Silver linings: 2013 Oct crisis

– new born end of Sep 2013
– MSFM starting Sep 2013
– high cost of MSFM,
– mortgage started in mid 2013
– in-laws staying with me since late 2013

* Within 6 months (before I was moved into the tester role) I demonstrated I can handle c# dotnet dev work. Boss was not happy with some aspects of it, but he couldn’t deny i delivered working code, that went to production straightway, without any failure.
* I overcame many obstacles and made constant progress despite the setbacks. Boss admitted that I’m not to be blamed for the delays.
* I’m seen as a hard-worker
* Venkat’s point — take it as a playground. Things won’t go any worse than this. (Actually they can:)
* I have the US choice.
* The variety of my modules are non-trivial
tcp/ip raw sockets
xaml, mvvm, event hooking
remote debugging