[19]##HIS19 feels unlike q3SG #meimei

  • ++
  • more time on yoga and 5/wk workouts
  • slightly more time family outings .. each one must count
  • more time blogg
  • more time with meimei
  • more movies alone
  • less time on QQ or quant
  • less time (much less) on boy’s academics
  • less time (even less than before) meeting or emailing friends
  • less time calling parents
  • 🙂 less blogging on time-management
  • ==
  • personal investment + insurance. cutting back aggressively in 2019 then ..

wechat history bak/recover #cf WhatsApp

k_disk_hog ,,,, k_wechat,,, k_gCloud

— SD card.. I was able to transfer “everything” from internal storage to SD card, to reduce headache and stress-protect against phone loss.

Before I take out SD card, I will need to transfer back “everything” to internal storage.

— history search .. In each conversation, there’s a SearchHistory but not so useful. I consider this one of the worst weaknesses in this product.

— footprint .. You can see a breakdown of cache footprint by contact_name: me -> settings -> general -> manageStorage -> viewWechatSorage.

If your wife once logged into wechat on this device before, and saved 2GB of wechat data in this phone, you can clear it: me -> settings -> general -> manageStorage ->ClearOtherWechatChatHistory

Essential Wechat data takes about 992MB

— transfer wechat history from phone1 to phone2… For whatsapp, https://faq.whatsapp.com/481135090640375/?cms_platform=android shows how to (automatically) back up to gCloud.

After initial log-in, my phone2 showed full WhatsApp history. In contrast, wechat showed empty history after initial log-in.

https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1790065595389448166&wfr=spider&for=pc shows how to do it via wechat Windows Application.

Log-in requires a usable phone1 wechat “instance”. Then you can upload all conversations to windows instance.

Then log out on both windows and phone1. Log in on phone2 and then windows. This way, the windows insance is connected to the phone2 instance on . Then you can select the conversations to download (windows to new phone)

Data transfer goes through internet to wechat server. I prefer wifi rather than mobile data.

t_fuxi^ PendingReview^ sticky

Why I spend so much time fine-tuning this scheme? Because without these tools we tend to lose insights, information ..

Beware the growing dependency on WordPress !

— sticking point with my “sticky” plan… I have no habit to look at sticky/draft/pendingRefresh … I have yet to develope this habit. Looks like a sticking point. To develop this habit, I have to “disable” publicationDate… (by leaving unimportant or new bposts on top)

If too hard, then I would continue to use publicationDate, and I may occasionally look at sticky/draft/pendingRefresh.

— ranked by visibility and accessibility:

  1. publicationDate .. has Highest visibility. I often post-date my favorite bposts, so these bposts automatically bubble up on top in the edit page. I feel this is the most effective and simplest, but requires many clicks and no way to mass-update.
  2. search+!searchBox
  3. STICKY flag– “curious blogpost to be reviewed”, often vague
    • sticky flag is a super fuxi-tag, offering mass-untagging
    • sticky flag is a “supercharged pendingRefresh flag”. When too many sticky posts, can we mass-archive a small subset to PendingRefresh? Yes. Sticky should outnumber pendingRefresh.
    • I am experimenting to implement snooze feature using sticky — “snooze” a batch (like 20) of posts for a while, then remove all sticky tags
  4. DRAFT and PendingRefresh flags .. less manageable than Sticky flag.
    • Like sticky, both offer mass-tagging/untagging, but less convenient.
    • Sugg: Can I assign some new, immature bposts (common pattern) to the Draft ? Yes
    • Sugg: Can I assign some outdated, “renovation-needed” bposts (more common pattern) to Draft ? Yes
  5. ^^^ draft,  sticky and PendingRefresh posts … incompatible with the Private status 🙁 but more accessible thanks to quick-links on top menu-bar (beside “Published”), but their specific meanings are obscure (hard to remember) because I can’t rename them. It’s like color coding.
  6. 0project_tag — see below
  7. !fuxi20 — tag for top 20
  8. !jolt20 — tag is similar to STICKY, but also shouts “Let me remind you again”
  9. t_bold — big bold claims and opinions, softer than jolt

—  fuxiTitle .. Given the growing number of blogposts, I feel t_fxt/t_fuxiTitle are more realistic than t_fuxi.

🙂 t_fxt sorts close to t_fuxi 🙂

  • 0project_tag — “current projects” This category ranks on top of all other categories, but still less convenient than “sticky”. I want it to be a temporary tag because it occupies the valuable real estate of the top spot.
  • t_fxt_11 .. a blog should be moved out of this after one refresh. If it re-enters here again, then consider moving it to
  • t_fxt_22
  • t_fxt_44
  • t_fxt_199 .. giving an estimate of the size. This tag name is better than a barename t_fxt.


Budget for my stress relief … $50/N once per week.

— req: quiet

  • policy .. “No phone calls inside pod” and most guests watch shows with earphones.
  • door-sliding .. CircularHouse warned against
  • club music .. Kinn suggested “mixed rooms” which are further from music
  • less crowded corners .. Some hotels have it esp. on weekdays.
  • lobby … Some hotels (Kinn) have a enticing lobby to help keep sleeping area quiet.
  • thick partitions .. at some (Kinn) hotels.  I believe thickness is by design, given the tiny room size and high cost of partition. I just don’t know how much difference it makes.
  • If too noisy, I can request another pod, or I can quit and sleep in office.

— req: distance .. I can accept 1km by bike or walk

— req: warm.. I feel the more expensive ones tend to have aircon + blanket

— req: lockers .. all the hotels provide it.

— agoda, booking.com and ctrip.com compete to give the best discount

##devices2help remember passwd #DRD

k_passwd …

— #1 tip: DRD [DramRefreshDrill]… I like this homegrown jargon as it leverages existing term “Dram”
practice monthly .. use google calendar

— tip: save hints to a text file ..

— tip: hints on post-it

— tip: use “hot” sites for practice .. Say you just changed passwd on someSmallBank.com, but you seldom log in there and may forget it soon. You can use the same password in office computer, which will “require” you to enter it frequently, therefore commmitting it to memory.

  • office LAN passwd
  • mlphone
  • home laptop passwd, not PIN

(public)display of anger: parent`++


I feel western cultuer tend to be more open about public display of anger… “individual freedom”. East Asian cultures are more reserved.

Most of the time display of anger is ineffective and a futile attempt to change another person’s behavior.

— parenting

I think display of anger could be an acceptable parenting tactic if used sparingly. Same can be said of physical punishment.

Display of anger should not be an everyday affair… Slippery slope…. esp. in parenting.

anger@kids^work ^custSvc


It’s enlightening to compare 2 (up to 3) targets of my anger — parenting vs customer service.

— at work

Thank God I don’t feel boiling anger at work, esp. against the boss. I do feel frustration against my boss.

G.Guo was unhappy with boss for a while. He revealed to me “不爽老板” in a rare moment of openness. I won’t analyse him, since my focus is myself. A growing anger against the boss is pretty bad situation.

##[24]phone keyboard features

The real_estate constraint has driven world-wide innovations in the ubiquitous tiny keyboard. Some innovations are relevant to me. This bpost uses Samsung keyboard and GBoard just for illutration.

— feature: glide typing … SamsungKeyboard -> swipeTouchFeedback
— feature: predictive typing ..

google beats Samsung in type-ahead, esp. in Chinese. I don’t know if it is part of “predictive typing”

— feature: show punc marks on letter keys .. SamsungKeyboard -> layout -> alternative chars
Note hiding them saves real_estate.

— feature: cursor control .. real challenge for millions

Gboard glide-typing -> gestureCursorControl lets you swipe over spacebar (Practice!) to move cursor

Gboard and Samsung keyboard also have some “joystick” for cursor control.

— feature::real_estate: keyboard can be shrunk to save real estate, but keys can be too small for fat fingers.
Samsung .. find the triple dot beside the gear -> find the icon for keyboard size
Gboard … long press anywere on the special-keys row -> Resize button
— feature::real_estate:: show/hide row of number keys
— feature::real_estate:: show/hide row of special buttons above regular keys .. SamsungKeyboard -> keyboardToolbar
Let’s try out all the buttons for a while,  then disable the toolbar

[07]anger(+anxiety)tips #le2ZR


Hi ZR,

I’m in a bit of anger right now. I think the following tips could help me and other people in similar situations

* sit down if possible, in stead of standing
* lie down if possible, in stead of sitting
* relax and relieve the frown between the eye brows
* when left alone, try to position the mouth as if in a “slight” smile. Not a fake smile, just a relaxed and peaceful position, like the Mona Lisa smile
* deep breath, while rubbing the chest downward repeatedly
* hum a simple, non-emotional song if appropriate

If one of these helps you once ….