is linked to father and partner, two fraudsters.
Q: how reliable, how accurate is the wikipedia content? Legal case details there in should be reliable.
Even though G.Maxwell is more of a socialite, somehow these individuals remind me of the (all-male) high-flyers in and outside my /circle/:
- the MDs, the CTOs, the executives
- the bbcy enterpreneurs or executives
- the start-up legends
- ##[20] Stealth-overtake since1998 described others types of enviable high-flyers
- ^^ 95% of the time, I have precious little knowledge, insight about these mere /acquaintances/
Look at G.Maxwell’s photo on wikipedia… posh, graceful, sophisticated and highly educated, gentle, well-spoken, upper-class, almost manipulative. (In contrast, my wife is simple, unsophisticated, not highly educated, and lower-middleclass.)
The fact that she is associated with two fraudsters didn’t bother me, because so many people and the mass media held her in high regard, given her education and business success.
I have always seen myself as a socially awkward nerd, a /minion/ on the slow track, out of limelight, without ambition and (after q3SG episode) without a promising future.
From my (low) /standpoint/viewpoint/perspective/, I have always admired the grace, the interpersonal/networking skills, the business skills of those high-flyers.
Well, I have zero understanding of the darker sides of those “advantages”. Essentially these individuals tend to have too much power [clout, prestige, position, credentials,,,]. Using this power, these smooth operators seek even more power and wealth, hungrier than before.
On the other side of the coin, the power corrupts them. A pure and simple heart is rare among the power elite of politics and business. (Pat.Liew) I think the iBank MgD are similar. If you aren’t hungry for power, then quit this game.
(Talking about “power… In the same vein, every Chinese communist party official is viewed as corrupt. They had too much power and not enough counterbalance for that power such as indepdent judiciary, free media, or opposition parties. )
After q3SG my self-image has remained, but my evaluation thereof has improved.
— communication skill, As XA.S mentioned in the 2000s, this skill is widely seen as more important, more valuable, more strategic than IV skills, GTD skills..
Posh .. is largely based on oral English. I remember a tall middle-aged shop owner/manager in Paragon, with a Singaporean posh accent. I guess he is proud of his location in Paragon. I can’t imagine (but there are) power elites having limited English proficiency. The elite status is mostly about appearance.