[22]position`: %%blog is/isn’t #privateDiary, selfHelp,,


Since my blog started in 2006, for more than 10Y the biggest portion (in content and time) of my blog was tech-xx. It follows SS/BB.

Since 2018, my blogg has reduced its focus on real headaches like PIP/respect/appr, FOLB, churn, stagnation/self-renewal/, localSys, commute, kids’ grades, kids’ motivation, and (longer pain-descriptors like):

  • shortage of O2 for tech-xx, refresh, critical-mass maintenance, self-care
  • wasted potential, coblood loss, burn^rot
  • short-lived sense of engagement at work
  • in-team benchmark
  • job insecurity, career insecurity

— BB: my bposts were … bullet points .. but (much) more than them
Bullet points were the easiest format for new bloggers like me to start with, but proved rather concise (effective) for PP/SS.

My blog post is never a research paper. My longest bpost would print out no more than a single page of a magazine.

— my blog is … expressive_writing exercise .. and in my opinion rich in /expressiveness/, a real /asset/ in self-care and self-help.
It’s partly because of the pains and sufferings addressed, but not only that. I often enjoy expressive writing. I often put in enormous effort (labor or love) to find the right English phrases.

This is a feature of a private_diary. Some bloggers in this category use multimedia, but I prefer a rich, precise vocab.

— SS: blogg is NOT for … sharing of knowledge, observations, tips.. Instead, my blog is more of an (unpublished) private_diary.

— PP: my bposts include .. problem-solving, self-improvement, self-help, self-care,
I read and subconsciously follow the styles of those online writers. The styles are not expressive_writing, definitely not literary.

— my blog features .. in-depth, incrementally revised analysis of either sweeping or obscure topics.
These  analyses are time-consuming, but when they are close to my heart, then I take them up as labor or love.

Some topics are important to a wider audience, but unlike top bloggers, I never aim to attract readers, educate people or broadcast my opinions.

— my blogg is .. a life-enhancing[1] recreation and energy-sink…. but more than that, because of PP and other reasons.
[1]also engaging,

As a recreation, it is a key part of successE.