- — Supper battles
- delayed past 11 ?????? Su
- delayed some cooked foods to next morning????? Su
- — traditional targets:
- DIY:
- Th: improved main door magnets (satisfying); drilled shallow hole for meimei bookshelf; finalized emc4 sports stuff; strengthened one-arm door closer
- Fr: improved the broken wall plug for meimei bookshelf, and added a wedge to relieve the stress on the screw; found a place for a triangular silver tray
- Sat: found a better spot for the main door magnet, and replaced an earlier magnet;
- .. learned how to detach drawer;
- .. installed pull-up bar with better stability than #1173
- .. widened hole on “ikea metal bracket for the new room divider”
- Su: buying Huyllis + plastic wardrobe + big toolbox; constructing bunk bed
- Mo: set up Hyllis metal rack, with a wall plug; set up hook array (6) in meter room [ROTI leverage]; set up wall plug for Taobao room divider
- work
- Sun 4h
- help kids on math, workout etc
- standing:
- Th 4h
- Fr 2h
- Su 2h while deconstructing/constructing bunk bed
- Mo 2h at home; 2h in office
- stretch:
- Th: 15m@mrt
- Fr: 15m@mrt
- Su: 30m while deconstructing/constructing bunk bed
- Mo: 30m while constructing slender metal rack
- muscle maintenance # current priority:▲upper-body strength >▼flexible > CRE #5/wk #90 to qualify if 15×4
- Th: fast sq 4+4+8x, 2-9 climb; ; hours of hard labor including drilling, clearly felt the next morning
- Fri: stairs 1; 2-9 + G-9 climbs; sq 4x
- Sa: 2-9 climb twice + G-9 climb, all fast
- Su: sq 12x; hard labor taking apart then constructing bunk bed… lots of stress on core, thigh, lotus ..
- Mo: sq 14+6+5+3+2x; 2-9 climb + 4 stairs; hard labor including 3 drills
== diet