manish saw me for more than 40 minutes, then Galvin (Prorject manager) saw me, then Ian saw me. Total 1.5 hours. I think this round of interview is not a technical interview, but a personality interview or compatibility interview.
Galvin asked many things about programming frustrations, effort estimation, dealing with difficult clients, team conflicts, my role
in the team …
Ian asked a few things about what projects/industry i enjoy most.
Some of these describe-your-* questions can be opportunities to impress interviewers, if only i had convincing stories to tell. IN
the end, i gave generic (vague, superficial), simplistic, but quick and truthful answers.
I asked a few relatively in-depth questions about various things they said, and they liked the questions. I think all 3 of them
expect candidates to ask intelligent questions. Future candidates could prepare some intelligent questions.
Thanks for your tips, i was prepared for questions on agile (by Galvin) and scrum (by Manish)
Your candid feedback would be appreciated. We can all get better.