t_fuxi^ PendingReview^ sticky

Why I spend so much time fine-tuning this scheme? Because without these tools we tend to lose insights, information ..

Beware the growing dependency on WordPress !

— sticking point with my “sticky” plan… I have no habit to look at sticky/draft/pendingRefresh … I have yet to develope this habit. Looks like a sticking point. To develop this habit, I have to “disable” publicationDate… (by leaving unimportant or new bposts on top)

If too hard, then I would continue to use publicationDate, and I may occasionally look at sticky/draft/pendingRefresh.

— ranked by visibility and accessibility:

  1. publicationDate .. has Highest visibility. I often post-date my favorite bposts, so these bposts automatically bubble up on top in the edit page. I feel this is the most effective and simplest, but requires many clicks and no way to mass-update.
  2. search+!searchBox
  3. STICKY flag– “curious blogpost to be reviewed”, often vague
    • sticky flag is a super fuxi-tag, offering mass-untagging
    • sticky flag is a “supercharged pendingRefresh flag”. When too many sticky posts, can we mass-archive a small subset to PendingRefresh? Yes. Sticky should outnumber pendingRefresh.
    • I am experimenting to implement snooze feature using sticky — “snooze” a batch (like 20) of posts for a while, then remove all sticky tags
  4. DRAFT and PendingRefresh flags .. less manageable than Sticky flag.
    • Like sticky, both offer mass-tagging/untagging, but less convenient.
    • Sugg: Can I assign some new, immature bposts (common pattern) to the Draft ? Yes
    • Sugg: Can I assign some outdated, “renovation-needed” bposts (more common pattern) to Draft ? Yes
  5. ^^^ draft,  sticky and PendingRefresh posts … incompatible with the Private status 🙁 but more accessible thanks to quick-links on top menu-bar (beside “Published”), but their specific meanings are obscure (hard to remember) because I can’t rename them. It’s like color coding.
  6. 0project_tag — see below
  7. !fuxi20 — tag for top 20
  8. !jolt20 — tag is similar to STICKY, but also shouts “Let me remind you again”
  9. t_bold — big bold claims and opinions, softer than jolt

—  fuxiTitle .. Given the growing number of blogposts, I feel t_fxt/t_fuxiTitle are more realistic than t_fuxi.

🙂 t_fxt sorts close to t_fuxi 🙂

  • 0project_tag — “current projects” This category ranks on top of all other categories, but still less convenient than “sticky”. I want it to be a temporary tag because it occupies the valuable real estate of the top spot.
  • t_fxt_11 .. a blog should be moved out of this after one refresh. If it re-enters here again, then consider moving it to
  • t_fxt_22
  • t_fxt_44
  • t_fxt_199 .. giving an estimate of the size. This tag name is better than a barename t_fxt.

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