The real_estate constraint has driven world-wide innovations in the ubiquitous tiny keyboard. Some innovations are relevant to me. This bpost uses Samsung keyboard and GBoard just for illutration.
— feature: glide typing … SamsungKeyboard -> swipeTouchFeedback
— feature: predictive typing ..
google beats Samsung in type-ahead, esp. in Chinese. I don’t know if it is part of “predictive typing”
— feature: show punc marks on letter keys .. SamsungKeyboard -> layout -> alternative chars
Note hiding them saves real_estate.
— feature: cursor control .. real challenge for millions
Gboard glide-typing -> gestureCursorControl lets you swipe over spacebar (Practice!) to move cursor
Gboard and Samsung keyboard also have some “joystick” for cursor control.
— feature::real_estate: keyboard can be shrunk to save real estate, but keys can be too small for fat fingers.
Samsung .. find the triple dot beside the gear -> find the icon for keyboard size
Gboard … long press anywere on the special-keys row -> Resize button
— feature::real_estate:: show/hide row of number keys
— feature::real_estate:: show/hide row of special buttons above regular keys .. SamsungKeyboard -> keyboardToolbar
Let’s try out all the buttons for a while, then disable the toolbar