Y feel`lucky2have boy+girl

Before we had kids, people often say, from experience, that having both boy and girl is the best outcome for a parent. I didn’t understand at all. Recently I met some friends with 2 (or more) boys. I also met friends with 2 (or more) girls. They can be happy families for sure.

Now I agree that having both sons and daughters is better than having a single child, or having multiple kids of the same gender.

I feel my wife is lucky to have a daughter. Having a bunch of boys can be a challenge for the mother.

Similarly, I feel lucky to have a son. I am a physical touch type, but I can’t touch my daughter as much as I can touch my son. I have more common language with my son.

Having a duty to set a role model (for my son) is life enhancing. Compare to those fathers without a son.