power surge? PMA;
- Fri: persuaded boy to get booster done
- Sat/Sun calculus
- — Supper battles
- delayed past 11 ?????? Thu
- delayed some cooked foods to next morning????? Sat
- — traditional targets:
- work proj
- Sun 10m
- help kids on workout, math, etc
- Fri math facetime with boy
- Fri story cube and math with meimei
- Sat math facetime with boy
- Sun math facetime with boy
- Sun cycling with boy
- standing:
- Thu stand 30m
- Fri stand 1h + 1h
- Sat 1h
- Sun 1h
- Mon 30m
- stretch:
- Sun 5m
- muscle maintenance # in terms of current priority: flexible >▲upper-body strength >▼CRE #5/wk #90 thin-bar qualify
- Fri push-up 40; chin-up 20; thin-bar 70
- Sat thin-bar 15; chin-up 15+15+10+15+15+10
- Sun push-up 40; 50 curl-up
- Fri sq 4x
- Sun slow jogg 8k
- Mon swim 850m
- Tue 2-10 climb; enhanced sq 8x; 20m (sweaty) badminton with boy; 5m (sweaty) trampoline with meimei; 2m light workout with meimei
== diet