BMI 进步=harder]SG


— The MS cafe breakfast experience .. I was able to enjoy some starchy breakfast with lots of stuff added. Somehow, my BMI didn’t worsen.

Now in SG, I see such a starchy breakfast as losing control. Perhaps my metabolism is slower in SG, but I tend to get hungry faster.

I suspect there are multiple reasons why weight improvement is inherently tougher, less achievable in Singapore. Therefore, a realistic weight target is 63->65-68kg.

— Perhaps some elements in SG climate slow down my metabolism and turns excess calories into fat

Higher homeostatic hunger in the SG climate, even when I strictly control the hedonic hunger.

— stress is higher, leading to semi-conscious stress eating. Family stress, work stress, ,, Multitasking requires more Sys2 resources and lead to overeating — see [[Thinking, fast and slow]]
— more workout than in Bayonne.. increasing appetite.
— availability [wrong time, wrong quantity] is a bigger problem in Singapore.

home cooking

See Q1 above
See 10 x higher hazard rate
See stash in Bayonne^ff^1173 #unexpectedEnticing