— event color defaults to the “host calendar”. Each host calendar has a default color. For example, if you don’t like red you can have a green default. LeftMenu > MyCalendars > pick a calendar > hover on its right until 3 dots show up > click
— recurring yet mutable events (like my PIN practice)
Don’t update ALL occurrences because Past events preserve past PINs that are crucial for recovery. However, the ALL option is such a big dangerous button! How can I neutralize this hazard?
- tip: every time you edit such an event, disable the recurrence first, then update.
- tip: create a new short series with a new title each time
- tip: prefer editing the start of a series. This edit should NOT show the hazardous ALL option.
— undelete an event
Contrary to the standard instructions, had to look at top right -> locate the “gear” icon -> click and find Trash -> click to see the list of deleted items.
— add event to custom calendar
Assumption: you have created one (or more) custom calendar named myCal.
- click into the target date, to get a pop-up for new event creation
- find your name, which represents the default calendar. This rectangular area is actually a clickable dropdown !
- The dropdown will show the default calendar, myCal and other custom calendars