2

We often hear stories of rich China people.. My U.S. peers often lament their low income compared to classmates in China… See wage+homePrice: (statistical)biased views@cmcUS colleagues

I believe most Chinese citizens are not the 0.1% employed in the top web2.0 shops. Somehow, in my mind this tiny group is the typical China salary… misperception due to brainwash.

Many urban white-collar Chinese tend to dismiss rural peasants (including rural migrant workers) as if second-class citizens of China, to be treated as excluded data points. Beside peasants, there also are millions of

  • (half ranked by population and by clarity of well-defined scope)
  • [p$] teachers/instructors — pre-schools, tuition centers, language, arts, fitness
  • [p$] accountants … few would rise up to finance director like my sister
  • shop assistants, restaurant waiters … a low-skilled job, so “20% of them will rise to become rich businesspeople” is naive.
  • factory workers,
  • [p] nurses and medical workers “below” physicians .. some are unskilled
  • street vendors, pushcart vendors .. They can’t afford a permanent shop.
  • [p- v$] junior engineers, technicians, mechanics, handymen
  • [p] software engineers/testers, network engineers outside the top software teams! They are well-paid (like USD 80k/Y) only in the U.S.
  • [v] full time drivers — taxi, truck, delivery team
  • [v] bank clerks, post office clerks,
  • [p] newspaper or book editors .. peripheral to the “star” authors
  • [p-] junior civil servants,
  • [v] junior rEstate agents, insurance agents, vehicle salesmen
  • most musicians .. don’t become rich and famous
  • cleaners,
  • junior policemen .. very few earn high income
  • [p$] journalists, photographers, visual artists .. few high-earners
  • full time security guards,
  • [v] receptionist and frontline call center customer service (non-supervisors) .. few are white-collar professionals
  • [v] postman, mailman
  • tour guides, [v] tour agency staff
  • junior air stewardess and [v] airport staff
  • [v] 美容美髮 barbers, massagers, workers in facial shop, nail shops
  • [v$] support staff in showbiz .. I think some of the creative professionals might be well-paid
  • [$] junior chefs
  • junior librarians, museum curators
  • [pv$] junior dentists, physical therapists
  • [$=this group have high wave earners]
  • [v=a salad bowl group, or a vague, less well-defined group]
  • [p=professional training or accreditation, degree required. p- means “some of the population is professional”]

Now even though these professions are unlikely to pay RMB 1000k/Y, some of these groups esp. those tagged “[$]” do have high wage earners. We should not look down on them.

2020年5月,中国总理李克强在人大会议期间曾说中国有“6亿中低收入及以下人群,他们平均每个月的收入也就1000元左右”。这与世界银行根据每天每人5.5美元标准对中国贫困总人口的估计基本吻合。(CNY 12000/Y/person.)

Median per-capita disposable income: 根据中国国家统计局的数字,2020年中国居民人均可支配收入中位数为27540元/年。农村居民人均可支配收入中位数为15204元/年, 城镇居民人均可支配收入中位数40378元/年。

In terms of household  — 根据麦肯锡公司《2020年中国消费者调查报告》50%的中国家庭 disposable income [可支配年收入] 达14万至30万元人民币. I think this is in the cities. If typical family size is 4 then this number is consistent with the 40378元/person/年.

Japan’s irregular jobs, n those young graduates trapped therein

— Based on https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2017/07/japan-mystery-low-birth-rate/534291/

POSSE ( a group formed by young college graduates who wanted to create a labor union for young people) calculates that irregular employees earn on average about $1,800 a month, but spend much of that money on rent, paying back their college loans, and paying into Japan’s social-security program.

According to the POSSE leader, an influential writer, about a quarter of Japan’s college graduates—a proportion that roughly corresponds with the share of students who go to big-name universities—are set for life, working in good jobs. Everyone else is struggling to find a stable employment. “Men in their 20s, they don’t have an idea of having families or a house… Most of them feel that it’s just not a reality.” The photo above, from the article, is subject to interpretation. The young man seems to be one of the “struggling majority”, looking to cross the /chasm/ into the land of stable, dependable employment. He can keep trying to get into a permanent job, but I speculate that after a certain age(35?), those hiring teams won’t see a lot of potential in him. 少壮不努力, 老大徒伤悲

— exclub
Q: in the grand scheme of things, how miserable are those “struggling” Japanese graduates?
A: I would say “not too bad” given Japan has a mature, functional welfare system, if they ever fall through the cracks. Most of them are well above that cash-flow low ground. Compared to the older Japanese workers, these graduates are young (therefore in-demand), healthier…
A: where they fare poorly is exclub… the “lucky quarter” is an exclub.

U.S.wage by profession #teacher++

— https://www.businessinsider.com/10-alarming-facts-about-teacher-pay-in-the-united-states-2019-10 is a decent publication about teacher salary

  • The US consistently ranks seventh in the world for average teacher pay. The average salary for a teacher across the US is $60,477 as of 2018, similar to the average for personal trainer
  • the average starting salary for a teacher in the US is below $40,000 in 63% of the nation’s school districts
  • At the top of their pay scale, a US elementary school teacher makes $67,000 a year, and a US high school teacher makes $71,000 a year on average.
  • Teachers in New York make a median salary of $78,576 a year. According to CNN, that’s around the same salary as a physician’s assistant, a college agricultural sciences professor.
  • .. Note median salary of all workers in New York is $51k

— https://www.salary.com/articles/8-jobs-youll-love-pay-50000/ shows median salaries:

  • $72k flight attendant
  • $57k personal trainer
  • $61k entry level medical writer
  • $70k entry level engineer in many domains

— low wage service workers, reported in [[Living on tips]] on the 2019 edition of Time magazine

  • — median wages
  • $24k/Y personal-care aide
  • $21k/Y food-prep worker, presumably excluding the chef
  • $22k/Y waitstaff

In the same article , an economist said “Those who lose jobs in a recession usually move down, not up, the pay scale.”

[22] risk quant salary: ibank Sgp office #K.Hu

My friend in BNP said risk-quant VP is probably SGD 150k (including bonus, confirmed), but he was not VP yet.

His department is custodian or prime broker serving mutual funds. The fixed income quant role includes performance analysis, risk analysis on the client’s bond portfolio.

He then moved to SCB as risk-quant VP. Total comp became SGD 160k+. In 2022, he said 200k base was director level.

[24]Sgp median salaries: architect ^GP^lecturer

https://www.straitstimes.com/business/oil-traders-earn-big-median-wages-jump-for-some-wellness-jobs-mom-salary-data (to be locked up) is a 2023 survey (published 12M later) across 500 well-defined professions, as defind by MOM

Job title Number of
workers in sample
Median monthly gross
wage as at June 2023[1]
1 Oil and bunker trader 87 14,911
2 CIO/CTO/CSO #security 727 13,840
3 Enterprise/solution architect 392 13,682
5 University lecturer 2,950 13,108
6 Insurance services manager 272 12,407
7 Strategic planning manager 557 12,312
8 Chief operating officer/general manager 2,159 12,137
9 Risk management manager 432 11,558
11 Director (stage, film, television, game, ads, video , radio) 156 11,252
12 InfoComm technology sales and services professional 237 11,250
13 Financial/investment adviser (eg RM) 1,366 11,129
14 Financial risk manager 380 10,817
15 Specialist medical practitioner (medical) 422 10,693
16 Regional sales manager 563 10,597
17 Financial services manager 1,531 10,580
18 Editor (news and periodicals) 410 10,577
20 RnD manager 1,813 10,262
  • [1] Criteria and basis — Gross = sum of basic wage, overtime payments, commissions, allowances and other regular [consistent, reliable] cash payments. It is before deduction of employee CPF contributions and personal income tax, and excludes employer CPF contributions, bonuses, stock options etc.
  • Note SWE is not within G20
  • CEO .. no such job title, but CIO/CTO and CSO are grouped into one profession.
  • I removed several vague job titles having small samples .. #4 #10 #19
  • junior to senior professionals are well-represented in each “histogram”, and (senior) outliers don’t affect median

https://www.asiaone.com/lifestyle/ever-wondered-how-much-your-doctor-and-lawyer-friends-earn is a 2020 article written for Singapore parents. It briefly describes each profession.

Commercial Pilots who do long-haul flights on full-service airlines can command five-figure salaries

Popular job in Singapore Median salary
Doctor (GP) $12,052
Pilot (Commercial) $9,000*
Lawyer $8,300
Teacher (Secondary) $5,000*
Architect $4,500

* Approximate figures taken from payscale.com

The median is a statistic from a sample including fresh graduates and part-timers.

These figures mostly come from MOM. The same MOM webpage shows

  • SWE median $5300, consistent with my 2015 experience with main street job market
  • CIO/CTO’s median $11,179

— architect graduates .. 2022 CNA article https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/6pm-it-feels-its-lunchtime-low-pay-long-hours-driving-away-singapores-young-architect-hopefuls-2763336 says

Job portal Glassdoor pegged the average base salary for architectural assistants at S$3,400 per month as of June 2022, though the sum typically ranges from S$3,000 to slightly more than S$4,000, according to those CNA spoke to. One recent graduate, who only wanted to be known as Ms Tan, lamented: “Architecture graduates study a year more than regular degree holders, so we take five years … but we come out earning less. Progression is also very, very slow. After five years, if you start at high (three thousand), you may not even reach S$5,000 – which is what other people’s starting pay is.”

“We are bound by the Competition Act, so we cannot impose a minimum professional fee … so people undercut each other,” said Jessica, who has worked in the industry for four years.

Singapore Institute of Architects’ president Melvin Tan said “If you look at today’s market, the fees, unfortunately, are a fraction of what they were 20 years ago.” He estimated 5,000 to 6,000 architects and architectural assistants practice in Singapore.

[21]medical research salary ] Philly #NBA,auditor

  1. https://www.salary.com/tools/salary-calculator/medical-research-scientist?type=bonus&view=table shows median $96k (same figure with or without bonus, so something incorrect)
  2. https://collegegrad.com/careers/medical-scientists shows median $89k  (not sure with or without bonus)
  3. https://www.payscale.com/research/US/Job=Medical_Scientist/Salary shows average $82k base salary. Note PayScale.com always shows lower figures than other sites.

Why the difference? Source data are definitely different, and bonus may/not be counted, but notice median vs average. Average is typically Higher than median for wealth data, because the high outliers have a huge impact on the average. However, in this case the average is lower !

What’s your field observation of their salary? I guess below 100k is indeed much lower than software engineers. I always thought medical research requires high education and very much white-collar. Now I think the education and training requirement is much shorter compared to physicians who manage patients rather than data about humans. Therefore, the supply of qualified researchers is much higher than I assumed.

I think general practitioners make 150k typically.

I always believe that we software engineers are fairly well paid in the U.S. context. Your pointer just confirmed my belief.

— Shanyou’s reply on Wed, 20 Jan 2021:

Many Chinese in the Philadelphia area work as medical researchers. The job sounds good but I know they are not being paid well. Some people say that the actors, basketball players shouldn’t get ten of millions each year, but their is nothing wrong with that, it is determined by the market. I agree with you that software developer is a good profession.

— My reply after Chinese New year:
You are right about NBA players. The count of highly paid NBA players is very small, perhaps below 500 worldwide. If you count the 500 best-paid medical researchers, the typical package is probably very lucrative too.

The key difference between NBA vs medical research — career-total income is limited by the short career length of NBA stars — 青春饭.

Accounting auditors is another profession that is good only in the “sound”. I know they get paid much less than us software guys. In Citigroup, for a few months I had a cubicle right beside a bunch of young auditors from a big-four accounting firm (KPMG if I am not wrong). Over a few months I had many chitchats with a few auditors in their early 30s, about my age at the time. I remember they were paid much less than me at that time, perhaps below 100k. Many of them want to switch industry to join finance. In a way, they were like the poor security inspectors for the rich bankers.

In each case, supply-n-demand is the explanation of the salary discrepancy. The software engineers as a profession generate enormous (and growing) profit for employers, creating an increasing demand for our skills. Here’s a case in point —

Millennium founder and CEO is one of the global top 10 hedge fund owners, a legend in the industry. He is ruthless on his traders, cutting non-performing trading teams every year. He sees “technology” not as a cost center. He sees technology as an enabler, a strategic competitive advantage, a long-term asset he can build over decades to differentiate himself from competitors. With superior trading technology, he can attract superior trading talent. During the 2020 pandemic, he hired more technology professionals and paid existing tech staff a decent bonus although I won’t venture to estimate the typical amount (higher than investment banks). You can say I’m grateful to him, and grateful to my manager.

Therefore software engineers (are perceived to) create far more profit than medical researchers. As a result, the supply-n-demand (“market”) drives up the salary difference.


IC designer wage: much lower than SG finDev+westCoast

See also SGD 5k tech job @MainSt. The reality is, some sectors have so much money that even the mediocre guys in those domains get paid so much higher than the top performers in IC design.

* eg: web2.0 shops have so much money. Their main cost is salary. Once you pass their interviews, even a mediocre performance would earn you much more than any other tech sector
* eg: For a commercial bank like OCBC to compete for trading developers, it has to pay higher than it pays commercial banking tech developers.

On one hand I feel blessed, but on the other hand it’s crucial to avoid holding on too tight. Try gratitude with detachment.

— I single out IC design as it was, for decades, one of the most coveted job titles in the entire hardware industry (even the broader technology industry) at the very center of digital revolution and knowledge industry, a “poster child” profession with

  • moat — deep knowledge? It looks like west coast coding JIV requires similar amount of knowledge, which is more /accessible/ than IC design knowledge.
  • moat — work experience is extremely hard to get? It looks like there are plenty of IC designers and trading engine developers with sufficient experience, and west coast doesn’t need any work experience, just motivation and IQ
  • extremely upstream? doesn’t mean much in terms of salary. Look at Etch Process engineers.
  • explosive growth? yes in chip production but the amount of custom design has reduced after industry standardization.
    • Similarly, client-side software dev simplified significantly after browser became the standard client platform.

— IC designer salary in SG

https://www.glassdoor.sg/Salaries/singapore-ic-design-engineer-salary-SRCH_IL.0,9_IM1123_KO10,28.htm shows about S$50k/Y base but I know ibanks in SG pay about S$120-150k base

Even a senior/staff IC designer is only up to S$80k

Principal IC designer — S$140-160k. Might be a 1st percentile among IC designers in SG

— IC designer (senior) in Shanghai
up to USD 100k according to Zhang Jiong, pretty much identical to Ying Hui at RMB 60k/M