pouch downsize: reducing potential loss #jogg{ff


— less cash [or payWave or prepaid store-value cards].. I lost my wallets more than once. Risks include theft, misplacement

Q: what’s the probability of losing your wallet over the next 10Y? More than 50%. Therefore, I remind myself and family:

  • carry less cash in wallet. Perhaps leave some cash in home/office — lower probability of loss
  • ezlink card? Use up the balance and keep at home.
  • payWave cards? DBS cards set to $20 (can set to $10..need to call in); OC is hardcoded $100.
  • GV card — try to use up half the points quickly in the beginning.
    • Don’t carry during Fri-Sun
    • Never carry both the $95 and the $70 cards
  • other stored-value cards
    • Kopitiam card .. each time top up the minimum
    • barber shop .. put in wallet only on the day of haircut
    • MRT card .. avoid stored value types

— other valuable items ..

  • $$$$ phone
  • $$ wrist watch

— off-shore .. creatively moving items somewhere outside the pouch

  • mask .. pocket
  • pens .. shirt collar
  • phone .. knapsack

— bulkiest items ..

  1. phone
  2. smemo .. prefer tiny ones in periods when the pouch grows massive. The lightest one — post-it pad on a glossy card
  3. tap cards

— heaviest items .. phone, smemo
keys .. carry as few as possible
— horizon: I have used a pouch from NUS till at least 2021… Will continue indefinitely.
Origin.. as tourist pouch proved versatile