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- — G9 progress this past quarter… half ranked /chronologically/ and by noteworthiness ##a form of cognitive self-talk:
- updated BGC.xls, DJDJ.xls and noNeedUSA.xls
- Nokia router setup .. WMF, re-wiring, calling Starhub for troubleshooting
- scheme052 and scheme123 for long passwords improved incrementally
- 5/wk routine customized for DJDJ stay
- BofA, poems pw improved and dram-refresh started
- psbc::gp set up with all the pieces… due diligence on strict banking controls
- Php 9990 reconciled .. lots of legwork
- psbc::gp set up … lots of legwork
- Channel 520 fully utilized on the Deepavali trip
- SNEC appeal started
- — traditional targets:
- work
- kids
- Stand
- stretch
- muscle maintenance # current priority: upper-body strength >▼flexible > ▲full body muscle (endurance) > CRE #5/wk
- Su: (qualified active day) 15min gym
- Mo: sq 10+8+4x, upper body 10m
- Wd: sq 24x; gym 20m
- Fr: gym 30m
- Sa: too tiried after overnight flight