Caution: Every section in this bpost should be related to rmSelf and its frequent evaluations.
This bpost is mostly self-exploratory, therefore highly personal. “Tyrant” is a new jargon and can be improved. Not many people use my special phrases below. Therefore very few people would appreciate this bpost, but I consider (the time spent on) this self-exploration part of self-care. The tyrant (rmSelf) inflicts pains (often on the xmSelf but also on itself i.e. the rmSelf). We can’t /dethrone/ this tyrant but we can reduce the impact and protect the xpSelf.
The tyrant of rmSelf mostly focuses on tcost, ROTI,,,, but not exclusively. Below are some other whiplashes. (I like the word “whiplash” because of “whiplash neck injury”)
— productivity
— involution as an efficiency whiplash
— burn or rot
— brank
— accu vs churn
— plateau
—– end of the whiplashes —–
— zsms .. often (not always) comes from rmSelf
— recreation .. unfamiliar to the rmSelf
— self-care .. too vague to evaluate by the rmSelf
— down time .. hard to evaluate. Often perceived (by rmSelf) as … idle time