##lifelong Habits i wish to pass to next generation

This is first and foremost a record, supposed to be precise, with numbers. It could be used for education purpose, if suitable.

Me/Grandma/Grandpa: regular exercise. They usually exercise more than once a week. Me: read on MRT and in bathroom
Me: avoid addictive games
Me: avoid TV
Me: avoid oily, fatty, fried food, even though I liked them for a long time Me: I enjoy veggie more than in my younger days
Me/grandma: more fruits, even if we don’t enjoy
Me/grandpa: take notes when reading. He was paper-based but still effective Grandpa: set goals with timelines
Me/Grandpa: (vague) lifelong learning
Me: blogging, personal diary
Me: savings habit. Phase 1 (bachelor), Phase US… I save some every month.
Me: cognizant of expensive yet non-essential (fashionable) things. Too many examples (golf, tennis, air travel, )

–minor, not highly valuable but very beneficial:
Me: practice the passwords
Me: refresh my memory on many things I learnt. Toured out to be very effective Me: organize my belongings by category
Me: tooth brushing technique, but not enough flossing