##[23] fear@losing #EDyw^finger


Context: During and after the Bj15d trip, I was hit by multiple fears of “losing”, in every senses of the word, including but not limited to losing passport, losing wellness, losing a child,,,

Like the BBC program on ‘confidence’ or “resilience”, this bpost is an exploration of all senses of the word “lose”, hopefully fruitful. This bpost lacks a memorable title and may not last more than a year. Therefore the big list (not comprehensive or structured) of items are casual and random, not some “top 10”. I prefer sharp, highly specific items.

[z=zqbx required for self-improvement, self-motivation,,,]
[s=serenity needed in extra dosage, needed more than zqbx]

Aha observation: biggest category of the items in the bpost are about losing my body’s /capabilities/. As I said in the personal health^family bpost, among the top 2 most valuables, personal health is bigger than family. Losing family is a real tragedy, but actually most early humans (or modern-day primitive communities) and all adult animals are able to deal with it and move on.

— losing my cmmc channel with my son
— [z] losing bilingual vocab as I grow old … I rely on my English vocab for therapeutic or expressive writing,,,

I may lose fluency in one of my two primary languages, perhaps due to disuse.

My English and Chinese vocab is constantly “growing and /shedding/ leaves” like 2 gigantic trees.
— [z] losing my interview “muscles” and access to age-friendly WStC harbor

— [z] losing diet discipline .. as experienced in early 2023, up to Bj15d

[z] losing BMI and small belly … can be better or worse than losing muscle strength
[z] losing pull-up capabilities, due to weight or lack of maintenance
— losing appetite or good sleep .. look at grandpa. Now compare:
[s] EDyw [ losing my (nocturnal) erection] .. Wanting it badly but unable to get it is … hugely depriving.
Aha: In contrast, losing my sexual drive is not as bad as losing sleep and appetite.

— losing mobility .. like Grandpa
==== some of the vague, familiar, items or less impactful items
— losing one of my fingers .. In my 20s I used to tell my parents about this fear. This is statistically unlikely and usually due to accidents
This loss is worse than EDyw, because EDyw has a simple cure namely implants.
— [z] losing mobility .. grandma’s fear. Look at grandpa
— losing  eye sight, hearing, good teeth, not only due to aging
— [z] losing my comfortable income from epaJob .. see bposts on its best features. High probability and high impact.
— SGD losing strength .. possible after 10Y
Sg government losing control on inflation… is similar
— losing my connection with China or Singapore (citizenship privileges)… China system now treats me almost as a foreigner and I feel a loss.
— losing my nice commute due to job change
— losing $100k++ to hacker/scammer (specific[1]), due to my oversight, not bank’s fault, not market risk … Luckily, there’s plenty of public education.
[1] Note this is a specfic loss, in a specific context, not a vague item.
Beware of large cash balance in any of your accounts. Actually, illiquid assets[TD,stocks,,] are safer in this age of scams.

Look at all the efforts to earn and save. Is this kind of loss 可惜[pitiful]? I would say those efforts are worthwhile. If I lose money due to natural disaster, then I would not complain about the prior efforts.

Many individuals wished to make those personal sacrifices to save and invest, but they look at the hazard rate and decide the sacrifice may not “buy me much”. Hazards include (but not limited to) CPIx inflation, scams,,,, This negative attitude is reflected in the Quanlity|Hazard|Sacrifice mental blocks@longevity.

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