I’m capable because … (sentence completion)

I’m capable because I’m improving my c++ (etc) knowledge at every interview. This is the best way up IMO.

I’m capable because I have successful experience crafting a new tech resume.

I’m capable because I’m a problem solver. I don’t indulge in self-pity.

I’m capable because I have my family as a resource not a burden.

I’m capable because I have more friends here than in the US.

I’m capable because I have a local university degree.

I’m capable because I have mainstream skills.

I’m capable because I am battle tested on c# in addition to java. I passed several first-round c# interviews.

I’m capable because I have good exercise habits, extremely important to stress management.

I’m capable because I am in reasonably good health.

I’m capable because I gained traction with HK and US hiring managers.