##declining capabilities #aging++#chin-up

  • eg: recreational reading .. my dad is an avid reader, but due to his declining health, he had to stop recreational reading since 2021.
  • .. Harmony? I choose zqbx more than serenity
  • eg: chin-up/Sudhir .. when we reach a certain age, we won’t be able to do any chin-up, as Sudhir of MorganStanley told me.
  • .. Harmony? I choose zqbx more than serenity
  • eg: running .. for decades I was a good middle-distance runner and always wanted to run faster, but in my late 40s I realized that many younger runners are too fast for me.
  • eg: forgetful .. when we are too old we can forget to turn off the lights (my dad) or turn off the stove (my mom). My mom also tends to lose things outside the home.
  • eg: driving .. requires quick response. Some older drivers can lose the quick response. See https://tanbinvest.dreamhosters.com/14312/car-dependency-in-old-age/
  • eg: ED.. when we reach a certain age, we will have more ED. Sometimes, the more you want the intimacy, the more frustrated.

— opening eg: BMI.. (unrelated to aging!) BMI harder to control in Singapore.
Harmony? I choose zqbx

— big eg: forced retirement.. too old2work explains my father’s observation that one can get too old, too frail to carry out the duty of a job. Focus of attention to read or write can be demanding of Sys2 energy. In such a scenario, I would choose serenity more than zqbx.