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- — G9 progress this past quarter… half ranked /chronologically/ and by noteworthiness ##a form of cognitive self-talk:
- BGC unit payment history refreshed … big effort
- updated DJDJ.xls and noNeedUSA.xls
- Nokia router setup .. WMF, re-wiring
- append.bashrc.txt synched up against mlp version
- [[passwd: site traits]] revamp
- card sent out .. a bit too much time spent
- #182 monthly package cost cutting
- reached out to MAS airline to confirm layover duration, and selecte seat
- USD 13k transferred to BOC
- DJDJ stay .. xRay done; claim submitted;
- — traditional targets:
- kids
- Sa: math session
- Su: long math session
- Mo: math session
- office
- stand
- Sat 1h]ff
- Su 1h
- Tu 1h, 2h]ff
- stretch
- muscle maintenance # current priority:▲upper-body strength >▼flexible > ▲full body muscle (endurance) > CRE #5/wk
- Fr: Chin-up 40,15, 10, 15
- Sa: chin-up 10X4; push-up 16x
- Tu: G-9 loaded; 9-30
- Su: 15k fast
- Mo: 3k uphill