most folks=non-committal about longevity

A bold claim — most folks are not serious, /non-committal/ about healthy [1] longevity. I was just like everyone else, until my focus started shifting towards wellness.

See also the blogpost about “secret wish for a painless death at an earlier age than 90s.”

Re the conversation with HF.Sun, the conversation with Tanko (about my age).

One of the fundamental attitudes (about longevity) is AAA/no-pleasure — Q: do you cherish and guard the no-pleasure /condition/, such as

  • no pleasure in .. alcoholic drinks, sugary drinks, durian
  • no pleasure in .. gaming, which tends to derail/disrupt a healthy lifestyle including relationships and support network

This fundamental attitude can have a subconscious (therefore fundamental) impact on everyday choices. Choice often entails sacrifice, trade-offs, priorities.

[1] Un-Healthy longevity is out of scope, obviously.