[25-5]Vesak trip #directSQ

— todo:

  • select back seats to lie down
  • book HSR ticket from PKX
effectively Sat night CSG-6255300
SQ 810 00:30 Su 11 May 2025 T3 PKX 06:35
SQ 805 08:55 Sa 17 May 2025 PEK T3 15:05(was 20)
6IFTNV eT:618245611948 !!PKX
  • SGD 394 / 2163.81 RMB
  • 25kg check-in
  • CheapTick 65-3139-1398 Live support : Mon-Fri, 9am – 7pm
  • passport .. not required by SIA
  • I booked a short (4D 👍) leave, following my “frequent short trips” strategy.
  • I evaluated the 100% refund “package” but I feel it is too conditional and may create rather than reduce stress.
  • carry RMB 20k

— Sat 10 May timing

  • sleep after lunch
  • get up 8.30pm .. to maximize sleep
  • 9 pm catch MRT
  • 10.30 pm hit T3

— Sat 17 May timing

  • get up early in DJDJ
  • 5.15 am catch taxi
  • 6 am reach PEK airport, not PKX

##header_keyword #


I use header_keywords as “meta keywords” for SearchEng, while tags are more powerful, more convenient, more visible.

Paradox: Somehow, the tanbinvest blog has more tags (140+) than the open blog but I don’t feel a real pain or j4 converting some of them to header_keywords. Why? I guess I use tagging less in tanbinvest. Leverage [cost/benefit ratio] isn’t so high.

🙂 Note WPAPP can use “k_bed Bug_wisdom” to search k_bedBug_wisdom bposts

— j4 header_keywords .. btw Rare and Unique words such as “1169” don’t need to become header_keywords. We can simply search for them on WPAPP 🙂

  1. Problems with tags: …. Too many tags crowd out the important tags on a heavily-tagged bpost with 6 or even 8 tags. Most of the 6 are marginally relevant, because the bpost is mostly about the other 2 tags. After 3 years, you won’t recognize which tags are really relevant to this bpost
  2. Another problem: Chinese in tags .. unsupported.
  3. Another problem: long phrase in tags … clumbsy esp. on WPAPP
  4. minor problem: too many tags in a single blog slows down tag auto-suggest.

==== [s] requirement on header_keyword formation: unambiguous
short names can be ambiguous, misleading, double-meaning. They can also show up in another header_keyword [3]!
long names can be restrictive. Some parts of the long name can be misleading.

Header_keywords are usually unique [perhaps relying on wording and underscores]. They can be pretty lengthy :). A header_keyword phrase will use underscore as connector, but can also use camelCase. Avoid hythens and “^” … they break  sleection_by_double_click.

Q: camelCase vs phrase_connected_by_underscore .. preferrable?
A: Phrase_connected_by_underscore IS a real advantage to header_keyword over tags.
A: I now feel a standard phrase can use camelCase like … lifeChance, hotkey
A: I also feel a keyword using abbreviations can use camelCase like … selfEval, finHealth
A: I now feel camalCase and abbreviations can help shorten header_keywords near top of a page

==== requirement on header_keyword formation: stable
header_keywords need to be stable, perhaps based on established words and established or homegrown abbreviations. Should be correct English. Prefer well-known phrases in favor of homemade phrases like … money_safe, k_not_only_luck, k_X_PPD_China

~~ rename a header_keyword .. I need a plugin:( and I need the header_keyword to be highly distinctive, not part of another word[3]. See ##plugins #tip@Replace

[3] A short header_keyword (like “k_hacker”) could become part of another header_keyword, and complicates renaming process

~~ converting header_keywords to wpress tags  .. Two steps: It’s easy to 1) apply the new tag, but harder to 2) remove the old header_keyword
Sugg: keep all header_keywords near top of each bpost…. would make it easy to remove a given header_keyword from multiple bposts.

~~ A subset of the cross-blog header_keyword will look like k_X_zzz meaning “k_X_zzz is supposed to be permantly cross-blog.”   When a regular header_keyword upgrades to cross-blog or downgrades, I don’t have bandwidth to rename it by adding/removing _X_.

However, without the _X_, I may fail to know that I need to rename across blogs 🙁

Q: Perhaps it’s better to completely remove all _X_? No. Favor those stable ones.
Q: there are many T_xyz tags with small memberships. Can we convert a T_xyz in blog1 to header_keyword  but keep T_xyz in blog2?
%%A: I think that’s pragmatic though not ideal

==== drawbacks of header_keyword cf tag

  • #1 drawback: From the WPAPP, the tags are info-radiators. I’m often surprised to find out “Oh this bpost has tagAbc!” I often click on the tagAbc to see what other bposts have it. With header_keyword, I would need to open the bpost to see
  • .. Sugg: homemade info radiator .. add some of the key words to bpost titles
  • #2: renaming/removing a popular tag is much easier than a header_keyword
  • full listing .. of (100+) header_keywords is, unlike tags, difficult and challenging
  • auto-suggest .. supported on Tags not header_keywords

~~ unexpected but frequent drawback : two overlapp header_keywords.. I know from experience. Two (or more) wpress tags can become overlapping like a slow chemical reaction:) By and large, overlapp is more annoying with wpress tags on the WPAPP. Not so distracting or annoying if occuring with header_keywords.

Suppose tagAA, tagBB tagCC and tagDD are related and possibly overlapping. If they are wpress tags, I can go to any AA bpost, click on “tagAA”, easily locate my (valuable) confluence_bpost [tagged with AA/BB/CC/DD], and discover the confluence of AA/BB/CC/DD

Once you find a header_keyword in “overlapp” condition, you often need to rename it for disambiguation.

Sugg: If you suspect a header_keyword to be overlapp with others, then convert it to a tag Early.

— Some outdated tags can be converted to header_keywords. I prefer to convert those tags that are verbose, vague or too wide-ranging.

  • — #half-ranked by “birth”
  • T_finHealth^health -> k_financialHealth_v_health … yes
  • t_winUP
  • t_hotkey -> k_hotkey (one word)
  • t_j4slim
  • t_carefree (Posts ‹ btv-open — WordPress) -> k_carefree知足常乐easy_life
  • t_selfEval -> k_self_eval
  • t_selfTalk (12) category -> k_self_talk
  • T_lifeChance -> k_X_lifeChance
  • t_resilience (9) -> k_resilience .. yes
  • t_Tanko2rule -> k_Tanko_2_rules
  • t_bonus_zen -> k_bonus_self_coach or k_bonus_selfcare
  • .. k_bonus_stigma
  • .. t_bonus tag will be retained for “other bposts related to bonus”
  • t_starhub … no need to convert because these bposts don’t have too many tags

— notes on specific keywords, roughly sorted (_X_ ignored), at best effort

  • [o=risk of overlapp]
  • [s=highly specific, not abstract, not ambiguous, low risk of overlapp]
  • [o] k_all_green_dashboard
  • k_anger_mgmt
  • k_arthur_brooks
  • [s] k_bedBug_wisdom
  • k_CAD
  • k_X_car_dependency
  • k_career_leverage .. excludes the tech xx topics of high leverage
  • k_celebrate_every_small_good_news .. “lengthy” pilot
  • k_classify_objects
  • k_X_compliance
  • k_counsellor
  • k_ctbz
  • k_daily_battle
  • [o] k_detach
  • k_def_of_success
  • k_disk_hog … storage optimization
  • [s] k_divorce
  • k_ETF_assetClass
  • [s] k_X_FOMO_v_livelihood
  • k_X_focusing_illusion
  • [s] k_gCloud … more generic than gDrive
  • k_hongkong
  • [s] k_Kahneman
  • k_my_kindness
  • [o] k_mellow
  • k_miswanting_blindFOMO .. perhaps convert to tag but I converted to k_* to avoid overloading on some overtagged posts
  • k_my_adapted_jargon .. adapted from standard jargon. See https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=8210&action=edit
  • k_not_only_luck ….. luck vs effort
  • [s] k_office_sanctuary
  • [s] k_passwd
  • [o] k_penalty_on_kids
  • k_X_power_descriptor
  • [s] k_X_PPD_China ..
  • k_Promethean_struggle .. no longer close2heart
  • [o] k_quietime
  • k_rmSelf_vs_xpSelf
  • [s] k_short_term_mem_challenge
  • k_soul_search
  • [o] k_therapeutic_reflective_blogg
  • k_tyrant_of_rmSelf
  • k_UGC -> k_User_generated_content?
  • k_X_upkeep
  • k_wechat .. first aid and survival tips about wechat
  • k_X_细水长流 as a first Chinese header_keyword
  • — proposed
  • k_rikigai_via_nonprofits

## periodic pruning #



This blogpost is related to (like subset) reduce annoyances b4 stress_Spike #preEmptive

[L= Travel-light .. mutually exclusive with [e]]
[e = electronic pruning… comparatively lower urgency than physical pruning, which reduces physical weight for travel-light]
[r=pruning tcost has low Roti]

  • [L] imp docs .. I tend to put more and more papers into this “drawer”. Ideally, it should only contain truly important docs
  • [e] outdated payee list in DBS/SCB/MB///
  • unused credit cards
  • growing heaps in corridor shelf
  • [L] books/magazines .. (esp. free ones). Actually, relocations always forced me to do involuntary pruning.
  • [Lr] old laptops, phones,
  • expire bottles in fridge …
  • [Lr] toys
  • [er] email folders like fuxi, todo
  • [er] contact_large.txt .. I think I can remove some of the recruiters (that I have stopped working with). How about some of the ex-colleagues and ex-classmates who I feel don’t like me?
  • [er] linkedin contacts .. cost of maintaining a linkedin contact — hinders my search/browse.
  • [er] browser bookmarks
  • [er] photo album in smartphone

— [e] blog ..

##[22]faking-> slow conviction-> behavior change #mindOverBody


人就是这样,装得久了,就装得像了;装得太像、太久,不管事实怎样,自己倒是先信了。而这当然会影响之后的决定和行为。(can find on baidu.)

faking — means self-persuasion against acquired beliefs + conventional views + so-called facts.

To a lesser extent, imitating a role model has a similar effect.

— In Dec 2024, I shared the same with Edwin..

  • brank is not everything. Wellness is more important esp. on the death bed
  • brank can dissolve like clay statue in water

— 装/faking and self-talk are closely related.

Self-talk, twister-SMS, sentence completion are relevant

— examples in n around me:

  • After O-levels results in Jan 2025, I said boy did much better than I feared
  • [装] my attitudes about ITE, poly, JC
  • [装] self-rating of optimistic personality.. self-belief that I’m usually lucky .. such as H1b lottery
  • I was truly grateful to FSC
  • I was truly grateful to the flexible work hours at MLP etc
  • [[Improving your memory]]P23 self-talk about your own memory
  • [装]  Related self-belief that I have a heart of kindness [for my family members, for strangers,,,] and therefore 好人有好报 [+ve karma]
  • my and grandpa’s optimism about ah-boy
  • my decision to rent in an average school district
  • My work ethics and my professionalism
  • ..My dedication to quality in my work.. quality mindset
  • my decision on dev-till-70 and healthy longevity till 95
  • I told Jason etc that I can accept layoff if my “best effort” is not enough
  • [装] bonus .. my expectation, gratutude and reactions
  • My conservation/eco effort (doing my small part).. Example: In the luxury Conrad hotel, I was determined and consistent in saving water, reducing waste. Actions speak louder than words. I can claim to be good habitant of Planet Earth.

[25]midFeb [Su..Th20#27w3]

  1. — G5 progress this past quarter… half ranked /chronologically/ and by noteworthiness ##a form of cognitive self-talk:
  2. ex_china: ChannelX opened; called hsbc.cn to confirm quota; fingerprint set up for icbc/hsbc.cn
  3. 继承: reached out to Wang Fang; asked Y.Yu about account liquidation; called Beijing notary public; birth cert enclosed in double ziplocks

  • ROTI4JIV.xls created
  • met HSBC about restrictions.
  • improved readme in gDrive folder, repsc>msff and “ext” folder of github bash customizations
  • wechat log-in practiced and documented
  • unsafe stock PIN removed (for local banks); unsafe 9dot patterns for China mobanks removed;
  • dental filling .. done successfully. Good condition so far.
  • mid Mar flight booked at good price.. chased payment fee successfully
  • dhost latency .. reported and engaged
  • — traditional targets: Every chipaway effort counts .. dental… pills
  • work
    • Su: 1h
  • Stand:
  • stretch
    • Wd: 3m]shower
  • muscle maintenance # current priority: ▼flexible > upper-body strength > ▲full body muscle (endurance) > ▼ CRE #5/wk
    • Su: G-9
    • Mo: chin-up 10×10 all after 10 pm
    • Tu: chin-up 10,10,15,15,10×2, 10×2
    • Wd: 10×6,10,10 = 80 all after 7 pm
    • Th: 20,20,20,10,10 =  80 but big improvement
  • CRE
    • Su: 18k including about 10 sections “pushing meimei bike uphill”
    • Wd: 10km+

Jack.Z@parent` #commute

Jack.Z has strong experience in parenting.

高压 discipline is how he describes my stance.

“Observe what the kid wants and fulfill his needs” but I feel this is tough.

Accept differences in individual personalities.

Curiosity is a good thing in a kid.

Both Jack and grandpa foresee that my derogatory remarks could easily damage boy’s confidence. I use such harsh words to get his attention, but apparently the net effect is counterproductive. Jack suggested — paste reminder on your computer, in your cockpit, on the mirror … to stop the put-down remarks.

— JackZ on my family immigration
U.S. migration might be more risky for your kids then for you

Keep the communication open as they go through adolescence. Teenagers may take a few years to open up to parents…

“So Make sure you still have enough time for your kids when you are working here.” — I want to have time for them when they open up. Less stressful job. Short commute (like 95G) would be huge. Parent’s time is a key factor in Raymond’s story.

JackZ: “If you feel your son is likely to become a manager type, then perhaps the wordy problem skills (abstract logical skills) are not really relevant in the long run.” Self-confidence is arguably more important for those careers at least among the Americans he has seen. I think Jack meant resilience, positive attitude.

flight: ##check 1D|60m{leav`home

See also “PEK ⇔ SG “Don’t forget”

Pack your phone earlier if possible. If you assume it’s impossible to forget your phone, you will realize the impossible does happen quite often 😉

— Difficult to wrap up in advance.. half ranked by importance

  • phoneS+cables+5 SIMs
  • local coins, keys .. leave at home
  • shoes — heavy shoes in backpack, slippers on foot
  • local cards: MRT, mlp badge, NTUC, ccard
  • laptop  + cable + SD card
  • [! = people do forget this]

— night/morning before

  • minor distraction: shut down laptop to preserve battery
  • reading material pack-up
  • ensure no luggage is too heavy or too empty
  • banking tokens .. DBS
  • all stroed value cards .. movie cards
  • pouch, cash pouch, wallet
  • passport
  • online check-in? Not so important. Still need to print boarding pass at airport.
  • LG2 picking blog printout in the final 24 hour… Low ROTI
  • medication
  • yoga block
  • roaming .. cmlink self-service

— zsms, self acceptance .. I notice a fixation on the minor items. I feel this is typical of  OCD symptoms — “If self2 refuses/forbids my repeated checking, then self1 anxiety grows.”

Tip: deal with those bposts only on last day. Be confident.

Tip: Keep a steadfast focus on the really important items

  • passport,
  • physical cash safety
  • smartphones ..
  • having enough ePay cards
  • — LG2 items, half-ranked
  • pills .. can buy
  • [b] charging accessories .. can buy
  • keep all my devices fully charged on the last day
  • [b] warm clothing
  • [b] reading materials
  • [b] stationaries .. can buy
  • [b=blackhole items that suck up infinite amount of sys2 resources]

I refuse to surrender to the perfectionist self2. Those minor items will breed imperfections, and I will embrace imperfections, as I embrace the imperfect self1.


LG-n2h, LG-NoGuilt, LG2, LGpp, LGlp

  • lg NG .. let go no guilt
  • lg N2H ..let go as an optional item, nice to have
  • lg2 — let go as a 2ndary item
  • lg LP .. let go as a low-priority item. Less specific than lg2
  • lg PP .. let go and postpone
  • — consistency is a lglp and lg-n2h
    • Use any case
    • no hyphen needed

I think I picked up this let-go phrase and “mellow” from Theodore Rubin.

extremely powerful mini de-stressor

[25]JAE result[Su2..Su9#27w]

  1. — G5 progress this past quarter… half ranked /chronologically/ and by noteworthiness ##a form of cognitive self-talk:
  2. taobao/alipay mess clean-up, set up wife’s alipay account; tested icard as the strategic, sustainable payment solution.
  3. ECI plan bought for boy .. my love for my son
  4. pff::ex_china reach out to Y.Yu; ChannelX opened; called hsbc.cn to confirm quota
  5. wechat moved to SD card, to ease new phone set-up

  • pff::FnF bill paid off and Recon updated… messy.
  • ROTI4JIV.xls created
  • improved readme in gDrive folder, repsc>msff and “ext” folder of github bash customizations
  • called Maybank.khm about $16 overcharge
  • wechat log-in practiced and documented
  • my birth cert color-copied as “original”
  • updated atm PIN for DBS, OC to move away from one-shared-pin
  • reached out to Wang Fang
  • asked Y.Yu about account liquidation
  • unsafe stock PIN removed (for local banks); unsafe 9dot patterns for icbc removed; fingerprint set up for icbc/hsbc.cn
  • email sent to CPS and FSC
  • — traditional targets: Every chipaway effort counts .. dental… pills
  • work
    • Su2: 6h
    • Sa8: 6h
    • Su9: 2h
  • Stand:
  • stretch
    • Wd 3m]shower
  • muscle maintenance # current priority: ▼flexible > upper-body strength > ▲full body muscle (endurance) > ▼ CRE #5/wk
    • Su2: enhanced push-up 2+31x
    • Sa8: enhanced push-up 20x; G-9
    • Su9: chin-up 10×4, push-up 26x, sq 8x
  • CRE
    • Tu4: 3k; G-9
    • Wd5: 3k with more slopes than average;

[21]口语水准:benchmarked As a non-native speaker #self-record

This blogpost is about oral not writing proficiency, and an informal comparison with English speakers from Asia.

95% of those peers who are born in SEAsia, India or other Asia countries … do not speak better than I do, perhaps better in some aspects, but no better overall.

Their accent is comparable to (if not stronger than) mine, as judged by Americans. Accent is probably the most important element in most situations, but purists would say vocab is more fundamental.

Their vocab is seldom richer than mine (even if they were taught English from birth), as I have steadily increased my vocab (primarily in writing but also speaking). Around 2018, I noticed that my oral vocab has reached a similar standard as many Singapore hotline staff.

Due to aging, our memory and therefore our vocab could decline, across your oral languages. It’s good to push ourselves to use a wider, updated vocab, perhaps with younger people.

Beside 1) vocab and 2) accent, I guess my next big improvement is 3) slower articulation. This feature is typical of fluent and confident speakers, not so common among non-native speakers (后来学英语的人).

I wanted to but couldn’t say the same about the Europeans (as I said about Asians). They may have a better learning environment and they probably start learning English earlier. I think majority of Western Europeans do not write (and read) English everyday as much as SGrns do. Presumably, their vocab is less /developed/.

Basically, only those growing up in the 5 native speaking nations speak more fluent English than I do.

— 2024 sugg: self-record in phones every month
My Aug 2024 Genepai presentation revealed that I can learn a lot (and gain motivation) about my /articulation/. It is relatively easy to self-record, as part of blogg

— exceptions .. are important to study, and is a /cornerstone/ (reference point) of this blogpost on my oral_English_proficiency

There are always talented individuals. Some of them learn English only in their teenage but learn it very well, such as my sister. Among the China students in NUS/NTU, some girls (and a few guys) are pretty good. Ignoring the fact that my interaction with them was rather brief, I would say that this small subset have high motivation, strong talent, and probably become more fluent than me, in oral and writing.

This exceptional subset tend to gravitate towards non-technical professions. There are too many such professions, so I would not name them.

Some Malaysians and some SGrns (including our 3 prime ministers) actually grow up speaking English as their first langauge. Many but not all of them have good vocab, and light accent. They tend to speak better than I do. Remember Caroline of PropNex?