ChnM: bill`,roam` #182 was, as of 7 Jun, accessible from hotel but blocked by ChnM, according to ChnM hotline. On 19 Jun, I was able to git push via ChnM hotspot, so the firewall is kinda dynamic.

— Two branches in T3. The only person to know something is +86-13810 248813. Can get long-term SIM or temp SIM.  Only for age 18+

  1. Belt38 up to 6pm
  2. Near Exit B is probably 24H

— roaming

  • hotline +8613800100186 tested, +8610-10086 tested
  • sending SMS RMB 0.39/msg
  • receiving SMS Free
  • In Aug 2024 received a marketing call. It cost me R 1.98 .. Rmb 0.99/m
  • 182 1084 xxxx roaming enabled and can receive calls.

— 话费充值 [account refill]… immediate update of account balance on ChnM APP
* [3 Dec 2023] I was able to use alipay AND wcpay. (Earlier I used wcpay to refill 178**7725)

— 6-digit 服务密码 … can be a life-saver when you lose access to your account while roaming.  I was able to reset this code by sending SMS
1xxxx1 for both mobileNum xxxx5241 and xxxx 0430

— APP login: 1) 4dots 2) SmsOtp

==== ChnM billing
To change package, may need to call 10086
话费 .. your account balance. Usable to pay monthly package, outgoing minutes or GB [i.e. mobile data]

套餐外本机主叫 rmb 25c/min. Incoming is FOC from domestic or overseas[confirmed Dec 2023]
You need to (as a form of background heat stressor) monitor your usage in terms of GB, call cost,,, otherwise excess usage would eat into 话费. APP provides up-to-date usage statistics.

— 178 and 159 Rmb8 package “8元4G飞享卡”.. 159 to take this up on 1 Sep 2024

  • 30min talk, 25c/min beyond. Need a talk-time package.. not much worse than 40min in the Rmb9 package
  • 10MB (rollover 1m) good for purchasing data pack upon entry at airport, but can be insufficient. Always prefer buying 7D mobile-data pack using roaming hotspot/wifi

— 13621 Rmb5 package 12c/min, probably zero talk time included
— call-only: rmb29/160 min outgoing.. PayAsYouGo 212 min will cost rmb39
— call-only: rmb39/230 min outgoing; rmb20/150m [call hotline to activate on 1 Dec]
— data-only [流量包]: Non-promo pricing .. rmb30/5GB. Promotion offers go as low as RMB 1/GB but expires quickly. On 16 Sep 2023, I bought rmb5/5GB 7D-validity 立即生效.
— choosing 流量包 on APP:
On APP, search for 流量包. The offers are accurate. Once bought, they take effect immediately, and expire in a specified timeframe. 区域流量 .. limited to Beijing, not for Tianjin