wechat auth #recovery @new|exist`device


— G3 strategies to cope with catastrophic risk of wechat “loss”

  1. use whatsapp/email more, uese wechat less, esp. with wife. Those tidbits of vita info will be less likely locked up in wechat
  2. DRD log-in on “new” phone to flush out any log-in issues, which remain hidden if you remain authenticated for years. If you log in once and never log out for years, then you are bound to forget your mobileNum, password, email address etc.
  3. save chat history to SD card etc .. see https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/16003/wechat-history/

— minimize Wechat usage .. Wechat is now growing into a dependency for me, but strategically I need to move more stuff from wechat to whatsapp, email or SMS.

  • whatsapp and email data are on-server and easy to recover
  • wechat has horrible tech support (located in China), esp. for log-in/access or history recovery. Whatsapp and gmail have global user base.
  • wechat restrictions/controls are dictated by PRC government (Tenchent is not exactly a private company). Overseas users are treated as second-class citizens during the “due diligence”.

==== account recovery on a phone where my login id (xxx5241) is already registered

3 trusted friends?

— Using passwd alone .. in Feb 2025, I was able to enter se8 to log in. Note the acccount identifier was pre-populated as xxx5241

— Using voice recognition… (least useful) In Feb 2025 and 2023, I was able to read a prompt in English to log in, but this method is useless when you switch account or set up on new phone.

==== account recovery on new phone, with no prior wechat account

The single most important thing to remember ….  mobileNum. Using smsOtp (without passwd) you can recover your account on a new phone.

MobileNum is +86-xxx5241. My account id is tiger40490 but useless for account recovery.

log in xxxx5241/se8… standard passwd preferred because I prioritize access rather than privacy. In other words, I worry far more about losing access rather than chat content leak

— Using mobileNum + smsOtp  .. in Feb 2025, I was able to enter xxx5241 first, _then_  smsOtp to log in.

— Using mobileNum + passwd  … in Feb 2025, I was able to enter xxx5241 first _then_ se8 to log in

— Using registered email addr … in Feb 2025, I “forgot” my passwod. I entered my gmail and received a link to reset my wechat password

[25]Feb stressor profile: effective shields/batt

See also

The range of threats, hazards …. is limitless. Missteps and swans are two of many types. At any time, our mind can only focus on a handful. Inevitably, many dangers fall under our radar, because it’s impossible to monitor 33 threats. As of Feb 2025, I’m dealing with A) parenting B) workload C) ex_China D) GP’s decline E) overseas rEstate

— Q: which batteries and shields are proven effective? Half ranked

  1. batt::gz::quality_focus .. developed over 20Y, I rely on my quality focus to avoid mistakes even when juggling multiple issues. My colleagues trust me.
  2. shield::gz::flexible_hours .. I am able to focus during a /power_surge/
  3. .. batt::gz::annL .. well-developed habit of optimizing annL
  4. batt::pff::medBx .. MLP and the GEL policy I decisively bought for boy. My other medBx (accumulated over 20Y) also matter, if I leave MLP.
  5. shield::citizenship .. gov agencies are instrumental to my parenting challenges
  6. batt::English writing skills… crucial in Singapore
  7. batt::pff::warchest.. of liquid assets
  8. shield::pff::brbr .. developed over 30Y. Provides a sense of cashflow security
  9. batt::pff::nonwork_incomes .. [deposit interests, upcoming annuity payouts] provide a sense of cashflow security
  10. shield::faith .. I believe in karma, kindness, a benevolent higher being. I have hope and optimism
  11. batt::spare_laptops

Less specific, less noteworthy batteries and shields that proved effective (at least relevant) in this stressful period

  • Shield::Marriage .. Strength of our marriage is being tested to some extent. I think this strength is proven effective.
  • — wellness
  • batt::daily_workout .. a habit built over 3 years.. highly effective
  • batt::therapeutic_blogging and counsellors
  • battery of self-care competency, deep and long experience .. print-out, camp-out in office
  • .. battery of blogging system capabilities, accumulated over decades.
  • battery of knowledge/xp of (semi-)gov support systems in Singapore
  • batt::diet .. built over 6 years and effective… good appetite (for healty foods) maintained by raw veg diet
  • batt::BMI_greenzone, muscle mass, bone density
  • battery of wellness habits .. diet, dental
  • — pff
  • battery of diversified assets and investing experience .. SP500 + other U.S. stocks,,, BGC also proved an important diversification
  • battery of annuity assets to provide better yield on my cash pile
  • battery of exp tracking competency

— specific action items to strength my shields, recharge my batteries, reduce the stressors, protect my vital systems

  • capture power_surge to make progress
  • try to sleep early
  • more raw veg

[25]endMar cancelled

rename this bpost of placeholder after receiving refund 12W after 3 Mar.

eTik 7841401366889 seat CAN/SZX seat resume arrive
CZ 354 13:30 Wd 26 Mar 34C T1 17:40 40H 20:00 22:55 CZ 3161
CZ 3192 10:00 Su 30 Mar 38C PKX 13:20 T3 80H 15:30 19:40 CZ 8047
NLWPSX $339.5 by SCSC b4Mon holiday
  • checked luggage .. 23kg x 2
  • .. all-the-way no check-in at SZX(T3)
  • carry USD 6k enough (zero to 10k Rmb), considering layover
  • meals all booked
  • Jettzy booked 5 Jan 2025 +65 3158 9994 [09.30am-05.00pm NZ/AU time]
  • +86 4008695539 +65 6223 3233
  • cancellation fee SGD 34. I had to email/call Jettzy to get this quote.


VPN: #Robinhood


All the vendors I have seen offer a “promo” for first 2Y (or slightly more). 2Y is a good timeframe for lon-term Robinhood access. Let’s worry about renewal later.

As for initial trial, all vendors offer a 30D free trial. I feel the monthly plan is not that relevant.

I was told vendor target phone more than computers. There are more VPN Apps than desktop VPN products.

— choice::non-commercial platforms .. I may end up spending too much time struggling.

— choice::SurfShark … known as a solid low-cost VPN

  • 1M: SGD S$21 every month
  • 2Y: SGD S$76 for 27M (S$2.8/M). Renewal? LG

— choice::Nord

  • 1M: SGD S$ 17 every month
  • 2Y: SGD S$ 108 for 24M (S$4.50/M) Renewal? LG

— choice::ExpressVPN … known for easy of use

  • 1M: USD 13 every month
  • 2Y: USD 140 for 28M (S$6.8/M). Renewal? LG

— choices::Proton ProtonVPN with no ads and free forever

  • first quick connect to a random server
  • then switch server until you are connected to the U.S. server

[17]what age4focused repetition practice(%%fixation

See also

My post on roller coaster set up a framework, albeit for academic studies — Abilities + Effort. Repetition practice is a major form of effort. Many kids at age 8 can take up mindful weekly practices (not mindless repetition). Lots of physical skills require it, such as swimming, handwriting and piano. Some academic subjects require it too.

— pingpong
Grandma and I saw a 9 year old girl taking individual pingpong lesson from a professional coach. The girl repeats hundreds of times the same action within 5 minutes. I asked the coach about interest. Coach said the girl didn’t resist the (high) intensity.

— swim
Serious swimmers at secondary school level (not sure about P2) need to swim a few km each session. Look at his attitude when we asked him to pay attention to his freestyle action. Qiu Yi said he didn’t put in the effort.

— piano
Alex said within one hour some students at this same level can complete the same piece 200+ times but Yixin could do 3 times. Given the heavy academic workload, Alex said  the only way to get more practice is (significant) increase in efficiency.

Looking at Yixin, Alex felt he may not be the personality to enjoy focused, high-intensity, fast-pace practices. Even if we can force him to do it, what about Grade 4 and 5? I feel it can be boring.

— handwriting speed-up
Less negotiable than the extra-curriculum . Therefore teacher basically imposed it on and pushed to his limit of green zone. So far he was cooperating. 厌学? Not enjoyable, just like the other domains, but required by the national education system. Basically, most kids must and can do it. Some struggle to cope — Look at Raymond’s son.

— xiezi
Biggest “weakness” in his academic benchmark profile. Lan Qing said “a bit late”. Mr Cheng said 很多会说的字但是不会写,这种情况很常见,只能通过多做练习来加深记忆.

— Chinese compo (my own experience)
I hated and feared this thing for years until I took up the challenge and became confident.

[25]Diwali HK/PEK #model table

— todo:

  • seat selection
  • meal
eDreams 20512212503 HK seat resume arrive
CX 690 12:45 Su 19 Oct T4 17:00 19:00 22:25 CX 344
CX 391 13:40 Sa 25 Oct PEK 17:25 20:55 00:50 Su CX 715
KPIVCR SGD 420.96 by.. scsc  on 20241230
  • 5D banking
  • check-in .. 1-piece
  • carry 20k Rmb), considering HK transfer
  • 4D booked in workday and team calendar
  • SGD 425.17 over charged to scsc. EDreams insists only $420.96 charged
  • +44 207 660 8891 eDreams Schedule: 24 hours

— 19 Oct timing

  • get up early to pack up
  • 11:00 hit Changi

— 26 Oct timing

  • taxi home, catch sleep, get up Sunday .. unpacking

— todo in PEK

— (historical hote) How I picked this flight. I compared at least 4 choices, among 10 search results. I liked the 4D AnnL and a full week spent with grandparents. On 30 Dec I was in a good, relaxed mood for this research. I felt ready to commit. If I had postponed the purchase by a few months, I may or may not see better choices, but “today’s lengthy research would be wasted”.

I was decisive about 00:35 landing in Changi… a minor imperfection in the big picture. Better than 10am take-off which entails 6am taxi.

I was decisive about layover (rather than nonstop).. a minor imperfection in the big picture.


[24]U.S.college teach`staff salary

I often see mass media quoting some professors, and I always wonder how well-paid they are. “Professor” in the American context means “anyone teachoing above high school levels” including leturers. Most of the employers are colleges including community colleges. However, Singapore’s JC and polytechnic are probably comparable to U.S. high schools.

https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewdepietro/2023/08/24/highest-paying-college-professor-jobs-of-2023/ is fairly credible. It shows 15 departments where teachers earn highest salary. For each department, it shows average (not median) and 75th percentile.

Humanities lecturers tend to make less than their counterparts in the sciences, law, and other specialized fields.

  1. Law prof .. $134k
  2. Medical prof .. $128k
  3. Econs prof .. $123k
  4. Engineering prof .. $114k
  5. Business prof .. $108k
  6. Architecture prof .. $104k
  7. CompSci prof .. $99k
  8. Phy>Bio>Chem prof .. around $101>98>95k

[24]R.Dong meet-up #reflections

k_X_focusing_illusion … k_tectonic

Let’s avoid naming names.

Re the long chat and long email I sent [Dec 10, 2024, 1:34 PM ].

— Q: where (specifically if possible) have I done well since 2012 when we last met? Let’s avoid comparing with R.Dong.
Hopefully, this question creates a positive focusing effect

A: I think he might point out BMI; regular workout; retirement plann; relatively stable jobs;;;; but in my mind answers are..

  • identifying wrong priorities of my cohort or the Chinese middle class … branded degrees for kids
  • pff .. retirement destination plann; brbr
  • career longevity plann .. maintaining a fighting form
  • branded degrees .. insider insights

— Q5: which one tectonic plate dominated the long chat? 工作, esp. stress, sustainability, job stability, career longevity, income sustainability
Q5b: which one tectonic plate is actually most important? wellness

Q5c: in 10 years, which concernS will gain///lose importance to our lives?
A: wellness, pff, career longevity /// salary

Q5d: compared to 2012 when we last met, which concernS have gained///lost importance?
A: (academic)parenting,  retirement plann, boss-appr [epa,mvea] /// salary, xx New tech

— sentence completions:
I feel good about his …. investing in daughter’s career; candor; trust in me; positive attitudes on JIV; wellness; academic parenting; assertive; bilingual skills

I felt concerned about his … insufficient savings (according to him); 30Y high-cost retirement in U.S.; career longevity; job insecurity; BMI; non-zero but insufficient exercise;

[23]def[r-ikigai] #worldNeed

Selling insurance provides human interaction [Look at Colin Lim] and also has a social value i.e. needed by the community

k_teaching_as_career .. k_rikigai_via_nonprofits .. k_my_adapted_jargon

See also

Below are my free-flow answers to the 4+5 questions. I want the 9 answers to be independent and free of interference, so I will use colors and placements to separate the sections.

perhaps it would be more effective to develop some Deep hobbies early in life, such as writing, playing pop songs, yoga, painting,,,
It requires strategic planning and heavy t-investment

— ikigai .. The Japanese word has no Chinese origin, and completely opaque, but I still like it because there are many searchable online resources.

I don’t like to be /shackled/ by a complex phrase, and the complex phrase has different meanings in Japanese vs English online literature [1]. Therefore I would try to invent my own version of phrase … r-ikigai meaning ikigai from pre-retirement to the golden years.

[1] In the same vein, “EQ” has different meanings in Chinese vs English online literature.

— Feature 3 (socialVal) .. the least analyzed /dimension/.  I suspect that many things that “the world needs” lack a business model i.e. Feature 4. Therefore, combing Feature3+4 is a strategic challenge, but I suspect that after I retire (in my 70s), socialVal will be the most “bendable”, softest criteria for my r-ikigai. Probably every paid job available to me would have non-zero socialValue.

If your r-ikigai has a bit higher socialVal then you could expect more “in-demand” more engagement, more meaningful interactions with a wider range of people, more visible (unlikely) impact on the “world” i.e. your community, (slightly) more media coverage and more goodwill assistance,,,, but these “surprises” are 锦上添花. I bet that is a nonprofit r-ikigai.

  • fund raising for a non-profit
  • help out in the library
  • teach in the community club

— Feature 4 (paid) .. In the retirement context (in my 70’s), Q4 is the make-or-break question or the sustainability question. Even with minimal F1/F2, if I can find a reasonable “job” to keep me engaged, it would provide the human interaction, the discipline/regulation/routine I need … for years.

  • private tutor for math, physics
  • teach Chinese/English to adults or kids
  • teach yoga, esp. to older, less flexible people
  • freelancing
  • AMB
  • office building security guard
  • writing for a newspaper/magazine/website, for a small fee
  • busking

— Feature 1 (passion)

  • find raw veg and make them more appealing
  • discuss pff… as a salesman for some organization like Endowus/CPF
  • fund raiser
  • DIY home improvement, esp. where replacing can be costly. Enjoyable even though no strong F2/F4. Can help me save cost, but hard to earn a fee

— Feature 5 (human interacction) .. Genn observed that in retirmeent, men tend to be less sociable. They might be uninterested in group activities.

— Mostly based on https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/15/67-year-old-who-unretired-at-62-shares-the-biggest-retirement-challenge-that-no-one-talks-about.html

The author “helped countless retirees find their purpose. They didn’t go back to work in the traditional 9-to-5 sense, but they set up new businesses, consulted, volunteered(popular among SG retirees) and took on hobbies.” in that order, which is a ranking by rarity.

The Westernized version of ikigai is based on the idea that there are four components a person must have complete to achieve ikigai. Each concept is represented by a question. As you actively pursue what you enjoy doing in service of yourself, your family, and your community, think about whether that activity allows you to answer “yes” to any combination of those four questions:

  1. Are you doing an activity that you love can tolerate indefinitely?
  2. Do you or will you have the minimum competency in it? In some cases, you can be mediocre and still check  the other 3 boxes.. you better check this box too 🙂  Some “minimums” are very low like manual labor
  3. Does the world need what you offer? A yes-item may be “money-free”
  4. Can you get paid for doing it? A yes-item may have minimal social value i.e. world doesn’t really need it, but someone surely need it badly enough to pay a fee.
  5. (A G3 pillar for me) Does it provide human interaction to fend off isolation and maintain my mental health

Japanese neuroscientist and happiness expert Ken Mogi also suggests considering if the activity has the five pillars that further allow your ikigai to thrive:

  1. Does the activity allow you to start small and improve over time?
  2. [vague] Does the activity allow you to enjoy the little things?
  3. Does the activity allow you to focus on the here and now?
  4. [vague] Does the activity pursue harmony and sustainability?
  5. [vague] Does the activity allow you to release yourself ? (from your obsessions/tension/conflicts?) Another site phrased it as”Accepting yourself”

The same article also pointed out that retirement cashflow is not the main challenge. Human interactions, recreation, engagement … are harder. See nonprofit for human interaction