1-3 rice harvests/Y: Japan, Thai, Chn

I often tell my kids about rice harvests, so here’s some evidence

There are two main kinds of rice: indica, with longer grains, and japonica, with shorter grains. Some species, such as brown rice, come in both long- and short-grain varieties. The long-grain crop is lower in starch and higher in dry matter than its short-grain relative. Growing long-grain rice has the highest economic return of all rice cultivars.

The most widely consumed rice varieties are as follows:

  • long-grain: Jasmine, Wild, Red, and Black Rice;
  • medium-to-short-grain: Arborio, Koshihikari, Valencia, Carnaroli, Calasparra, Baldo, and Bomba.

Rice can be farmed year-round and harvested several times a year in tropical places with consistent warmth and plenty of precipitation. In contrast, in areas with four distinct seasons, the rice growing period often coincides with the wet (monsoon) season, providing sufficient rainfall and temperatures favorable for crop cultivation.

— Japan 1-2/Y


— Thai 3/Y


— China 1-2/Y

With ordinary farming practices, this process would take 120 to 150 days in major rice-growing areas in the country’s south or northeast (similar to Korea and Japan rice cultivation).

In contrast, 华北平原 .. probably wheat.


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