— $1070 package .. After I returned to SG in Sep 2019, I bought this package for my own wellness and commitment. Without paying this amount I would Not practice.
As of 2023, how effective is this “commitment” enforcement? Still present, though there are more and more options (often free) in the market.
$1070 buys me 1200 points. Each session costs 20 points. If only taking regular classes, and without penalties, then 60 sessions. I hoped to use up half the 60 sessions within a few months. The annual membership is $155 * 12 = $1860, too restrictive because I may become busy and can’t practice for a few months. In my mind, the Most likely scenario is
- update: now I want to reduce my sessions. When I’m under stress and needs the conducive classroom environment and when pandemic is lessened, I will visit more.
- the longer sessions cost 30 points each. I feel they are costlier but Not more beneficial than the regular sessions 🙁 Can use my final 30 points for it.
— some limitations, constraints
- if coming in late, there’s a 5-pt penalty or you may be locked out.
- Better book when no doubt. if class booked but you cancel within 2 hours before class start (can do online any time), then 5-pt penalty.
- .. Aha … I think this is a small cost I may need to accept once a while… not “don’t care”. The current level of (fear of) self-hate is /disproportionate/. I could allow myself to make trivial, infrequent mistakes… unwind
- .. see #extra$$ means.?.to theRich^Poor #minor mistakes
Q: is this luxury lifestyle creep?
A: Less so if lower frequency
Can book in the last min before the class.