##Roti@classify`廉价小货: eg@involution #unclassified #zipper


eg (earliest): classifying cheap rugs (抹布) in 十一号楼 #610 .. 内卷 without real progress.
eg: organizing (and classifying) stamp collection
eg: organizing (and classifying) old photos
eg: organizing (and classifying) books

— eg: classifying cheap screws / bolts .. too many varieties.. excessive tcost
see bpost on screw tips
bolts and nuts sorting into categories by compatibility … kinda worthwhile.

I paid SGD 14 for a new screw box because I have “intolerance” for visual clutter of dozens of small items like 4 nails spread out across one or more tables. The physical box provides a visual /boundary/.

— eg: classifying cheap clear zipper bags .. Need to improve my system.. reduce the number of categories from 8 to 5? Let’s embrace blurred boundaries..

  1. category: horizontals with aspect ratio > 1.0
  2. category: slender with aspect ratio < 0.5
  3. category: tiny ones
  4. ^^ above types can consider “throw-away”
  5. category: A4 or bigger sizes
  6. category: other rectangles

Priorities are 1) eco and 2) tcost

Q: is the tcost worthwhile (conserver/minimalist) or involution?

I guess the “efficient” family mostly use a few packs of uniform-size bags, and _never_ put a used bag back into a pack, because “rejoin” is no easy habit. Some of them might put used bags into one “misc” group.

If we aim to save cost + environment, we need to differentiate big vs small (less ROTI) zipper bags. I think that’s why my wife reuses big zipper bags. I think the total mass of plastic saved from small zippers is smaller than a few bottle.

Sugg: discard some of the smaller zippers after use, if it saves me time.

— eg: classifying cheap plastic wall plugs .. excessive and unjustified. Let’s reduce the categories.

  1. Put straight plugs together into a Level2 “straight category bag”.. all loose straight ones will go into the Level2 bag
  2. next, huge + tiny go together into a Level2 bag
  3. Misc.. remove the current zipper bags and pour them into the Level1 zipper bag.

— eg: “unclassfied” cheap objects .. an effective category… stress-prevention

  • hook scale .. perhaps dump in the hardware toolbox
  • torchlight .. keep in multiple locations .. meter rooms,