##..is_fragile: job security, harmony,

The compliance issue reminds me … job security is fragile

“Life is fragile” .. a common phrase, _always_ used in specific contexts. I think Buddhism has a lot to say about it and about impermanence.

Q: Do I feel XX) 幸福 or KK) 快乐 about each item below?
A: fragility usually implies temporary happiness (KK), but see below.

— job security .. (at a particular employer like MLP) can be fragile esp. if it feels like a very stable job. See preClearance misstep #Zeng. Job security is the #1 fragility on my mind. Paradoxically, I still feel XX about my current job.

In contrast, my /adopted strategy/ of dev-till70 is less dependent on a particular employer… slightly less fragile.

— carefree ez life .. More /loosely/, my sense of carefree, my easy life.. is quite temporary and fragile, but I feel XX.
The most tangible part of my carefree ez life is my barebones ffree. See ##random derailers@ffree #resilience. Fragile, but I feel XX.
— a kid’s perception of acceptance/belonging, self-esteem .. can be fragile during a certain phase
— family harmony .. should not be fragile but I often feel it is fragile. I feel KK.
— the precious trust and open communication with my teenage son
— wellness .. is fundamentally fragile, but luckily we are fundamentally aware. I feel XX.
sexual vitality .. fragile, but kind of non-essential in old age. I feel KK
chin-up .. my current condition is fragile. I feel KK
good sleep .. fragile, but I feel XX
BMI .. fragile, but I feel XX
— SG .. national livelihood, racial harmony, even security .. can be /vulnerable/, though many Singaporeans actually choose to retire in SG. Fragile but I feel XX.
In contrast, big economies like U.S. and China are seen as less fragile, but I say it’s very loose, imprecise, uncritical thinking.

==== Now some counter examples that aren’t so “surprisingly fragile”.
— burn rate for basic livelihood .. (jolt) fairly secure in my view. See livelihood[def2] x-class #S.Liu. I feel XX.
— wealth preservation .. ( till my passing, not for my posterity)
Jolt: If we avoid and contain strategic missteps, then the (external) hazards do not loom so large in my mind at this stage. These hazards hit everyone and are widely studied and monitored. Most of them are actually financial rather than physical hazards.