See also growth plateau: 江河日下
* Memorable? I won’t bend over backward to make this blogpost memorable. Right now it simply lacks a good title to be memorable. 升 is shorter than 进步 i.e. improvement. I will hope to make at least some items memorable.
* Unique? Yes I want to make this blogpost unique. Let’s avoid the familiar themes, and focus on the unsung heroes.
PFF and gz are usually not lifestyle.
- [i=internal, often fundamental change in attitude, focus..]
- [d=detachment needed]
- [q=sustainable improvement? questionable]
- [w=wellness]
- [v=vague]
- [z = zqbx required, as we hit resistance in the improvement journey.]
- [$=entails a non-trivial level of lifestyle creep]
— (worthy of a standalone bpost) Improving on my already-comfortable carefree lifestyle.. 更上一层楼. more wellbeing to the xpSelf
dissatisfaction blackholes .. offers another viewpoint on the same list items. That viewpoint is negative (BLACKhole)
I want to avoid yet another forgettable blogpost. I want the list items to be highly specific, selective/discriminatory. Need to avoid the familiar, high-level or vague items.
- [w v] early rise ..
- [z] more standing? Currently 1-2H a day though my intuition tells me “insufficient”.
- [z] daily yoga increase to 3 minutes
- [z] coding drill .. some fuxi or some new problems
- more math facetimes .. extremely time consuming but worth it
- — the familiar,
- [z] BMI deep green zone
- [z] recreational piano
- more smoothie, less solid foods
— (worthy of a standalone bpost) tiny lifestyle 升 to be singled out and celebrated (organized by category, unsorted)
- I stitched my pockets to be handphone-friendly
- suction lamp for mosquito
- hook/clip for MRT card
- — tech .. such as [dq$] wpress@dhost
- [dq] low cost 2-printer setup ≠ creep
- laptop lock [ff] to reduce my worry
- gd2 alias to reduce git conflict
- [d] no worry about idd calling card expiry
- [dq] unlimited outgoing minutes
- See also laptop habits
- — wellness ..
- [w] push-up with mat (knee cushion)
- [w] My lotus@mrt practice is improving. I now sit on a plastic bag, so my pants are well-protected and my worry and suspicion about invisible dirt is significantly reduced.
- [w] workout without expensive stuff .. I can now use stairs, lunges, jump-rope, yoga block, exercise mat, jump-rope .. low cost and useful
- [q] easier flossing, with handles
— major lifestyle 升.. Note I want to focus more on effort, less on results.
- recreational MOETF .. active learning under low stress .. would be improvement on lifestyle, but for many people the effort becomes
for-profitrather than for-fulfillment/fun - [w] a lot more veggie salad, thanks to maid
- [w v] yoga reboot
- [w] more chia
- [w] elimination of starch and fat in office, under work stress. I used to eat many snacks of biscuits, nuts, .. esp. in late afternoon.
- [w] family dinner skipped most of the time
- [w] starch — quit rice for 2 months from Sep 2019
- [z] raw veg, smoothie, delay meals
- [w] ice cream — now buying small pieces not in bulk
- [wq$] classpass .. better than realYoga not only in price
- [w] late dinner habit
- [w] resist: dinner on the table when not hungry
- [w] cake history habit
- [q] intimacy? Not sustainable 🙁 but let’s just enjoy when we are able to
- [dq] much more time on reflective writing [emails , blogging ,,]
- [q] base camp protocol with boy.. Is it lifestyle improvement?
- — time mgmt
- higher productivity on commute .. see separate blogpost
- recreational xx using print media .. see blogpost
- .. more reading vacations, esp. in office, rather than on commute
- fewer movie trips, more workout on each trip
- Reduced the frequency of outing with boy, to a more realistic level. Those trips help bonding, but at extremely high tcost and not cost-effective at all.
- free books + mag, as a recreation, less movie
- [v] more quiet idle time … ?
- [q] weekend hours spent on projects, to massively reduce weekday work load
- carving out quiet hours in office: mornings, evenings, weekends
- — familiar lifestyle 升
- [i] /repertoire/ of new workouts .. stairs, squat, boxing, jump-rope outside office,,,
- [w] temptations identified — wrong food, wrong time, wrong qty
- [wq$] home standing desk, with headphone. To sweeten the deal, I set up A95 + lamp + printer
- [w] 11pm craving effectively managed
- [w] home-made milkshake
more mouth rinse esp. in office