See also
The screen is unclear in terms of text display but much better when tilted at 70 degrees rather than 90 degrees.
HP Model (back sticker): 15-bs015dx
— J4 S$710 (bought by PayNow in July 2021.. John81508768)
- old HP$499 showing signs of instability
- The A95 yielded sufficient ROI over the past 14M, which /emboldens/ me
- — now the features
- touchpad settings .. separate app not in Settings ! described in Now this app is broken, I was able configure the touchpad scroll speed via Settings -> mouse -> ChooseHowManyLinesToScrollEachTime.
- big touch screen
- RJ45 socket is better than A95
- SD card reader is less protruding than A95
- HP charger is tested on Acers 😉
- speaker