(to be published on my blog.)
I think you are making real efforts reading up on J2EE. However, reading up
won’t “sell” on the job market. Sadly, the Java projects we did may not help
sell either, if you don’t mention them in your resume. Even a mention of the
projects in resume may not sell, if it is unconvincing.
On the other hand, if your project description is convincing, expect
recruiters to call you up. There’s a visible shortage of J2EE developers in
Singapore, that’s why even small companies like Oceanlake are paying
recruiters to fish J2EE programmers.
You are right when you said “It’s an art”.
[cv]=answer could be incorporated into CV
[cv] Q: what’s your role in the project?
[cv] Q: which modules did you develop?
Q: describe your day-to-day tasks of development?
[cv] q: describe the specific tasks of the hibernate/JDBC/reports/login…..
Q: How do you test your system?
[cv] Q: Did you take part in the architecture design? Can you given us an
idea of the design?
Tip: Model-view-controller, Data acces objects, Object/Relational mapping,