L399 #appreciation-day

See also portable install

According to the shop, win11 winUp has a “bug” — screen goes completely off before the windows login screen.

— MSOffice ..
Sugg: bring to Rajaraja Computer to have MSOffice installed, before the company closes.

1Y MSOffice subscription to be activated by sign-in to Microsoft account. I will activate it many years later. Meanwhile, it will occupy gigabytes of storage .. pre-installed. Key assumption: once I activate, this MSOffice will be completely unusable after 12M, forcing me to find an alternative. Even if this is not a /certainty/, it is very likely (like 80%).

— j4 $399

  • 2022 Christmas gift to boy upgrading from Aspire to A950.
  • ( At the same time, I will downgrade from A950 to this one in cockpit1 or cockpit5.)
  • A95 is heavy and expensive, so I don’t want to move it from room to room, or carry it to office.

— Today is the Appreciation Day, to counter self-hate linked to gadgets. In a bad mood, I tend to perceive L399 buy as a waste of money.  Some positives about L399:

  • shop is big and accessible (Simlim), rather than remote, or online-only. The generous RajaRaja computer is nearby.
  • usability .. win11 is somewhat similar to win10, not as “alien” as feared
  • touchpad, keyboard layout, speaker .. all functional without usability showstoppers
  • motherboard, screen, wifi .. brand-new. No worry about sudden failures
  • the modest price tag matters actually. When something breaks, the  level of guilt/pressure/despair/ is proportional to the $cost, not so much the tcost!
  • win11 was a terrifying monster. This purchase gave me an up-close view
  • cockpit5 .. only after the L399 purchase did I set up cockpit5. It proved useful.
  • battery .. lasting longer than HP71, A95,,,, There is a battery charging threshold. See https://support.lenovo.com/eg/en/solutions/ht078208-how-can-i-increase-battery-life-thinkpad-and-lenovo-vbke-series-notebooks

Q: why do I spend so much time and energy on this /lengthy/ introspection? Does this L399 deserve so much?
A: Actually, this is one of many self-hate agents. Device requires lots of installation effort, but the real heavy part is … setbacks. FHR [forward hazard rate] is high with any “new” laptop.

If you want to set it up as a workhorse laptop, then better use it more during the first 3M.

— trick: Fn+FnLock key to toggle “hot function key mode”.
eg: You want to hit F1 key alone — without the “Fn” key — to mute all.