- When I first started with blogg, I felt publication date ought to be immutable.
- Soon I realized I could and should edit my posts, so this date was supposedly “mutable but authentic”.
- Over the last few years, I have often needed to pick a previous post and change its ( publication ) date for various important reasons. My purist, idealist self often feels guilty about it.
- Now I have come up with some justifications for changing the publication dates.
- As author, I have full control over when to publish a post, and what date to show on it. It’s entirely legit to publish a piece today, showing a long-ago publication date. I don’t have a duty to explain why.
- Usually, when I “increase” (i.e. to a later date) a publication date, it is related to content update.
- Sometimes I also “decrease” (vector::push_back) a publication date. Obscure but important reasons. As I said, I don’t have a duty to explain why.
— modification date .. is more authentic though not 100% reliable
— [22] .. I often prefix this annotation on my post titles, as a proxy of the real publication date.