See also
- ##passwd: special sites
- https://tanbinvest.dreamhosters.com/11453/noway2protect-against-remote-brute-force-hacker/
This is a loose guide on how to characterize various sites.. No perfectionist please. “Enum” style classification is time-consuming, unnecessary, impermanent,,,.
“Site” := any authentication system, including smartphone.
xp [citi.sg,,,]: If you have already come up with a unique password for a site and use it long enough to build an “association”, then you can stick to that forever. However, there’s a risk of leak.
Considering the site_trait list, here are the most vulnerable sites, half ranked by AUM
- maybank khm .. has kill counter
- PNB.. has kill counter, and is set up on single device only. No 12H cooling off.
- BofA .. has kill counter + 2FA / 3FA [emailOTP, 6-digit ATM PIN]
- citi.NA .. has kill counter
— site_trait::restriction 🙂 2FA .. less dangerous (but still dangerous) to have a stock/shared password.
* Most banking sites use 2FA-on-logon.
* Many banking sites use 2FA-on-unrecognized-device .. Citi.NA, Robinhood,,,
— site_trait::restriction 🙂 kill counter .. a G2 crucial server-side protection. Financial sites are /trigger-happy/ and vigilant — would lock you out after a few failures. If a financial site lacks this feature, then it is inadequate, a sitting duck.
Smartphone has it.
— site_trait::restriction 🙂 12H cooling off after adding payee, account contact changes, transfer limit increase,,,
— site_trait::restriction 🙂 daily quota .. ATM card
— site_trait 🙂 passwd Dram-refresh #Can help us remember other sites’ passwords 🙂
LAN passwd; Singpass; Poems;;;
— site_trait 🙂 easy passwd reset, with local /in-person/ support
eg: banks with local branches
.. in contrast, Many overseas webank/mobank are hard to reset 👎, like PNB, Maybank.khm. See ##special sites’ pw/userid
eg: UChicago is better .. had received huge school fees from me, and has a decent IT department to service alumni network.
— site_trait: some require complex 👎 passwords, but luckily inaccessible from open internet[3] 🙂
tip: Use explicit hints
tip: Save more explicit hints in blog and recoll
— site_trait::restriction 🙂 [3] inaccessible from open internet
eg: ATM
eg: … eng xxxxxxxx !1
eg: mlphone
eg: mlp RSA pin
eg: personal or company computers
===== security traits /beyond/ password authentication
— site_trait::restriction 🙂 money lock
— site_trait::restriction 🙂 transfer to 3rdParty unsupported .. Poems (better double-confirm)
— site_trait 🙂 kill switch by self-service or 24h hotline
— site_trait: essential .. I tend to feel a large number (like 30) of sites are essential, but I had better pick no more than 10 as really critical, and think carefully about them.
* github: access; tampering
* overseas banks: access
* Rbh .. access;