##result ≠ enough proof@goodHabits #bccy

— dental: my regular checks always show decent result, but

  • my brushing frequency is about half the target
  • my flossing frequency is 10% of the target

— BMI ] Bayonne: HIS is not as good as Bayonne, but this doesn’t imply that my Bayonne diet habits were necessarily superior. See https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=43826&action=edit
— yoga: Sometimes I take up to 2 classes a week; sometimes I self-practice almost half the days each week, minimum 1 minutes each day. I don’t notice much of a result. The result doesn’t prove anything about my habits. I would say the self-practice habit is very important, valuable, and deserves lots of sunshine.

Conversely, when there is a bit of result in terms of improving range of motion, it is no vindication of any habit, because, let’s fact it, the improvement will disappear soon. This is a fact of life.
— investment habits .. See hot^beloved asset classes 喜新厌旧
The bccy returns achieved by some investors is quite speculative.. doesn’t vindicate the investment habit. Likewise, I had some quick returns from FXO, but the return was unsustainable and didn’t vindicate my investment habit.